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My Sadie talks!


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I'm so excited, Sadie Grey has been mumbling up a storm lately but I hadn't heard anything clear enough to tell you what it really was. Yesterday she said "I love you!" twice along with a bunch of other things I couldn't decipher. I was just about blown away. I have been waiting for some time for one of my greys to talk. I had to share with you all because you can relate to the joy it brought me.

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Woohoo little Sadie! It won't be long now until she is telling you the dictionary! Congratulations, what a proud moment it must be having watched Sadie from a hatchling all the way until she's spoken. And what a lovely first phrase - "I love you". Such a touching thing for a pet to say!


Well done Sadie!

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Jen I am over the moon. It is special when any bird starts to talk but having followed Sadie from a tiny baby thanks to your brilliant posts and updates it makes this even more special. Also she could not have chosen any better words to say,I am so happy .

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  • 2 months later...

A little update on my Sadie-

She now says "good girl" "are you a good girl?" "pretty birdie" and laughs both a regular laugh and an evil laugh. She says a lot more but this is all that is very clear at this point. I haven't heard her say "I love you" again though, but I continue to say it to her and hopefully she won't forget it. She has a lot to say and seems to say most of it when I'm in another room or ignoring her. I am wondering if Lyric will eventually talk by learning from her. Whenever I ask one of them to give me kisses I instantly hear kisses from the other one. I thought the competition for my attention may bring out the chattiness in Lyric which would be wonderful too.

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  • 2 months later...

You guys weren't kidding when you said once a grey started talking it would just keep on...Sadie Grey speaks in complete sentences now sometimes. Her favorite sayings right now are "you want a drink of water?" and "where's your beak" "get your beak" or any variation of that mixed with "toes" "cup" or "belly". She also meows now which I know she learned from me because we don't have a cat. She really cracks me up asking for "drink of water big cup" and asking me where my beak is. I think she's truly brilliant. :lol:

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I could say "I told you so" but then you already know that, its great to hear that Sadie is talking up a storm now and it will only get better with time.


Its nice to see you back on the forum again Jen, you have been missed, don't stay away so long and let us know how you, Lyric and Sadie are doing.

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Thank you, it's nice to know that I was missed. I've been having a bit of a tough time emotionally lately- my 16 year old dog child Sparky died last week. It's been hard for all of us because he was so loved. So I guess I came back on to this forum to see some familiar faces, talk grey talk and cheer myself up a bit. I'll try to get some new pics up on here shortly...

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You give me hope Jen! Harvey's a semi-mute and you seemed to be the only person on this forum with a grey of a certain age which didn't say anything!


So, so sorry to hear about Sparky - it is so heart wrenching to lose a member of the family - but I bet he gave you 16 years of pure pleasure and laughs along the way.


Keep us updated on Sadie - can't wait to hear some more :)

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Losing Sparky left a void in your life, I am sorry for your loss. It does help to talk about it and all he meant to you. Glad to see you coming in to the forum and sharing your time with us. All your little grey udates will bring bright moments as your sadness eases with time.

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I am so sorry about your loss of Sparky but for a lot of us pets are like our children and when we lose one it is like losing a child but time heals all wounds Jen and this shall pass too.


Maybe Sadie will enocurage Lyric to talk but a few do not ever utter a word and if she hasn't spoken by now I doubt she ever will but hope springs eternal, I imagine Sadie will more than make up for it.B)

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How old is Lyric??? Just wondering since judy said if he hadnt spoken by now he probably wont...Not that I am saying she is wrong by any means, I just wanted to know like the cut off point, When you can pretty much figure a grey wont talk.


I am SO very sorry to hear about your dog, I cannot imagine what you must be going through. Sending healing thoughts your way...


But congrats on sadie talking!!!

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Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts.

Lyric will be four years old the end of August. He just shows no interest in talking and I don't expect it will happen now. And yes, Sadie more than makes up for his lack of words. She just said "hungry" twice yesterday for the first time.

Even without words, Lyric is a much loved good good bird. The personality difference between the two of them is like night and day. They are definitely all individuals just like we all are.

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