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How Quickly Can a Grey learn to Mimic?


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I've come home on a half day from work and I'm having a squizz about the forum. Harvey is sitting here with me and as the great British weather isn't at its best the seagulls have come in from the sea (I do live on the coast, but in the town bit). They are making a hell of a racket.


I swear that Harvey is now mimicking their squawk - it's near pitch perfect!!


Could he have learned this so quickly today, or is it something he's been hearing before, perhaps when we aren't in.


Now, how do I stop it - it's hardly a nightingale is it!! :laugh:

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We were out for a walk this summer with the girls (2 dogs and Alfie!). We have a whistle for the dogs but don't often use it (because our dogs are soooo well behaved!:whistle: !)

We had decided to take it with us on this day because Tia was going through a deaf phase!

Alfie was on my shoulder, the dogs were way ahead out of sight so David used the whistle. Within a split second Alfie had echoed it. It was so perfect I thought David had whistled twice! She had never heard the whistle before.

It was ages till we heard her using it again!


They're a bunch of smarty pants, these greys!



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Oh No! Just what I wanted to hear!!! Why oh why did we choose to live on the coast? A few more miles in and I could have had sweet blackbirds and thrushes!


You are all, of course, right - he's still doing it this morning and the blinking birds are nowhere to be seen!!!

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Java and I were outside on the screen porch when a huge menacing bird flew over with a loud screech. She was intimidated and wanted to go back to the safety of indoors. About a month later, I bumped the covered cage in the dark and she let out the same war whoop to let the intruder know there was a huge menace under that cover. It was the only time I heard her make that sound and I thought it was incredibly clever and funny.

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LOL Jill they learn faster then you can imagine! My 12 year old Westie has this incredibly annoying high pitched bark that she does at my German Shepherd pup when she's irritated. Darwin started doing this bark after hearing it probably two times! The good news is she only does it when my dog does it. Although that's twice the noise. :blink:

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Just a little update on my "seagull". The weather here in North East England is damp, rainy and windy today - so you've guessed it - in come the gulls!


We were having a lie in this morning and usually Harvey doesn't make a sound until he hears us downstairs - this is the first time I have heard him before this and yup - you've guessed it - I had a seagull in my hall!!!

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