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Juno's first year


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I must be all a twitter, I have tried to put his photo up three times and have something different I forget every time. By the time I figure it out, I will have a better shot.

Ann and Tom left me feeling like family, only better. As if getting Juno wasn't enough they had gifts for me too. I should have packed a bigger bag to bring Juno's loot home. They gave him two weeks of two kinds of pellets, plus a weeks worth of sprouts and fresh food, plus formula and syringes to feed him at night during the transition. They gave him red palm oil, grapefruit seed extract and some beneficial bacteria powder supplement. They put new water and food dishes in his cage and gave him a new sleep tent. It feels like Christmas with this car load. Juno_is_home.jpg


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Ah Dee! He's stunning!! And Ann and Tom sound like really great folk! This has, I'm sure been worth the wait for you!

I can't wait to hear how things unfold for you!

I have to say, I was too busy worrying that I was doing something wrong during the baby phase, to fully enjoy it!

Don't let that happen to you! I know you've been a wee bit worried as this day drew nearer, but you've prepared so well, and done so much homework, you must just relax now and really enjoy this - he'll grow up so fast!

Soooo, we'll see you in a month (or two) when you've stopped drooling over Juno!!


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Juno is a right fine looking grey Dee, you should be very proud of him. I would let him settle in for a bit before you attempt to handle him but if he is willing then by all means do so. He will let you know if he isn't ok with it.


The next few days, weeks and months are going to be very exciting for you, getting to know him and him getting used to his new home but he should do fine and if you have any questions you know where to find us.


Have a good time with him and get more pictures when you can.

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Ah, the nervousness is over and he is settling in famously. I asked him to step up and he did. We are both a little shaky at it, but he came out, sat on me a little bit and flew back to his cage, so I helped him step up and get in. Then, he rested some more. Finally he has started drinking water, eating pellets, veggies and beans and is playing with his toys. Thanks for all your blessings and care. This is a joyous day and the tears run down my face that life is so good. Thank you everyone.

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Dee, I'm so glad that Juno has finally made it home and that you are both settling in wonderfully. I know you have been waiting for this day for a very long time, patiently and impatiently at times, but could you have asked for a better outcome? I think not. Your preparation and love for Juno is obvious as you are both quite happy! Congratulations again on Juno making it home and we want to see lots and lots of pictures!

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I am so happy for you Dee! What a little cutie Juno is and have I mentioned I love his name! He is so sweet and what fantastic breeders you have.


As always...we'd all love to see more pictures! And please keep us posted on how the next few days go!



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Wow, this has been a day of highs and lows. Juno had an accident last week, hurt his wing and was x-rayed and fine, but hurting, dropping his wing, not talking or eating. His vet gave us the okay for the transition but said take it a day at a time and when I went this morning, I was pretty sure, but not positive he could come home. I could tell right away he was favoring his right wing, but since he had flown Friday night we all agreed it was time for him to come home.

He has had a seven hour car ride, spent the night in a motel, gotten another hour and a half car ride and he came home very quiet and vigilant. He was like a statue for two hours. By mid afternoon, he had not eaten or moved and seemed stressed. The time was ticking to get him out by myself to give him medication and he still hadn't eaten.

Then, as if he emerged from a deep sleep, he started eating everything, he has been playing, he stepped up, came out of his cage and has been flying from his cage to his toy and all is well. I just gave him some formula with his meds and tucked him quietly into bed and he is just a sweetheart. first_day_on_toy.jpg


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Thanks for all the best wishes and for all the encouragement. This is the best day! Cassandra, I am glad you like his name too. We were planning a big birthday celebration with a cruise to Alaska when I met Juno and asked to trade my cruise. I may not see Juneau Alaska this year, but will see Juno every day.

Now, for all your enjoyment, I would like you to know, a friend sent me this tee shirt and I decided to wear it just for you so I could send you a picture with Juno and you will know that I read your forums, took your advice to heart and am fearlessly prepared for anything that comes. If you look on the upper left, you will see I also found a little sticker for my little stinker. It has a little hairy monster and says "I Bite!", for his travel cage, to keep out the curiousity seekers. He isn't a novelty, he's my boy. Bite_Me.jpg


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How right you are, I woke up several times in the night and thought about checking him but didn't want to disrupt his rest. As soon as it was decent, I started his breakfast. Judy, as always your advice is spot on. I allowed Juno to lead the way for deciding when he was ready for any advances and by the end of the day he was flying and exploring very carefully but he has accepted that while I am no Ann, I am probably okay.. for now. LOL. Will see how today goes.

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Lol Dee - love the t-shirt - but should you really be encouraging him to do that!!!??:laugh:

And it looks as though Juno appreciates your toy-making skills! He seems to have given the orbit the thumbs/talons up!!

Glad to hear he's given you the seal of approval too - knew he would though!


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He is still such a baby... can't read yet, LOL. I won't show him the pictures and he isn't much on being behind me. LOL. I am pretty sure he will have a sense of humor about it though. He takes toys and food from my hand. I have had him out of the cage a couple of times, but he still flies back to the cage. He flew into the stair banister and tumbled and since he has had an issue with his wing, I am discouraging the flights until his vet check up on Friday. So, I let him step up on my hand and come out of the cage, but as soon as he looks back and wants back in I sit close and let him get right back to his comfort zone. He is very quiet and just watching everything. He does not much care for the two little dogs... four legged beasts, featherless, flightless, ground-dwelling vermin.

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