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Good News and Horrible news


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The good news is Bills test didn't show anything bad..

Horrible news is I'm heatbroken. Ceasar flew alright, right out the front door. I was coming down the hallway and when I got to the door Bill was bringing in a large box. and both front doors were open, Ceasar got scared and poof, he was gone out the door.

He's been hanging out in the trees behind us I think because the neighbor told me the tree was ringing like a phone. That's Ceasars favorite call.

I've got his cage outside with fresh food in it everyday in case he see's it and decides free life isn't worth losing the one you love.

I've got flyers out everywhere the pet stores and animal control looking,I can't walk the hills looking for him but Bill and Aeriel have been walking thru there.I've got newspaper ads and I've done everything in my power to get him to come to me. I'm sure he's llost and confused..

I feel like I've died. That bird was my world..

Bill decided he'd get me another bird and brung home a eclectus parrot named Linkin (actually Lincoln but I like linkin better.) He's no Ceasar thats for sure.

First thing I did was clipped his wing. I'LL NEVER BE A FLIGHTED BIRDS PET EVER AGAIN! I highly reccomend you guys that want flighted birds THINK AGAIN........


Thru tears,

Rhonnie N Linkin (hey I'm a good snuggly bird, whats wrong with me? )

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Oh my Rhonnie, first the good news then the bad news, I don't know what to say except I am sorry that Ceasar flew out the open door, thats the one thing you have to be careful of with a flighted bird.


You have done all you can to either find him or to entice him home, I hope it works or someone finds him and returns him to you, I know you must be devastated.


So Bill got you another bird, no it won't take Ceasar's place but it will provide some companionship and then when you get Ceasar back you will have some company for him.


I am glad that you at least have some good news about Bill, hang in there and I pray that Ceasar finds his way home or someone finds him and returns him to you.

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Oh Rhonnie, I'm so sorry to hear about Ceasar, that is horrible news. And after Bills good news too.....

As Judy says, you're doing/have done everything you can to get him back, and we're all praying he comes safely home to you.

You've had a rough time lately and I really feel for you.

Sending you our love.


Lyn & Alfie



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Debandbella wrote:

My mates went missing a few weeks ago, i was up and down from 5 in the morning looking for him, he turned up 2 days later in a tree and after a few hours enticing him down he finally came for his mum, hes fine now.


Don't give up hope just yet Rhonnie, Deb's post shows these stories can have happy endings.


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I am just scared the weather was too cold for him outside. I'm super bummed....

The eclectus, Linkin is a real snuggle bird who loves Bill to death. So he's happy but I still am miserable. I got online yesterday and talked to a girl in alaska, she lost her daughter 3 weeks ago and she had a bird 8 months old female, who is outgoing,tame and talking that she just wants shipping for because every time she looks at the bird it reminds her of her daughter. She asked for references and I gave her this forum and poodlovers forum so she can ask ya'll directly. I'll never do something so stupid like I did with Ceasar again! I hope if she does log in to this forum ya'll will give me a Ok reference. I know its asking alot, but thank you in advance. I know this bird will not replace my Ceasar but, like She said , it will fill the empty hole in my heart... I'm still not eating or sleeping because my grieving. Maybe this bird needs me as much as I do it...

Hugs, Rhonnie Bill, Linkin and Verbal.

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I'm very sorry about the loss of your bird but there's a chance that he can be retreived, because he does have wings. I can't guarantee it but there is a chance.


There's just something that you've said though and the other thing is a possible correction concerning parrots.

The subject of wing clipping has been discussed so many times here. Most people have made their decisions no matter what advice and opinions has been given but I'll just repeat one very important thing-----

Clipped birds can fly and escape all the time. People here will verify that. There's more of a chance of them not making it and being vulnerable to the elements because they can't fly high enough to avoid trouble. If they do manage to get high enough, they have no ability to fly downward.


The other thing you said was ---

"""""First thing I did was clipped his wing."""""

I just hope that this was a mistake with the *his wing*

Even though I disagree with clipping, when clipping is done, both wings need to be clipped, not just one wing. That practice was stopped years ago because of constant serious damage to the bird even when flying short distances.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/24 19:02

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Rhonnie, I'm delighted for you and Bill that there is nothing serious wrong with him. As for Ceasar please don't give up hope or trying to find him.


Our fids are unclipped but one rule we have here is NEVER EVER open the internal door at the same time as an external door is open. For those who have a busy household with lots of kids coming & going it probably is best to clip your bird's wings but as Dave has already pointed out, that is no guarantee your bird won't escape and if he does he has far less chance of survival.

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  • 5 months later...

Lets not worry about getting another bird right now, lets worry about the one that's lost. Sit outside by your front door calling his name 24/7, holding his favorite toy.....You haven't updated since the 24th...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ohh no. An escapee. Well if he has been heard close to home..or he was located in a tree...don't give up now...or have someone help...or something. I hope you can locate your grey, as we do get attached to our little fids.


Issac can fly, and flies quite well. As terrified as I am that he will ever escape, I simply do not have the heart to both take him from the wild, and make sure he can't use his primary mode of locomotion. However, as some have said...if your house has a lot of traffic, that can be impractical. Currently, I live alone so I know when doors are opening and closing.


It is a HUGE responsibility keeping a bird flighted. It can be a big inner struggle to decide flight or clip as your birds survival, how much you care about the bird, and whether birds should be pets at all....all come into question.


Having Issac, my Grey, has taught me a lot and made me think a lot about these three things. I love him so much sometimes that I question whether he should be flying in Africa with his brothers. But then nature has its own set of trials for him...and poachers. In the end, I put the responsibility upon myself to leave him flighted, and in the coming years as my lifestyle changes, I will have to devise new ways to make sure my baby never gets away. I worry about becoming complacent constantly, and that always keeps it on my mind...but for how long?


Anyway...that is my two cents on flight. I hope you find him.

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I'm very sorry about the loss of your bird but there's a chance that he can be retreived, because he does have wings. I can't guarantee it but there is a chance.


There's just something that you've said though and the other thing is a possible correction concerning parrots.

The subject of wing clipping has been discussed so many times here. Most people have made their decisions no matter what advice and opinions has been given but I'll just repeat one very important thing-----

Clipped birds can fly and escape all the time. People here will verify that. There's more of a chance of them not making it and being vulnerable to the elements because they can't fly high enough to avoid trouble. If they do manage to get high enough, they have no ability to fly downward.


The other thing you said was ---

"""""First thing I did was clipped his wing."""""

I just hope that this was a mistake with the *his wing*

Even though I disagree with clipping, when clipping is done, both wings need to be clipped, not just one wing. That practice was stopped years ago because of constant serious damage to the bird even when flying short distances.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/24 19:02


Our Willow came from the pet store with 1 wing clipped. I was advised by several people to have the off wing clipped as well, but didn't, and we're SO glad we didn't do that. She's at least semi-flighted and can keep up with Leo somewhat. In our case, I'd rather have her have some flight ability (she can get to our great room window ledges at 25 feet high just fine) than have her not be able to fly at all. We have a very large, spacious home, so for us it works.

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