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Darwin's vocabulary is expanding by the minute. It's hilarious the things she comes out with.

Anyway, two days ago I started playing peekaboo with her. She LOVES it! I hide behind my hands or whatever is in my hands, pop my face out and say "Peekaboo!" in my best high pitched, excited voice. She is so enthralled by this, I think it's her new favourite game. Her eyes pin like crazy and she tilts her head almost all the way upside down.


Well today I was doing some studying and Darwin was sitting on top of the couch beside me. She was in chill mode, which is always when she's the most vocal. Well among duck quacks, woohoooos, weeees, gobbles and "Hi Darwin!", she pauses and out comes a "PEEBOOO!"


Not peekaboo, not peeka, not boo....peeboo.


I think it's not only her favourite game but now her favourite word. I'm trying to get it on video, it's probably the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life.


Just thought I'd share :)

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