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birdtricks.com/womacks what a heartless joke


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i had respect for the womack bros(birdtricks.com) till i joined their facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/jacksnme?ref=nf#/pages/BirdTrickscom/10162906198?ref=mf)

i joined their page to share info and maybe get support for my pdd stricken companion. if i saw a fan asking a question that was left unanswered i answered it,if i saw a question answered wrong by chet or dave womack i corrected it. when i was attacked by others on their page i reacted.

they do NOT base anything they know from facts, they only give answers that will gain them praise from fans that they give much needed praise for doing what they approve of(one of their bird training techniques that they apply to people) they defend "organic" because they push "organic" i am not for nor against "organic" but was slammed by their "cult" when i mentioned the facts. they push training dvd's that only end up creating more problems that they just happen to have the dvd's to solve.

IMO-starving a bird or taking its food away so it performs better to get food is wrong. i have NEVER used food to train and i have worked w the worst of birds and made them the best,sweetest,obedient companions. my companion that is infected and dying from pdd had 5 owners b4 me that all went to the emergency room for stitches. he has zero issues, he never screams,never flock calls,never needs his cage locked,never makes any noise other than some turkey goobles plus he does all basic "trix" "turkey trick"-a trick containing 3 kisses,"the poison apple"-the basic lay on his back and wait for a kiss,the"big eagle"-self explanatory,"the crow"-sits on my shoulder and holds his wings out like the crow when he hears "crow","roll over"-he does a complete roll on his own to the left and then back on verbal command,"baby bird"-gets held like a baby and flipped over by his tail,,plus lots more, i didnt let him learn ,not "teach" learn his left from his right and how to count to 4 to amuse people i taught him because he wanted to b taught. yes it took a while, the womacks force birds to do what they want them to do. they talk of choice but dont exercise it. i never used a clicker or pointed stick at him or bribed him w treats. a clicker is not soo good for a birds nervous system and pointing sticks at an abused bird is about as helpful as waving a baseball bat at an inmate hoping for a positive reaction, yes its "quicker" but the long term result is bad.

i produced facts that organic was not shown to b better than conventional(the new york times was one sourse) and i produced facts that bottles vrs tap h20 was not shown to be much beter.(w bottled you pay for a bottle,a label and a name) again, i am not being pro nor con on water,just factual. to all the people on their facebook page that asked me "what do we feed our birds if they cant have organic and they cant have bottled or tap water" i said,im not saying to feed or not feed them organic or non or tap or bottled im saying that "if" u want the best to feed them what they would get in the wilde since alot of owners pride on trying to replicate the wilde and that would be rain water (there are horrible things in tap that would make you not want to drink it again) im on my third venus fly trap plant that is 2 years old now because it must have rain water,if watered with tap or bottled it will die in a few weeks(that should say something about water).... birds dont drink much water to begin with,and in dry seasons they get much water intake from fruits rich in water. again im not saying what to do or not to do , im only presenting facts.

my biggest problem was not only womack fans bashing knowledge but the womacks took down a picture of my companion that i took because he stopped eating and started again when i tried about 20 diff things the latter being ice cream which he ate and regained appetite. ice cream is better than nothing. the womacks said that they didnt want a picture of a bird eating dairy. i asked why and never got a straight answer. i told them several times that the fact is that birds CAN have dairy in some amounts and backed it w a number to the best known avian vet in the state on their facebook page. i asked again for facts but only got the womacks and their fans saying they heard that its bad,well,show me the proof,"they"is not proof,sorry but its not. i provided proof that they could anyone ever told others about giving their birds pizza crust only to b told "i hope you give your bird some of the pizza as well",well,cheese is dairy,lol. truth is,between celebrex (something that is not that great for people much less birds) and a little ice cream , i choose ice cream.

i tried to educate the womacks and their fans on pdd because their fans started to panic. the womacks posted some way out of date article on pdd that offered little if any info on the virus and most importantly it offered ZERO info on how to help prevent spreading the virus. for those that dont know,pdd is %100 fatal,%100 unable to be cured,and not treatable(unless u want to risk celebrex and hve your bird die from heart failure) they slowly starve,their proventiculous starts to fail,they have seizures,their wings get paralysis,their legs get paralysis,they throw up slime constantly till they die. i posted on the womacks page that they r only working w birds for the money and how do they sleep at nyte? they told me they would allow my birds picture if i included a caption as to y my bird could eat junk. i told the womacks that i really dont want to have to say "its ok for me because my beloved companion is gonna die anyway" thats way too morbid and i try to not think about him being sick. but they have no heart nor compassion for animals. they are all about money and thats it. there is alot more to the virus that i will answer if anyone wants to share info. thanks

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Well Devonanno - I'll start by saying "Welcome to the Forum".


I'll also say that you won't really find anything positive about Bird Tricks on here! You've posted on another thread about bird tricks - so you can see the views held by this forum!


The issues you raise are clearly with the Womacks - of which you clearly have a few!


I'll not comment on your issues with the Womacks - just to say I'm sorry about your baby = of whom you seem to be doing everything you can for. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/11/16 13:29

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This forums members for the most part. Have nothing but disdain for Chet Womack. As he tried different things on his Parrots, he started posting them on a website that has grown hugely over the last 4 years.


He is not a parrot expert and as you say, he makes money off feeding people his garbage.


I believe you are right in the sense that his followers are like cult members blindly following their so called messiah.


It sounds like you have trained your grey nicely and love him much.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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I have never heard of Chet "Womack" (it seems to be actually Womach), but I checked the Facebook reference given.

Devonanno, you might know more and possibly have had bad experiences (and it looks like other members too have a hearty dislike for the Womachs), but from what I saw in the Facebook link, all the posts and entries were quite enjoyable and like the posts in this forum.


I specifically read the one about the organic food and water that you have referred to and most responses agreed with you and none actually disagreed. And you have sent a very abusive email to Erica NY Rangers after which other members have reacted and not very aggressively in my opinion.


I can understand how you feel given your Grey's condition and I pray that indeed if he has PDD you and he enjoy every moment in happiness and companionship.

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I didn't know that Chet Womack had a facebook page but what you reported about him does not surprise me in the least, he is only after the money, he doesn't know squat about birds in my opinion, save your money and spend it on bird food, toys and such. The very mention of his name leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Please introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and your bird.

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I went to his site a while ago when I was researching african greys. He offered some free sample videos.. but they required you to sign up to his site.

I did, and now am bombarded with emails. EVERY single email he is trying to sell products. From reading his articles, I can tell he doesn't care at all about his birds, he just wants to make money off of his products.

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if i am not mistken the womacks started out as dog trainers or claiming to be anyway and pushing their dog food. =/

and yess harmar its very easy to get stuck on their email list and hard to get off it. they hog the net under diff names so wherever u click its them under a new guise. i chose this site to post on because it wasnt owned,culted or "womacked" ;)

yess, judygram,they have a myspace as well.

i mentioned freeflight becuz i want my baby to know whats its like as his time limit isnt looking soo good and i was flooded w "gotta b supervised by the womax" i didnt mind if they wanted to aid but i kept stressing that my bird will infect theirs,they finally said ok they wont bring their birds and buy their course.

yep,ramsabi ,i spell their name wrong because it has left such a sour taste in my mouth but people know exactly who im talking about so its all good =) absolutley every1's very happy as long as they repeat and say what the womacks say to do ;) then they get a hearty "thats awsome! good job!" they keep their cult memembers very loyal by giving them constant praise,lol oh, but go against them whoo hoo,they get their info from other people so u wuld think that they wuld b more open. i never wanted people to agree or disgree w me , i only posted facts to the questions that people asked me and left it open. yes i did write erica and tell her off but whats not mentioned is that i was contantly told that i was treating my baby bad and feeding him "junk" ,i was also answering her questions nonstop and trying to put to rest her fears up to the very last minutes b4 my baby's bday,matter o fact, i told her i am counting down till midnight the minutes to my baby's bday but will continue to answer her until and even spent a half hour past answering her. my baby is infected with the pdd virus,i prayed that he just live to see his bday on nov 13th and he did. i spent the days b4 his bday arguing w the womacks during his bday and after his bday arguing w erica and the womacks,if i wsnt arguing i was trying to help people(i got tons of personal emails from womacks fans wanting help)and yess when i got told i was doing bad to my baby u bet it infuriated me.

your bird knows when you are feeling bad and chet and dave womack certainly did a fine job as did erica and they all got personal mails from an angry parent(me) some lines u just dont cross u know what im sayin? what really bothered me was my baby stoped eating for 2 days and his appetite was brought back w a little ice cream,he instantly perked up and started eating his food, i took a pic of him likking a cone to share with the womacks site,i was soo happy that he started eating i wanted to share(somtimes pdd birds will respond to soft foods)but the womacks quickly took down his happy picture =( they knew his condition as did anyone that visited their page. birds can have dairy in moderation,it wont hurt them,its just a little hard for them to digest like it is for some people and its the same with some birds. really human bodies are not designed to have milks(at least not cow milk)but we dont think about it because our parents see the dairy comercials and from the the time we are little kids till adults we just assume our aquired tatse is correct. thanks any questions feel free...=)

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..and hey any1's name that i didnt specificly mention,thanku =) i read all your posts.

and pdd semms to b on the rise i am up to the minute on it. i opt not to give my baby celebrex but thats me. i had told the womacks that a pdd article tht they posted was way out of date. on a positive note i would like to say the best way to combat the virus is to avoid it and very simply treat it like you would h1n1,carry hand sanitizer,use it before and after handling other birds.(pet shops ,bird fairs,etc) get it with moisterizer,the worse that can happen is u get softer hnds ;)

i dont have a grey for a companion anymore. he was taken from me by a hawk from my arm. i have a macaw and i cant get another companion becuse it will get infected. i met a grey at a local shop,his name was pitre and he would always "clikk" at me but i didnt pay him much mind because i guess in the back of my mind im still mouring about my grey,but one day i asked about him and they told me he was 8 years old and there for an owner that didnt want him because he bit,so,i "clikked" at him and b4 i got my hand in the cage he was giving me food when i took him out his tail was wagging like a dog and he fed me for almost 20 minutes. he bit the previous owner not out of aggression but because thats what they somtimes do to their mates. i wish i could have brought him home =( i realize that this is a grey site, but it was one of the very few that looked trusted and that hasnt been put under the influence of "birdtricks".

i guess when all is said and done my biggest dissapointment with the womacks is i thought they were real bird lovers and i dont feel they are. the lack of support hurts. let me know if this site is bird friendly or grey only. thanks again

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Well, first off, you shouldn't compare a bird board/boards with facebook. That's apples and oranges. Second, I can't understand why you had respect for them before facebook. Almost all boards look upon them with disdain and have been for many years. Davie boy has been forced to apologise to people on a very pro activist animal board concerning incorrect info he supplied when first starting his DVD business a few years back and he did.This particular board has the power to discredit people who aren't on the square. Davie and Chetsky succeed in business because of quantity, not quality. Facebook isn't the place to get into serious conversations about problems concerning birds. I'm not putting your post down but if you just look at past posts about them on this board, you'll see that some people purcghased firearms to do a number on them. The cooler heads here calmed them down and prevailed. Nothing you said said surprises me. I'm sorry about your bird but considering that situation, it shouldn't be discussed with shallow minded cult members. In our Health room, we have permanent descriptions of loads of diseases and illnesses and loads of posts concerning loads of problems. concerning illnesses. If people get nasty with others when posting or repling we simply issue a warning. If they continue, they get dumped. We debate here. We don't crucify. How do they sleep at night? They have their accountants calculating their profits. That's a lovely cushion to put a head on. Soon, there's that distinct sound of satisfied snoring.

Dairy?--I give dairy once in a while. For years and years. I even got a few pictures here showing my birds eating or drinking dairy.

Educate the brothers? You really gotta be kidding.

Tricks--listen, only certain species can be taught tricks but those wacky womackies don't tell people that.

Sticks--someday someone is gonna put a stick in where the sun don't shine.

Look, I can say more but if you wanna sound off, let it all hang out, talk about situations, try to get some sympathic shoulders to cry on, talk about birds, get questions answered, give answers to questions, have some fun, joke around, IM others, get quality advice, find out how others cope, stay here. If you don't wanna stay here, just remember not to go back to facebook to chat about a huge variety of serious bird subjects.

Dan talks about the people being the cult following Wacky Mackies. Well, Jim Jones liked Kool Aid. It was proven that not all benefited from taking his advice.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/16 23:29

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Devonanno this forum is for anyone with love of greys. You don't have to be an African Grey owner to be a member, just have a love for greys. We also have an Other Bird Room for members who have other species of parrot. So feel free to post in the Other Bird Room about your Macaw. We love pictures so would love to see pictures of your fid. Welcome to the Grey Family!

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thanks luvparrots, and dave007 that was a kool,heheh =) thanks for mentioning sticks,lol,w soo much to say i 4got to mention that i realy dont like the idea of poking 2 sticks at a bird. my macaw wasnt a baby that i got all nice and buddy like,he had 5 prior owners that all went to get stitches. i met his last owner,he was an avian educated guy that had several other birds but just could not get him to be nice. it took a few months to get him trusting and handlable and about a year to be totally at ease and at a year and a half he became as cuddly as a cockatoo,as gentle as a hyacinth,as playful as a goffin and as quiet as a greencheek... i never used a stick ,a treat or even a towel to tame him or "train" eh, i dislike the word train,i prefere "teach" or "taught" train sounds soo robotic,i never wanted him to do a trick because a "peanut" was involved it just seemed soo shallow, or empty,i wanted him to do things because he enjoyed it and enjoyed making me happy and thats what happened. im all for treats and sharing meals but i didnt want to become nothing more than a "treat" to my companion because i wanted a companion moreso than a pet. im not going to lie and say ive never taken a bite because i have,we all have(unless we poke sticks :whistle:) i have learned lot, i love to share what i have learned,i love when i am at a fair or pet store rolling a bird around on the floor w my finger in its mouth making "puppy play" and people that own birds and people that dont come up to me with a huge smile of amazement and say "i didnt know u could play w your bird like that =D",the womacks dictate that common sence tells them that pointy beaks and faces dont belong together. i have zero, absolute zero uneasyness being beak to nose with my baby,and most(not all)new birds i come into contact with(now i do make sure that i can read a birds body language,if i cant then i dont put my face by it)i have been grazed on the face 1 time when i was holding a strange bird and somone ran up to me and startled it,nither my fault nor the birds, there is a good chnce it may even been trying to warn me. ive learned that bites come for many many diff reasons from good excitment to warning their owners(some owners take it the wrong way). perhaps i was quick to use the word "respect" for the womacks,i was looking up info years go and got stuck on their mailing list by geting trick clicked,it didnt seem harmful so i let their mails come,eh,i try to learn all i can and then pyramid off the info that seems useless or noncredible,so i read their articles and watched their vids and was torn as to if they actually liked birds or were just mongers w a following. i saw them on facebook ,added them and the rest is history,here i am,lol all because of this picture that started all the fuss. here is my baby right b4 his bday eating for the 1st time after 2 days...and even if he hadnt not eaten for 2 days and was in perfect health i STIL would have offered him what i had in my hand. i learned "poopology 101" long b4 he got sick +) 15841_1199355236787_1615731288_514328_5323167_s.jpg thanks =)<br><br>Post edited by: devonanno, at: 2009/11/17 03:29


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Your baby is gorgeous...I am so sorry to hear he has Pdd...


And we all love pics here, so send more!!! ;) and like everyone said, this place is great for any bird owner who loves Greys, regardless of if they have one or not. We all learn from each other here too, and its great! And we always like to hear from new people. :)

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lovely picture...and totally agree with you when you said that even if he was in perfect health, you still wouldve offered that to him.

Alittle ice cream always chears the heart up I would say.


Ive had previous experience with PBFD, so Im so sorry to hear hes got PDD...

warm thoughts going his way, and hope to hear from you regularly and glad you are sharing your experience with us



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When i got my 1st grey Casper, i fell into the womack trap. I did'nt know anything about teaching greys so i sent off for his dvds, what a bad mistake that was!!!

I was horrified by his methods, i would never starve my fids in a million yrs, or poke sticks at them. Needless to say the dvds, book and clicker what he sent went in the trash. And i have never been near one of their sites since.

As for dairie, my fids love a cracker with soft cheese with herbs and garlic, and now and again they love drinking semi skimmed milk, and it's never done them any harm.

Im so sorry about your companian having ppd.He looks as though he's enjoying his icecream though.

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