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im new! yeahhh!

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hey all! im new here!


Have been thinking about getting a parrot for some time now,


I currently have a few fish tanks, 1 rabbit, and 1 cat! :)


Really want an African grey!


Been researching on the internet, and by a book called "Why does my parrot...?" by Rosemary Low.


But, my LPS are asking for £850 for a handreared young parrot? is that a good price?



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I paid £850 for Harvey - so it's probably about the going rate (I presume by using the pound sign you're in the UK).


Welcome to the forum - this is indeed the place to get all of the information you need before you decide whether a grey (or another parrot) will fit in with your lifestyle - think long, hard and harder again - they are life changing and the way you've socialised and gone about your business day to day up until now will change dramatically if you decide to get a parrot of any sort.


Everyone here is so friendly - ask any questions you feel you need answering - you will ALWAYS get an an answer. :)

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Congratulations on finding this forum to help you learn all there is involved with getting an intelligent companion and all the joys and responsibilities that come with it. It takes a while to read through the forum and it is worth it. Thankfully, as I have been waiting for three months for our chick to be weaned, I bought the cage, perches, play stand, toys and first aid kit a little at a time. Also, it gives you time to speak with a local avian vet to get estimates on well checkups, food recommendations and other considerations for your preparation and research. Thanks for joining us for the journey.

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Welcome Betta246. You will find out so much information here on this forum. Anytime I have any questions related to either my grey named Tango or my macaw named Tiko I first post it here on this forum. The support is phenominal.


I am not sure what 850 UK money means, but I paid $1,200.00 + tax for Tango. Then you need to add in the cost of a cage big enough for the bird, the play pen perch, the toys, and the seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, soak and boil, etc. The total initial investment here was right around $2,500.00, and have never regretted this.


A good book to get and read is called "For the Love of Greys" written by Bobbi Brinker. I have read various books and this one has been the best so far. I also want to add that please do your homework in advance. These are precious creatures that deserve you do this. A life changing experience as a previous poster said is exactly the truth. What blessed birds these are.


Ok I am ranting now. A welcome to the forum is all this was supose to be so again welcome to the forum.

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thanks for the warm welcome everyone.


The african grey dream never lasted that long. Too expensive, :(

But will defos buy one in the future once im working etc. Got the knowledge of keeping them! :D


oh and i will defos come back to this forum, seen as i have made the account, so watch this space! :)

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