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Does anyone else grey do this.....


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Does anyone elses grey stick their tounge out the side of their beak? like trying to lick something of the side of their mouth or something? Mine does this and it looks SO very silly!


OH and does anyone elses Grey get scared of you when you come home, from being gone for like an hour? Calypso my Grey does this sometimes too, So I make sure I take the glasses of my head, cuz I thought that is what was scaring her, But she still does it sometimes, Even with out the sunglasses on my head...

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Yes Josey does that sometimes, like she is wiping up a morsel that may have stuck to her beak.


Josey and Sunny both get scared sometimes when my hubby comes in the door after being out for a bit, he does it suddenly so when the door opens they take flight, well at least Sunny does, Josey can't but she flies off her perch, I've told him many times about it but it falls on deaf ears.:blink: :dry: :unsure:

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I have never seen my Grey do this, but i have seen others do it with the tongue.


Our Grey does fluff up at me when I first walk in the door after being gone. Same as you, I ensure sunglasses are off etc.


He never fluffs up when my wife comes home.


Once I talk to him nicely and say hi, how ya doing etc. he comes flying to my shoulder or offers his foot for a step-up with feathers laying down again.

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Yes Kea sticks her long lizzard like tonugue out the side of her mouth and she usually licks my boyfriends face. I tell him it's obscene and tell her to put her lizzard tongue away.


They are never scared when we come home no matter what we have on. I can be dressed up in winter clothes hat, scarf, coat and Rangi let's out a scream flies down the hallway and lands on me....then he realises that this picture is not right and what is that on your head and around your neck.<br><br>Post edited by: Jane08, at: 2009/10/08 16:01

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Yeah, I am her favorite person, She doesnt like my hubby too much, That is why I was a little worried, But, She doesnt act that way for too long though, Just a couple mins.


Well I am glad someone else has a grey that sticks their tounge out like that, I was starting to think maybe she was "simple" lol, Im j/k She just looks so silly when she does it like she is making a silly face, haha

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luvparrots wrote:

My grey just uses her perches to clean her beak.


Lucky old you Janet - you want to see the tops of my doors every night and also my t-shirts each evening!


Harvey sticks his tongue out too - just like he is saving things for later.


Harvey never fluffs up at me - but does at my husband - he knows to give him a wide berth for a bit before trying to touch him tho! ;)

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Darwin sticks her tongue out all the time! She has been doing this since she was a little baby and is almost 10 months old now. She often does it when I just take her out or when she is being silly. I think it looks hilarious and I do it right back!

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