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Size Variations in CAGs


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It does worry me slightly that when I visit the shop I got Beau from that their 12-16 week old greys always seem to look bigger than my Beau and when a family member saw him for the first time he said "he has a lot of growing to do yet" now Beau is almost 10 months old and according to a previous thread should be fully grown. I know he has grown as others have commented he is bigger than the first time they saw him. I realise I'm probably worrying over nothing because he is otherwise fine and has always had a good apitite, talks, whistles and so on. I guess I'm looking for reassurance.

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When i got my second cag Nelson, he was 12 weeks old and was already bigger than Casper who was one at the time. The vet and the breeder said it is normal he is just a naturally big bird. He is huge now and looks enormous at the side of casper. I realy don'tthink you have got anythg to worry about

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Julie, Im sure there is nothing to worry about.

They all have different frames just as people do.


I have 2 dna'd males and their frame and weight size are totally different.

Keeko is my largest Cag he is also around 510 but he is a large frame. Jasper is tiny compared to him and there are only a few months between them as well.


Beau sounds fit and well to me, hes just a little cutie:)

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The others have all given good comments.


A Grey is fully grown by the time they are about 16 weeks old. Their feathers will continue to grow, especially their primaries in length and they will start putting on more a little more weight from muscle and bone density increases.


My Grey weighed only 427 on average during and after weaning and fledging.


Over the course of his first year, he slowly but surely gained weight to reach a maximum average of 470.


As others have said, your grey is fine and just on the smaller end of the spectrum. Which in reality, Greys under 500 are on the smaller end while those 501 up to 650 are the larger Greys. :-)

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Talula I want to say is around 585 grams and I want to say phoenix is in the 480-490 gram range (I recall there was nearly a 100 gram difference).


It's "unusual" for a female to be bigger than a male, but they're just what they are. Talula will easily be 14" beak to tail when the feathers are finally allowed to grow in.


Phoenix is 12" beak to tip.


You can look at their feet and tell that talula's are almost twice as thick, with longer nails.


It's like looking at a "southern gent" like me: well over 240LB and 6'3" vs looking at a tinny yank from upstate NY who is 5'7" and 145LB. We're both human, both male, but we're quite different physically speaking.


Same thing with the birdies.

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Goodness, some of you have some big boys and girls! Harvey runs anywhere between 430 and 445g after his morning "bomb". I have been weighing him each morning for a while as I was worried he wasn't eating as much as he had been - I needn't have worried, his weight hasn't fluctuated much.


Now, the length thingy - Harvey is only probably about 12 inches long (I've tried my best with the ruler I promise you Julie!!) - I don't think he's a big frame - he's slender and toned (a bit like his mammy!!) ;)

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Keep in mind, you can never be a "paranoid weight watcher". That is how you can tell if they are sick. I weight all my birds at least once month, I try for two so I know what their average weight should be. It fluctuates but overall, I know if there is something wrong before they start showing it. A good scale is a necessary investment IMHO. Oh, and strangley enough, almost all (3) my birds are small framed. But they all have big personalities!:laugh:

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  • 1 month later...

I weighed Beau for the first time today using my hairdressing scales (very accurate) used for weighing colour in very small amounts - in grams, I had trouble getting him to sit on there but managed to tempt him on with a grape :laugh: My reason for weighing at this time is that Beau is looking "slimmer" than ever, his breast bone is quite visable but this is due I think to him molting. Bearing in mind that Beau is the smallest grey I have seen (not that I've seen that many) well, he weighs 415 gramms. Does anyone know if this sounds normal for a petite CAG?

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