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Did I buy the right thing?


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I probably should have posted this PRE purchase, but I figured better late than never....I bought a full spectrum lamp for Chimay and I'm hoping that I made a good selection.




I chose this one because it clamps to the cage, we can turn it onto a timer to shine into the cage for some hours during the day while we're at work and then remove it while we're home to get it out of the way while he plays on top of the cage. For those of you who have full spectrum lighting for your fids, how many hours of lighting do you give them during the day? I hope I didn't just purchase a piece of junk :S

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That looks like a good one Cindy - did you buy the recommended Spiralux Compact Fluorescent Bulb to go with it?

The timer switch is handy, and will give Chimay some stimulation while you're not there, going on and off at set times.

Alfies lamp is over her perch - they recommend at least 4 hours per day, and really, if she's out on her perch, the lamp is on. Sometimes I catch her just gazing up at it!!


Hope Chimay enjoys his new lamp!


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based on my experience with reptiles that kind of lamp is not reccommended because you can't spread the light output that much. If you can find a lamp that look like the one Zoomed (zoomed.com) is selling it is much better since the light will be more spread. It doesnt mean it is not good but it would be more efficient.


another thing is make sure the light is on top of your fid so that your fid will not stare on the bulb which is bad for their eyes.


just my 2 cent.

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I can not find any specifications on the spiralux bulb you purchased.


Did the box have the percent of UVA and UVB on it?


Also, as others said, it is best to direct it downwards to simulate natural light and so it is not shining directly into your birds eyes.


At only 20 watts, you can run it for as many hours as you wish each day.


I built my own fixtures for use with long tube fluorescents of 36 watts each. So effectively each fixture is a 72 watt output and run them 12 hours every day over each of my cages.

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