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Ozzy coming home!


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Well, it's been a long haul. Losing Athena was the most traumatic experience of my adult life. It's still very painful. I miss having a grey in my life and had hoped to find another, but my recent experiences with greys have only been more depressing than uplifting. It seems like every grey (including babies) I've met in the last month or so just really hasn't been all that interested in ME. My husband, sure, but me, not so much :) That's my one major requirement - the bird has to choose me. It just didn't seem like it was going to happen any time soon!


Then I met Ozzy! He's such a charmer. He is the middle of three babies (just at 3.5 mos old) and is so mischievous one minute, but the very next minute he's cuddling. And even though he's in the beaky-baby stage, he's very gentle with his beak. He has NO fear of people. He's so trusting that he fell asleep on his perch with me standing right there and didn't wake up even when I began to lightly rub his head, chest and back. Eventually he fell completely over in my hand (still holding onto his perch) and slept horizontally for about five minutes until he realized what he was doing! :laugh:


Anyhow, what cinched it for me was when the other babies woke up from their nap and went to eat, but Ozzy stayed right next to me. He was giving me that classic grey "appraising" look too. When I was laughing at the other birds' antics, Ozzy reached out and grabbed my hair and began preening. Finally I picked him up and sent him off to eat too, but by then he'd stolen my heart.{Love-0002011D}


Oz comes home Monday, and maybe, just maybe, we're bringing home his sister or brother too! (I would tell you all about them but I don't want to jinx it just yet!) Ozzy is what the breeder named him, and I'd thought about changing it to something else (read, more dramatic etc etc) that matched his mischievous but charming personality, but "Oz" is just so easy to say. And there are so many cute combinations you can make with that one...so I think it's going to stick.


Anyhow, pics to come soon! I can't wait to share Oz with you guys. You've been the best!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, let's see if I can post pictures :laugh:


The good news is that we brought home the little girl from the clutch too, and we decided to rename both birds to "Gryphon (boy) and Seraph (girl)" My boy Gryph is who I'm looking at (he had just preened my face in this pic) and Seraph is the sweetheart on my other shoulder. Both birds are adorable, gentle and very laid back!


The bad news is that I think getting two was a big mistake! So far, my sweet Gryph and Seraph seem only interested in each other!!!! Ugh. I'm at a loss. They seem to include us at mealtime and after dinner for about an hour will perch on my shoulder and preen me, but they mainly want to be together, and they save the real "snuggling" for each other instead of us. They are only 4 months old though! Has anyone gone through this? Can anyone offer advice for keeping them from bonding too closely? Should I be worried about this or assume that as they mature, they will eventually bond more strongly with us than each other?


I don't mind them being buddies but I don't want to just be the prep cook of the flock!




Post edited by: zandische, at: 2009/11/11 08:17<br><br>Post edited by: zandische, at: 2009/11/11 08:18


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Oh what cute pictures .They are adorable.Regarding them bonding with you it may be harder but by no means imposable.They will need separate cages and you will have to spend time individualy with both .Also as they mature make sure you take note of there differing personalities likes and dislikes.

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Wonderful photos of the two. I am REALLY staring to feel the baby urge......UGH!!


Dayo would kill me and my wife would put the nails in the coffin!!


Oh well, I have my babies to read about here on the forum. :-)


Thanks for sharing this.

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They both look so adorable! Congratulations!:P


Definitely have them in separate cages but in the same room. Always schedule individual one on one time with the each of them every single day. I think at this point they find alot of comfort in each others company. You need to work at earning their individual trust and it will take a bit of time but very doable. Goodluck.;)

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What precious looking babies, they are adorable, especially in the one of them napping, they each have the same stance.


As the others have said spend time with each as one on one, of course they are clinging to each other right now, they are both a comfort to each other as they get used to their new home but you will see emerging personalities as they grow.


I think it is fine to have the cages side by side and thanks for sharing the pictures with us and congrats on getting two, twice the fun.;)

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Oh my goodness aren't they just the cutest things you have ever seen? We have 4 little TAG's at my work right now and they all cuddle up to sleep and I could just sit and watch them all day they are so cute.


You are bound to have a lifetime of fun with your two little greys. As others have said - they are a source of comfort for each other in this strange new environment!


Enjoy, and more pictures please! :D

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Thanks guys! You are all right, they just need time and patience! I have been giving each of them at least a 1/2 hour of 1-1 time each morning and that is helping. Seraph has always been the more out-going of the two, and she fell head over heels for my hubby. She has been a real lover to me, but last night he came home from a few days of travel and she about smothered him with bird kisses. :P


Gryphon has a more reserved nature. I thought maybe he didn't like me after all when we got him home, but I think he is just not super cuddly. He doesn't mind being touched but unless he's sleepy, he acts like scratches are a huge bother! But I think he is warming up to me - the other day he tried to regurgitate and feed me, then last night he went exploring when I dissappeared to go do some cleaning (and he got really excited when he finally did find me) and this morning he finally came out of his cage to greet me with kisses AND wanted scratches. He has been giving me kisses all day now. He seems to be happiest just sitting on my shoulder and not getting bothered, so that's what most of our 1-1 time has consisted of. So maybe I just need to relax and let it all happen "by the bird!"


Here's a pic of them today after playing all morning...



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