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free fly time

Guest jamalbirdbiz

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

I let marvin grey and molly have a few hours of free fly time around the house everyday when the wife and kids are gone, of coarse :P is this enuff x or not? i dont like being a big mean jerk when it comes to the greys. :( should i let them fly free more or not?

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Hi Jamal - I moved this to the correct area.


A few hours of "Free Fly" time is fine. However, since they are flighted, does this mean they are in their cage the other 22 hours?


I understand of course, if they may attack your wife or children. Then you would need to keep them caged when they are present.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

they are only on lockdown (in there cages) at night.harnessed on errands and lowriding. when in there birdroom they fly free9webcam) on in case molly starts plucking marvin. and living room free fly for abuot an hour a day. i sends my wife and kids out as much as i can so i can open the doors to all the rooms in the house and let them fly anywhere they want when they R gone. they explore downestaris and upstaris rooms at their leezure. they seem to love this x they have out. should i do it more. lots of x molly is upstairs and marvin grey is downstaris doing his thing. they likes their time apart i think. B)

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Jamal if you can let your greys out more that's great. They love to be out of their cages. Sometimes Ana Grey just sits on her perch while I am typing. Or she is climbing outside of her cage playing with her toys. If Marvin and Molly are outside their cages in your birdroom that's great too. Spending time with their parronts is what our greys like. Do you have any pictures of Marvin or Molly to share with us? I would certainly love to see them!

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

do you guyz think molly shuld have her own room away from marvin grey maybe in the living rooom? it seems like when they freee fly that they go in apposit ways. in anser to ur other question my wife sayz all greys look the same so no pictures on the net. the mane reason though is it is a cultural respect thing for us. i am not saying that alll people shud refrane from posting pictures for the public. i am just saying it is a culture respect thing on R side. ;) i dont want her to close my forum account either. i am not saying i am scaired of her or anything though. Im the boss and she knows her place. :evil: :side:

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

emoticons are allowed - no disrespect of family privacee guidelines. :) :silly: so i can emoticon all i wants with no fere of closure. :P

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I have 2 greys that I let fly freely through out my house when I am home as well. I find that they are most active in their flying in the morning, and then as the day goes on, they settle down and are content to just hang out with me or on their tree stands/ toys/ hanging stuff around the house. Do your birds behave in this manner as well? :huh:

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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

in anser to ur other question my wife sayz all greys look the same so no pictures on the net. the mane reason though is it is a cultural respect thing for us. i am not saying that alll people shud refrane from posting pictures for the public. i am just saying it is a culture respect thing on R side. ;) i dont want her to close my forum account either. i am not saying i am scaired of her or anything though. Im the boss and she knows her place. :evil: :side:


Jamal... I have to say that's pretty funny... you act as if you are cosigning on a bloody bank account, not a forum account. What does a bird picture have to do with cultural respect? I'm not being rude, I just would like to understand how that works...

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

my greys get along and do NOT shair a cage at bedX. when in their room for birdroom flyX both their cages are open and the only problems so far that i have found by replaying the webcam footage is that molly someXz pulls out marvins feathers. she only done this a few xz and he doesnt seem to mind it. she also goes into into his cage and flings all his food out of his cage. :evil: of coarse, marvin grey just goes with the flow. B) hez a prettty lade back bird. :)

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Jamal, we have moved extensively for fifteen years and the most valuable and satisfying part has been to live in big multicultural cities in international locations. I usually use cooking to break through to new people and share. You could make a fabulous contribution to our forum through the off topic discussions to share your culture with us, be an ambassador and diplomat. The beauty of this forum is the respect and shared love for our African greys, but a huge benefit has been learning and sharing with other people in other countries and cultures. If you generalize about the country you live in and basic geographical area, it would not break privacy. You do bring up a good point about not being specific, but first names and cities really help others get to know us a little better once we have decided to stick around. For instance, I love knowing Lyn and others are from the UK.. when she first used the term chuffed, it confused me because I thought it meant angry or put out. But, since we are not from the same origin, I asked respectfully and discovered it was a good thing. I am certain that most people are here to share their love of all shades of grey and to be openminded and find the good in the intentions of our forum family.

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