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Juno's first year


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Juno is a night owl, I might like to call him Hootie on occasion. His former schedule was to stay up until 2 am for a surrogate daddy's night shift return. Last night he got happy and wild and encouraged me to stay up way past my bedtime. It was the most interest and interacting he has wanted with me. I did have the restraint to put him to bed while we were still having a positive experience. I think it is good that he is losing only 2 grams per day so far with all his changes, he has refused my offer of night time formula, so tomorrow I will mix some into his oatmeal. Only a couple of days to get his vet check confirmation that his wing is not causing him pain and then I will feel better about him being out. The last four times he stepped up and came out of his cage, he didn't try to fly back at all. I really couldn't be as relaxed with him if it were not for all your posts, advice, experience and encouragement. Thanks!!!;)

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Good to hear Juno is becoming more confident away from his cage, Dee, it sounds as though he may be leading you astray though - keeping you up past your bedtime!:lol:

He seems to be doing ok weight-wise aswell? I think he must be happy with you or would be losing more.

Once you've been to the vet, you will feel happier and begin to relax more and enjoy your baby!


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What a difference a day makes. Juno is warming up, he is content to step up, ocme out of his cage and have a walk around to survey his kingdom without feeling the need to fly back to his cubby. Late in the day, I got a call that his playstand arrived. When I put it together and put him up there, he didn't want to come back off it again. So, now I have been initiated with a firm clench on my finger. It ached all night, but was only minor. I pulled his beak off, put him back in the cage and it was not an upset or issue for either of us... just testing. Later, he was doing so well, I moved him to his big boy cage and he loved it. He rewarded me later when he flew around the room, out to the kitchen and back to land a little clumsily onto the hem of my shirt, then climbed up to my hand and happily went back to his cage.

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Oh I love that tree playstand, where did you get it if I may ask, no wonder he loves it, so natural looking.


Hey they all look smaller until you get them into the house, just like Christmas trees, not so big out in the field but get it into the house and wow, didn't realize it was so big, thanks for sharing that pic with us.

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Juno rediscovered his tent today and has been sleeping all day. He hadn't gotten into it since he shared one with his brothers. For him to be sound asleep in the middle of the day tells me he is feeling safe. I am beginning to think I will need to add a nap to my day to keep up with him later. He let out a series of hmm... what was that... just grey squeals I guess.


The stand came from the wild bird store where they have seeds, bird houses and other outdoor gear. I loved the look of it and asked about it. It was sold by a distributor as a display stand, but the wonderful owner looked into purchasing one for me and sold it to me at cost.

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Too much too soon on the big boy cage. Juno didn't eat or drink all day. He may have just been exhausted from all the changes in less than a week because he slept almost the whole day away. About ten last night, he became active and happy again, still didn't eat though. His play stand no longer looks like a natural element in the living room with all the hanging toys, but he played and played. I tried not to be overly concerned with his food, just kept offering him good things. At bedtime I put him back in the small cage and for an hour and a half this morning he has been munching away at his pellet assortment, drinking noisily and all is well in his world. I will let you know how the vet visit goes this morning.

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The vet visit was a piece of cake... avicake. Juno was content for the most part, he took it all in stride. He came home and ate and is finally napping again. The wing is good, no sign of soreness. The vet thought he was a little underweight but considering weaning and transition that is expected. His weight was actually more this morning than when we brought him home. The vet was absolutely certain that he is a girl. He even insisted I put my finger where fingers should not go... feel how wide the pelvis is. Look, I didn't want to syringe feed, I thought it was intrusive, you want me to put a finger where?!! How about this, how about since you already have blood, run a second DNA if you like. Will let you know in a couple of weeks when I get all the test results. Otherwise, it was a very good outing.

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My dignity was gone long before children. After a water skiing accident, I was in traction 3 weeks, ended up in a body cast after surgery. They put me on a what looked like a rotisserie fork and then hung me by chains from the ceiling. After that business, everything else is pale in comparison.


I had to get back online to say that after a long day and going to the vet and being poked, Juno was really happy to be home again. For the first time he sat on my lap for about ten minutes playing with foot toys! He does not welcome any touching, period. But, when I was carrying him from the kitchen after a weigh in, I forgot myself and kissed the top of his head like I do to Java. I'm not sure who was more surprised, him or me.

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katana600 wrote:

They put me on a what looked like a rotisserie fork and then hung me by chains from the ceiling.


{Feel-good-0002006E} Oh dear, i shouldn't laugh but couldn't help it! If you read that sentence out of context, it conjures up quite an image!!


and kissed the top of his head like I do to Java. I'm not sure who was more surprised, him or me.


Hehe - I did that to Alfie once when she wasn't expecting it, didn't mean to, just caught myself loving her to bits and had to kiss her!! Got a pierced lip for my trouble!! Some people!

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It conjured up quite an image for the young techs who were outside the door making comments at the hospital too. The next indignity was to put me in a chicken incubator to dry the plaster for two days! It was a real galvanized steel incubator over the whole bed. When I had the second surgery, the doctor laughed. He said the pantaloon body cast was only indicated for uncooperative patients who won't stay in bed for six months. LOL... And he was RIGHT.


Juno had his first shower at my house this morning. I would like to think he was spreading his wings to enjoy it, but he just didn't know where to go. No time like the presence to just step right up and do what is necessary so he thinks it is just part of daily life here. I am going to take him in every mornign and only spray him down good once a week, but he managed it well. His cage had a ray of sunshine on one side so he basked and flapped when he got back inside. So far, so good.

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Since evening is his best time, I bring him out for an extended play time. After Java goes to bed for the night and is covered in another room, I spread some small fleece blankets on the ottoman, grab a bucket of foot toys and bring Juno to my fleece covered lap so he can play close to me, on me, but not too close to be uncomfortable for him. He is getting braver, allows me to touch his toes, or his wing without much notice. He takes toys from my hands and we always end the session while we both still want more of it.

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Juno is vocalizing more. He chortles and makes quiet sounds when I approach him and he lifts his foot to show me he wants to come out. Today when he was on his tree, I went to the laundry room and he flew around a corner and though a doorway to come to me. He still wants no part of his big cage, I just put duplicate toys in there that he has in the small cage and put him in, leave the door open and let him come out when he wants. After about fifteen minutes out of the cage at a time to play, he starts letting me know he is looking for the safety of the smaller cage. The cages are side by side with the floor of each cage at an equal height. There is no hurry for him to move in, he will let me know when he is ready.

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I almost forgot to tell you Juno's vet called today to say all his bloodwork came back today and he is in perfect health. It will take a couple more weeks for the DNA confirmation on gender. I am still guessing he is a boy... he is in his cage making spitballs with the roll of adding machine tape. When I slipped out of the room to make my post, the floodgates have opened and he is making loud squeals for the first time. I know I will someday regret saying this, but.. I LOVE it! Java is returning the same sound to him.

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Congratulations, Dee! Every new day brings a new step in the right direction for you two. And about the vocalizations - wait til your little smarty Juno starts molding those sounds into all kinds of things!

LOTS of fun yet to come for you! Enjoy! {Feel-good-00020114}

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