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split lower beak


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Okay, I'm hoping one of our resident experts can help me out. I have the option of buying either a normal caique baby or a caique baby with a split lower beak. What special care will she need? The breeder says that the beak will never grow in normal but he doesn't think it will require trimmings. I've been trying to research this but am not finding much information other than tales of purposeful beak splitting in cockatoos. Even those don't say what is required for living with a split beak. Will the baby be able to eat normally? Play normally? I want to be informed before I make this decision though my heart wants to make sure this little guy has a good home. I want to be sure I can care for her/him. Thanks!

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Have you been given any photos of the split beak that you could post so we can see what it is you're talking about? And have you posed this same question to an avian vet? When it comes to informed decisions, particularly about a birdie that may need special care, an avian vet's opinion is a must...of course I'm sure there will be some greYt advice that others here will have as well. :) Good luck in your decision! Keep us posted!

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I agree, talking to an avian vet is a must before you make any decision.A vet can tell you what the bird will need regarding any special needs and treatment.I am curious as to why the beak is split,accident or birth defect?

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There was some trauma to the beak but I don't know what happened exactly.


I talked to my vet and he said the bird may need beak trimmings regularly. There will be no way for me to know how special the birds dietary needs are unless I bring him home. The breeder has several babies in a cage together so he doesn't know what the bird is eating, only that the bird is maintaining its weight. He offers them seed, nuts and fresh food every day so I guess it's possible that the bird only eats soft foods. It's also possible that he can eat just fine and all my worrying if for nothing! I'm a terrible decision maker. I always think of the worst case scenario.

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How far away from you is this breeder? If not too far and you really want this baby, can't you go see the bird and perhaps take it to a vet to see what is wrong. I don't know why this breeder wouldn't know what this baby is eating all he has to do is watch a couple of times. Without knowing more, I don't know how anyone even a long time breeder can help you without seeing the baby bird.

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I too cant understand why the breeder does not know what the bird is eating,he should.He should be keeping a very close eye on this bird so he can see how it is managing.Go and have a look and have a vet see it before you decide.

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The breeder should be putting this bird to itself at feeding time to observe what he is eating for it may be doing just fine with the deformity.


I have a sun conure that its sibling bit its beak and put a hole in it on the side, it has never completely grown out but she eats just fine with no problem. You really need to see this bird and watch it eat and have a vet check it out before you commit to it.


In any case if you want to take on this one with the beak problem I would for you know what may happen to it if you don't for most people would not want an imperfect bird but he needs love and attention too.

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Thanks for all of the advice everybody! I can go visit again before I make up my mind and I'm hoping I can observe the bird eating. I am definitely leaning towards the baby with the beak problem. I know that I would always wonder what happened to him if I didn't take him.


The breeder has 8 baby caiques right now and 5 are in a cage with the beak baby. He puts the food in but I guess he doesn't watch them eat. I would watch a baby with a beak problem to make sure he was okay but I guess the breeder feels that watching the weight is good enough.


From what the vet said when I called it seems the worst I can expect is frequent beak trimmings and a special diet. That's not so bad. Best case would be that he eats fine and wears his beak down normally and just has a beak deformity. I think I can live with either of those outcomes. I'd feel guilty subjecting him to traumatic beak trims all of the time, but I'd feel more guilty if I didn't take him and always had to wonder if he is being cared for properly.


As for taking him to the vet before I buy him, I can certainly ask the breeder if that's acceptable to him. Who knows what he'll say, but it's worth a shot right?

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If the breeder is reputable and cares for his birds he should not object to you having a vet see the baby before you decide,infact he should have done that himself so he could give you a more informed idea of the birds future care needs.I hope all goes well when you visit, please keep us informed.

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Well, I went to see her last night and I ended up bringing her home with me! So, I have a new baby Caique! So far she has been very quiet and hasn't eaten anything but it's only been about 1/2 a day since she's been here so I'm sure she's nervous. I will be keeping a close eye on her and I'm just hoping that everything will work out. Wish me luck!


BTW- I'm gonna have to find a name for this sweet little girl. Now taking suggestions!<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2009/11/07 21:19

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

almozt all the special birdz i have read about R fine with there special needz. They probably dont know they even have these special needs in the 1st place. is only we humanz who do. ;) special needz birds need homes more. i have read about some very un savory ways that certain greedy breeders rid them selfs of their alleged nuisance birds. i guess they consider them to be unprofitalbe. :evil:

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Congratulations on your new baby Melisa. Caiques are called the dancing parrot so you could all her Mitzi for the famous dancer, Mitzi Gaynor or Bella Donna for beautiful lady. I'm sure you will find the perfect name for your sweet baby. I am so happy for your new baby and for her wonderful parront!

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Thank you everybody! I am happy I brought her home. She didn't eat yesterday so I got really worried but today she has been eating and it seems like she can eat pretty much anything I give her so that is really good news! I dont know if she can crack nuts and seeds yet but even if she can't there is so much other food that I can give her! Nuts and seed are such a small part of the diet I give anyway. I'm really relieved that she is eating as well as she is! Haven't named her yet... my husband likes Matilda and Prudence but I'm not sure yet.

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It is well said that your little bird will never know it is different. She will amaze you with her abilities and work hard to compensate for any difficulties she encounters. She will probably learn to crack nuts even, she doesn't have to bite them, just train you how to use a tool, LOL. She is going to be ever more dear to you. Glad you had a nice homecoming. Brooke comes to mind to go with Willow and Pippin.

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I just love Caiques, I'd love to see a few photos of your little lady. The caiques I've seen and care for are very, very funny and very goofy - perhaps this will help in choosing a name!


I have a "special needs" lovebird, Luna, who hatched July 1. She AMAZES me every single day at her strength. One of her legs sticks out to the side almost straight, so she can't perch on flat perches and has trouble climbing. Her beak is also not aligned properly. However she is an absolute doll and is so courageous. I make circular perches for her and she has adapted to sitting on them, way high up in her cage, and looks out the window. Your little caique will be just that much more special knowing that she is unique.

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