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Do they understand


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Do they understand things, or do they just mime? My cag Casper is a proper chatterbox, ne never shuts up And he always seems to say things at the right time. He shouts marc, and when marc answers he will tell him different things. Sometimes we can't understand him, but most of the time we can.

When my dogs bark he will bark with them usually when somebody passes the window, but yesterday a lady parked her car in front of mf house and when she got out Casper started barking at her like the dogs would, but they were out on a walk at the time. Was it just coincidence that he barked when he did? Or does he understand that the dogs bark when they see people outside? There are lots of things he says at appropriate times and it makes me wonder.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

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They definitely learn to understand what word goes where - Alfie puts stuff into context all the time! Yesterday, it was her that started barking first when someone came to the door! She will tell herself to have a whoopsie, have one, than congratulate herself with "good girl"!

There are members on here who actually have conversations with their birds! Have a look at this thread and read it from the beginning - it's very interesting.




Hope this helps.



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I think they understand in more ways than we give them credit for. Yes they might understand speech but I think this is a secondary thing, their main way of communication is body language which us as people are pretty crap at understanding in other people let alone our greys.


I now just sit sometimes for say an hour and just watch our 2 and look at the different body language they give off in certain situations. Even when they interact with each other it is mostly with body language, there are minimal noises that are made.


One aspect of them understanding which I don't think we give enough attention to is the fact that they have an amazing ability to pick up on feelings and emotions.


They are so sensitive to this and as people I don't think we are as switched on to feelings and changes even subtle changes as our greys are.

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