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Ana Grey Takes Flight!!!!


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For the first time, I just realized how much sense it makes to move Juno's play stand across the room from his cage so he has the exercise of flying between them. Thanks! Ana Grey is a beauty and she flies like a veteran. I love that the dog doesn't even flinch at the incoming Ana Grey.

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Thanks everyone!!!! Ana Grey has found her wings and she is starting to hover over where she wants to be. It is amazing to me to see her go where she wants. I know that you with flighted greys, who have always been flighted can't possible know what this means to me and how thrilled I am. I am afraid that she will misjudge and I might be careless and Ana Grey escape but I try not to dwell on that and let it spoil my joy for my grey. One step at a time and to be as diligent as I can, it is all I can do. So thank you all for sharing my joy with me!! Thank you!

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I know I saw this kind of late but WOOHOO ANA GREY! She is such a pretty girl and my, what a talented flier! That is very impressive and such a special, special day for you, Janet. It's wonderful that you have it on video to look back on when little Ana Grey a total pro! :) B)

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I thought it was time for an update on Ana Grey's flying abilities. Today it was so amazing. She was sitting on the door of her cage while I was getting peanuts for her and Sully out of the peanut can. I had just taken a handful out of the can and was opening my hand to count them when I heard this flap of wings coming my way. Ana Grey kind of hovered, I don't know how else to describe it, and snatched a peanut in her beak and soared off to her boing. I was in shock as I just watched her daintly proceed to crack and eat her peanut as if it were just another day. I wished I'd gotten a picture, it was beauty in motion. She is getting more proficient in her maneuvers everyday!! And I just had to share my happiness for her with everyone! :cheer:

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wow thats fantastic :) Rudy my tag doesn't fly very far lol she makes it 3 feet to the dineing room table then about anout 4 feet to the Recliner and from their it's about another 2 feet to Opey's cage lol, I think she likes the short easy path, she does this every day like clock work but she is still young so maybe she will take a longer flight some day

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Aww Janet I know what you meen about Ana Grey "hovering", they become so confident and carry-out manouvres you wouldn't think possible in such small areas. Watching them hover and turn 180 degrees in flight is simply amazing and they learn so fast! You enjoy Ana Grey and don't feel guilty of your pride in her. B)


I am feeling much the same with Beau as he learns sounds from the house and picks up my words and phrases, it is so cool and I think that atm I am the proudest parront in the south west.;)

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Janet, this is wonderful news and the videos are fantastic and something to keep hold of and be proud of. I suppose a bit like a babies first steps.


I know how proud (and scared I was) when my Charlie started flying again a year after his accident. Its the most beautiful thing to see from any bird.

I am sending Ana Grey some karma for all her hard work and the joy she has given to her mum:kiss: x

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