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nilah's shower!


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Today like every other day, I took Nilah in the shower and put her on her perch while I was showering myself. When I was done, I took the shower head as I have been doing, and started to put it on the bottom half of her feet and body. She started doing what amazons do with their body language, and started moving her head and body all around in a figure 8 type movement and talking to it. She then took her wings, spread them out and covered her head so her eyes would not get wet! I thought it was just to be funny, but everytime I went up towards her head, she ducked her head down and covered her face with both her winds spread out!! I couldn't stop laughing, it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Needless to say, we did this for such a long time, I think it was the longest shower in history!! :laugh:

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Don't you just love Amazons? My boyfriend has a 15 year old DYH, Sammy, and from what he's told me they do this everyday in the shower! Amazons do LOVE their water, there are no two ways about that! Enjoy your sweet Nilah and her hilarious, dramatic antics!

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It would cost us a fortune if we had an amazon - we are water metered and pay by the drop! Stupid thing is - I'm sitting reading doing the actions!!!


Bless her - perhaps somebody will invent one of those shower rings for their heads - just like you get for toddlers - then she can spread her wings and enjoy her shower!!! :laugh:

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