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Tonights the night


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Tonight's finally the night that our little man is coming home. He's a 4, almost 5, month old timneh.


We've known since Saturday that we can pick him up and its going to my nerves. Seriously I don't get how others do it.

All these questions go through my mind like am I prepared enough ( NO ) do we have everything in the house that we don't have easy access to, will the trip go well.. the whole shabang basically.


He comes from a small but recommended breeder, is dna tested and is already on a good food regime with veggies, pellets, some fruit etc.


At 5 we're leaving so got to keep breathing till then :P


The entire family ( both Johan's and mine ) is exited, my mum even made us a little gift to say welcome to the little one, although she's in an other country so all I have right now is an image :P


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You'll not be able to wait Diana - you've waited all this time and now your dream comes true! I can remember the day I could pick Harvey up - I was at work and had to leave to go and get him early because I was so excited!


Can't wait to see some pictures - and oh, what a talented lady your mum is!! :)

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thanks you guys, I love the card my mum made. She usually doesn't do animals so it was quite the surprise.


Trying to kill the waiting atm by re checking everything, cage play-tree foods. Getting the travelers cage ready, just 3 more hours to go :whistle:

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It is wonderful that your wait is over. It is exciting for all of us to share that joy with you. Do you have a name picked out for your new addition? Our call should come any moment now to tell us when our five month old CAG can come home. I am glad to live through your happy moment, thanks for sharing! Dee

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Thanks for all the kind messages! Didn't have much time to update last night sorry for that. Everything went extremely well, he's eating drinking playing and cosying down with us.


His name is .... MIKA so named after Mika Hakkinnen, which caused some laughs at the breeder.


And of course some obligatory pictures, meet mika (isn't he adorable :D )





And one with Johan (we didn't let him sit there, but it makes the most cutest picture)


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How AWFUL of you for being too busy playing with and gazing at your new baby, that you couldn't update us last night!!! Tut tut.

JUST KIDDING!! :lol: He is absolutely beautiful dain. You must be thrilled to have him home.

Photos are great.

Bye for now.


Lyn & Alfie


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Ah Diana - he is sooooo cute (Mika - not Johan - I'm not after your man!!).


I'm with Lyn - How dare you play with Mika and not spend your first hours with him on the computer!!!


Now the fun properly begins!! Looking forward to hearing more about Mika as the days and weeks progress :)

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He he Yes how dare I play with our new baby ^^


We will most certainly enjoy every single second of him, although have to contain johan to not spoil him from the start... or myself for that matter :P I know it will just kick us in the bum later on.


Atm he's catching up some sleep, since it got quite late last night after all.

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Mika is fitting for him. It is so endearing to see Johan's smile and to know your entire family is welcoming him into your lives. Play, play and play some more. Your joy is magnified by all of us sharing it with you. Thanks for the pictures, we look forward to many more.

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