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Hi all. . Just want to thank each and every one that has help me and Coco so far! She is doing very well and I can see her greowing day by day!

I would like to know ehat would my doings be for week 4 ? what is the do's and donts for week 4? She is nou 4 weeks old. . . .

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That's more of a question for Dave's expertise but I'll tell you what I can from my experience :)

I'm glad to hear Coco is doing so well, and keep up that weight gain! They grow SO fast, enjoy the time while she is a little one, and take lots of pictures!

A few things I personally might do for a 4 week old chick: continue weighing daily, you can try giving her some cheerios if you want but I'd hold off on veggies etc. for a while, continue keeping her clean and warm, and you can maybe begin getting things together for when she's all grown up! Most of the things you were doing and weren't doing in week 3 are still relevant :)

Keep up the good work and keep us posted!

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We would love daily updates if its not too much trouble as I and probably some others would love to know how it is going with your baby, we kind of feel like we are helping you raise it, after all a few here have given you some lifesaving advice and will continue to do so, all you have to do is ask.

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Hi all. Just want you all to know that Coco is now 5 weeks old. We are doing GREAT she still eats 5 meals every 4 hours so one of these days she will be eating me out of the house ! ! ! LOL She loves to sit on a towel on my lap on the couch and then I have to stroke her all the time I have posted a few extra fotos but will put some more on. . . LOTS OF LOVE Janica and COCO

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