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starting to mimic


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I am so excited I could just bust. I hope you all remember me and Houdini and how the wait was so aweful to get him home. He is turning out to be such a little sweet heart. he always puts his head down for me to scratch his head and he gives me kisses. and today....well let me tell you.....

I have one chihuahua that is very whiney. well Houdini has heard him whine so much that was the first thing he picked up.... he will be just 7 months old on the 17th of November. but I am telling he sounds exactly like the dog. I thought i was going crazy because I had the dogs in my lap so how could I be hearing whining...lol

I love him so much and I am so glad I had made a decision to get him . he is so awesome. I just love him to pieces. and he knows it...lol

I had to tell you guys because no one understands the real excitement of it.. its like having your baby say da da for the first time. I am hoping that is a start to better and bigger things ahead..

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We are trailing you by about a month, so your post is very interesting and exciting. Nobody understands like our forum friends. Our other friends may like our birds and be entertained by them occasionally, but unless you have enjoyed their unique and captivating personalities up close and deeply committed, it is hard to imagine the joy they bring. I suspect my family and friends give each other "the look" that says I've gotten dotty or else developed a skill for lying when the bird comes up. LOL. Thanks for sharing with us. It just gets better and better doesn't it. Life is good.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

munumentus occasssion indeed. U must be very proud. B) i know i must be doing something right when my marvin grey or molly lern new words or sounds and it makes all the biting and screeching that goes along with greys all okay. :)

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Congratulations !!! I know what you mean about non-bird people not quite "getting" the excitement of the first words...I told my brother about Chimay's first words and his response was "Um, okay...I talk all of the time" Haha...


What wonderful news for you guys!! If you ever catch Houdini making his new noise on video please post it. :)

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