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I'm demanding my money back (funny)!!


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All of this time, I thought that I had purchased a Congo African Grey from our breeder...These last couple of days, Chimay has shown his true colors. He's bawking like a chicken! It's his newest favorite sound to make. I think my boyfriend bawked at him as a joke, maybe twice, about a month ago and Chimay has been doing it almost nonstop for two or three days. Guess I purchased a chicken after all!! :P

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Oh my goodness you guys we all need to get together and hear the sounds of the wild lol. Darwin does a really good duck. So what do we have now? A chicken, a crow, a cardinal, a seagull, a rooster and a duck!


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Dixie does an excellent hawk! There was a hawk-head parrot in the shop she came from and I hear it quite often. I also call her a chicken quite often, which she repeats regularly, along with "you'll be a fried chicken" which she has also learned from me (shame on me). So from the count we have:


1 chicken

1 seagull

1 crow

1 rooster

1 cardinal

1 hawk


Where's the farmer?

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Rebel swings from the top of her cage and pretends to be a monkey. Sounds like a jungle in that room, especially when she really wants your attention.


Last night I was in there and I asked her how she was doing? she said "get out".


How do you reply to that to a bird??

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