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Juno's first year


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I spoke too soon. The vet called the first time to say cultures looked okay, but use benebac since he was on antibiotics recently. Then he called yesterday to say bloodwork was good and all we were waiting on was DNA... or so I thought. Today a call came while I was taking my daughter to the doctor and when I called back, it seems Juno has grown some nasty stuff in his cultures. He apparently has a strain of bacteria known to cause pneumonia and also a resistant staph positive. I went back to the vet to get Baytril and started him tonight on this antibiotic. Dr. said it is very lucky we caught this and it would not have been tested in a routine well bird visit but our breeder recommended and I did insist. Juno did not like the antibiotic and I have been initiated with my first real bite. No stitches, just a laceration. Poor little guy, he tried to fly away twice and didn't bite while I was holding him for the medicine, but as a so there ha ha as he was being taken back to his cage. Only nineteen more doses to go.

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Oh Dee - sorry to hear that! Is there any way you could let someone else "do the nasty bit" so you can rescue him afterwards? I take his meds are oral? You'll have thought of every angle to make it more pleasant for him - the spoonfull of sugar scenario?

You will both get over this little hiccup tho and get on with your bonding!

Keep us informed won't you.


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That is so funny, his breeder asked the same thing, if I could get someone else to towel him while I give him the medicine and let them put him back in his cage. LOL. I made a plan, got all the things in order to take him to a countertop, corral him and get the meds down his throat. Meanwhile I had his night time meal ready in his cage and when I took him back all the goodies made him forget to be mad at me. Fifteen minutes later he was lifting up his foot to show me he wanted out. He gave me all his sweet little sounds and happily played a few minutes and went right back to his cage afterward.


When I found out he was just getting sick, my first thought was phew! I was afraid that gagging and clutching of his throat was his theatrics at dissing my cooking. Since he has a sore throat, I'll just pretend that is what it was all about. We're still good. LOL

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This morning when I got Juno up, I made a tasty warm dish of food, set it out of his reach, then weighed him and got everything ready. I got out the fleece squares and talked to him gently and told him that if he was a good boy and took meds, he could have his warm food. He hopped onto the food dish, and it took several times to get him to stop pushing away the syringe, but he did take his meds because he was so eager to eat. No towels, no more bites and we were both happy. Only eighteen more times, we are both evolving, my dedication techiques and his avoidance moves. He doesn't act sick, climbs all over his tree and plays and is being a good boy. Will try to get some pictures if we have a bright sunny day tomorrow for the photos work out.

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All is well. Juno suddenly started vocalizing yesterday with all sorts of chortles, zings, whoops, and sounds like a little robot or alien of some sort. His flying is improving, he can hover and turn, but he can't stay in the air for long. He doesn't always land gracefully, but he is making great progress. Last night he flew toward the door and got lower and lower as he was getting winded. He dropped the last three feet to the floor and was ever so happy to be escorted back to his cage. He finds security there and seems to want to go back after short play periods out. He slept in his big boy cage two nights in a row. He loves the little tent his mama Ann made for him and looks really cute hiding in there and just peeking around to keep track of everyone in the room.

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Thanks for the kind words and support from everyone. When the vet said he needed an antibiotic I was really scared about giving it to Juno because he really hasn't built a trust with me. I have it down to a routine now and we both are relaxed about it. I get everything ready on the kitchen island and after I put him on the counter, I gently gather him in folded fleece squares leaving his head free and just use the fleece to gather him to my body while I put the syringe in his mouth. Of course his tasty food is right in front of him waiting. Tonight, I am so excited. After giving him his medicine, he let me rub his head for the very first time! He closed his eyes and looked like he enjoyed it. I could just cry he was sooooo sweet. I didn't press my luck and gave him his bowl of fresh veggies and put him back in the cage to eat. It amazes me how he will start chirping and chortling when he sees me fixing his food. I just love this little guy.

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How exciting Dee! I still love it when Alfie closes her eyes when she gets a tickle. It's so special. And Juno is obviously not resenting you for giving him his meds.

It's great to hear you're getting on so well with him. All your hard work is certainly paying off!


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Today I spoke with Juno's breeder and brother two is leaving for his new home in a couple of weeks. Brother 3 has had some setbacks and she doesn't think he is going to get a home. After all the health issues he lunges at people and has been biting. The day Juno came home, I held brother 3 and he let me practice giving him formula and he didn't try to bite me. If anyone has experience of bringing siblings home, I would really like some feedback as to the thought of taking him in too. It would obviously have to be the right thing for Juno first, but I am really giving it some thought.

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Poor little baby .Taking on another grey is a big decision. I do think in time this little fella will settle down though. If he is given time and lots of tlc. What health issues does he have, that could have a bearing on any decision I made.'find out the long term issues he may have and then think it through.


If it helps at all, my tiel Cracker had a really bad start in life and was getting all sorts of invasive vet treatment at a very young age and it did make him a biter but he is fine now and we only have the odd strop.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/22 09:20

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Weeks ago Brother 3 had a distended crop, was taken immediately to the vet where they tried a couple of things first, then did an endoscope. There was some sort of obstruction, then he was put on antibiotics. It does not appear there are any long range problems, it just changed his personality to be pulled out and left at the vet's while he was so desperately ill. I don't have to make any decision in a hurry. I will see him in a couple of weeks when he is left by himself and see how he responds to me again. Ann is a good breeder and I know she will not let anything bad happen to him, I just wonder if it would benefit him to be with Juno.<br><br>Post edited by: katana600, at: 2009/11/22 14:23

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