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My Parrots NOT as Clever as Yours!!


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I put Harvey's new foraging toy in his cage on Monday. It's a coconut with bits cut out the side and then covered over with card (bad description, but keep with me). There were palm leaves sprouting out of the sides and it hangs above his favourite perch. Inside there are loads of blocks and other treats - when he breaks through the covered holes.


It's now THURSDAY - he's pulled the palm bits off - but hasn't managed to get inside yet! How thick is he!!!!!


Trust me to bring home the dunce of the bunch!!! :laugh:


NB: The only saving grace is that I don't have to buy him another this weekend!!!! :laugh:

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JillyBeanz wrote:

How thick is he!!!!!

Trust me to bring home the dunce of the bunch!!! :laugh:


Jilly Beanz! (note use of last name!!) Shame on you! Just you wait till baby Harvey grows up and shows you his smarts!!

It does sound like a lovely toy tho! Maybe he's just making it last!:laugh:

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Oh my, my whole name - sorry mother!!!


Oh, I didn't add - he has found a use for it - he gets on top of it and swings it against the bars of the cage to make a fantastic banging noise!


Perhaps I'm the one who has this toy wrong - maybe it is a swing - how dare I doubt him ;)

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Now Jill, Harvey is wise enough to know these things don't come naturally in a coconut, so he is making sure you aren't trying to poison him or something. What makes him suspicious of you? You wouldn't trick him or anything would you? LOL. I agree with the others that he is just not going to let on to you that he is superior or advanced so it comes as a big surprise when he plans and strategizes just the right moment.

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LOL Jill give your poor little Harvey more credit! I agree with everyone else - just you wait till he grows up!

In fact, please keep us posted with his new vocabulary as he does grow up - I'd love to hear some of the things he's going to say! You will be the first to have a stand-up comedian for a Grey!


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Banging it again the cage, what a smarty Harvey is he is trying to crack it open just like the crows who drop things on the blacktop or rocks (something hard) to crack them. Jill let him out of his cage lets see if he tries to drop the coconut on the top of your head!!!!:woohoo: :whistle: :laugh: ;)

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I come here for sympathy and what do I get!!! I shall look out for that flying coconut Janet!


Well, an update now - he has taken the colourful layer off the cardboard that is covering the holes, but the cardboard is still intact!! I came in from work yesterday and he was sitting happily "cuddling" the coconut - his head tilted, leaning on it! Perhaps he think's it's his mother!!!!


He's still thick! ;)

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Aww Jill, you have my sympathy. Dorian doesn't 'get' foraging either. I bought him a little pink kitty piniata and let him watch while I stuffed it with his favourite things. I hung it up next to a favourite perch, but all he was interested in was banging it against the cage bars. I ripped it open in the back so he could see inside and hung it in plain view, right over his food dish, but he's only eaten something out of it if I've taken it out and given it to him. Even though he can clearly see his favourite thing, a peanut, sitting right inside the open hole. 'sigh' When it comes to foraging, Dorian is more Dense-a than he is Mensa!

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Be careful Jill! There is an old saying that you become like those you are around. So, either Harvey will claim he was brilliant until he kept company with you... or you will stop saying Harvey is dense and we will believe it is so... and that you have joined him. LOL. Sympathy is not my forte... but I can give it a try... poor Harvey. How was that? LOL.

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