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Breaking My Heart


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Hello, I hope everyone is well.

A few days ago I fell very ill with the flu, it could be H1N1, they don't know for sure yet. I've had a really high fever among all the normal flu symptoms - but my gosh, I've never had such symptoms with such severity!

Anyway, I'm slowly getting better with each day, it's just taking an awfully long time. The worst thing isn't even that I'm sick - it's that I've had to stay away from Darwin! I called my vet and told her what was going on and she highly recommended that I stay away from her. My mum will bring her downstairs to hang around on her tree and in the family room - but she keeps coming upstairs to see me. My mum then has to come and get her and take her away. And even if I close my door, she comes to the door and sits outside it, saying "Peeboooo" and "Hi Darwin" in a very sad little voice. It is really tearing me up! She spends upwards of 5 hours a day with me, and while she's very good with my mum it's clear she'd rather be where I am. I don't know how much longer I can hold out on this!


Thanks for listening, it's really just driving me crazy!:(


(PS sorry this should probably be in a different room....:blush: )


IMG_5728.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: cf737, at: 2009/11/14 23:02


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I'm so sorry you are sick and have to be quarantined from Darwin. It won't last long and you will healthy enough to be back with her again. Take good care of yourself and try a few whistles or flock calls to tell her you are in there and okay. That seems to satisfy Java when I spend long days in the sewing room when it is too dangerous for her to play in there.

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Oh so sorry you are ill Cassandra. I hope you are feeling better soon. Poor Darwin must be worried about his loving parront! Sometimes it hurts to do the right thing, but you are, you don't want Darwin sick too. It won't be long just relax and get lots of sleep and fluids. What a great picture of Darwin!!!! Take care! We are here to keep you companion!!!

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Thanks so much guys, I know I'll be back on my feet soon enough with all your support!

I am feeling better, slowly. I really don't remember a time I was so sick - I'm glad I'm over the "hump" and am on my way to recovery!

Darwin seems to be doing better too, she only came up to my room twice today - probably because my mum set up her movable office in the family room to keep her company.

Lol is she spoiled or what? :laugh:


Thanks a lot for all your kind words! The forum is indeed keeping me company.

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So glad your feeling better flu is an awful thing]to recover from. I had swine flu last september and had to stay away from my two, and that broke my heart too. Especially when i could hear Casper shouting me, but i soon got better and we were together again.

I bet Darwin will make a proper big fuss of you when she sees you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all so much for your kind words and support, I really appreciate it.


A few days ago I got the clear to see Darwin again from my vet and my doctor - so I'm very happy, and so is she! I am feeling almost back to 100%, just the cough is persisting. But it all seems to go away now that I can see little Darwin again!


It just goes to show you, I think, how much they really change your life - even though I've only had her for about 8 months!


Thanks again, everyone :)

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