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I just want to say Hi to all ! I plan to get my grey in near future (read this fall) so I do a lot of reading checking all sorts of forums and sites about greys. This one in particular helped me learn a lot. I hope my avatar will change soon and become a bit more featherish. Until then i'll try to get some more info about a thing or two.


Ciao !

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Hi Pixie - welcome to the forum. You will find this site probably the friendliest and the most informative on the internet ~ this was the one I visited all of the time when I was deciding to get a grey - and they still didn't put me off!


There are hundreds of amazing threads throughout this forum - of if you feel you have a specific question - ask away - somebody will answer you. Look forward to hearing more about you and your chosen birdie :)

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welcome welcome! i am new also to this site. i have been so warmly welcomed here by the awsome people on this site. i am also in the process of bringing home a new baby in the near future and have learned so much already just from reading the threads here. and it is nice to have people to give you advice and tell you their own experiences. good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...



I got him last night. He is between 4 and 5 months old and boy(so I'm told). His name is Fiti ! He eats a lot and drinks water normally. He accepts food from my hand but he is extremely cautious , when someone enters the room he backs away but soon he comes to the front. He reacts to every higher sound (doors , door-bell etc.)so i try to keep things as quiet as i can. I'm not allowed to "enter" the cage as he gets all angry , but he eats from my palm as long as i slide it through bars. We haven't heard a sound last night and we sleep in the same room. Today he fell a sleep two times for short period of time.

I presume all this is normal (please tell me if not), and i have few questions.


I'm scared if of everything now , i want to know if he is healthy so i look at his droppings - but i don't know how they should look. :blush:

So far droppings were green-white and moisture but were relatively firm. One time i saw he pooped something jelly-like and colorless(what's with that)?

What else should i pay attention to?

Can people that cough , or have a cold or similar be health threat to greys ?


Last thing - the guy that sold me the bird is a breeder and has a lot of birds. He hand-feeds them but later - when chicks start to take food by themselves he spends less time with them - the point is that I've seen tamer young birds then my Fiti and i hope with all my heart that with time he will become tame and relaxed.


Actually the last thing are those :








please comment

THANKS !<br><br>Post edited by: pixie, at: 2009/10/25 14:45



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Guest jamalbirdbiz

handfeedings sound pretty cool. 1 way to gain trust. keep up the grate work and u'll be able to turn him around. B) soon he will be working for u and not against u. no more scare tactics coming ur way, btu perhaps other ways (via divebombings,etc.). :silly: we love them no matter wat, so whatever i says. B)

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Congrats on getting your new grey, you two are going to have a lot of fun in the coming months and years.


Please give Fiti some time to settle into his new home, he is in new surrounding, everything is new to him so he needs to feel comfortable and this will take time so be patient and don't rush him.


He looks nice and healthy from the pictures you shared but I only have one thing to ask, how far apart are the spaces between bars on his cage as they look like they may be spaced more than 1 inch, if so he could get his head caught in them?

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

good pointe abuot the bar spacing judy. u mite want to loook into that asap. we dont want to hear any sad stories about how ur grey's death was due to an unfortuante spacing issue. :evil: im gettting tired of all the premature grey deaths that keep coming up on these boreds. :( better resize those bars or looks into getting a more suit able cage. thanks again judy for ur valuable ensite.

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Congratulations on Fiti's arrival!!!!


Just be patient as you are and let him get used to his new home and flock. It is natural for them to be cautious and a little anxious when introduced to a new environment like that.


Just keep on coming to him on his terms and don't pass his comfort zone which could slow down the trust building process.


It sounds like the breeder was not one that subscribes to the socialization and abundance weaning process.


Fiti is a beautiful Grey, the poop sounds normal. However, the first thing on your list should be to get him to an avian veterinarian for a wellness check.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos. :-)

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Ok then that is fine, from the picture it looks like it is more than that, your hand must be small as I can't fit my hand inside like you can to give a treat.


Time and patience is your best friend right now, follow that and soon you will see your grey's personality emerge, enjoy your new fella.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

tahnks for setting judy and me straight. Dan! :silly:


Pixie keeps doing wats ur doing and fifi will be ur bestest friend yet. more handfeedingsmite do it. who knows. :silly:

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He's lovely Pixie - thanks for the photos. The only thing I would probably add (and I know you've just got him) is that I would change the dowel perches - they aren't good for their feet as they adopt the "hunched" feet routine - a cement perch, or a java branch is much more suitable as this keeps his feet at different positions. :)

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judygram wrote:

Ok then that is fine, from the picture it looks like it is more than that, your hand must be small as I can't fit my hand inside like you can to give a treat.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

those are my girlfriend's hands ... i took the picture while she was feeding him


Thank you all again !

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Here's a little update. Fiti is doing fine. He is less scared of things but still growls if you approach him suddenly (but comes anyway) :). He eats like crazy! If i give him something a hundred times, he'll take it a hundred times and after that he'll go and eat from the bowl. I've read that i should let him eat all he wants while he's young - is it true? He enjoys parsley, all sorts of seeds except for pumpkin seeds, carrot (but it looks to me that he only plays with it and never eats a bit), banana (i gave him just a little) and especially PEANUTS !

Swinger is his new favorite spot in the cage. He had a lot of fun chewing willow branches I gave him yesterday. You can see that i took a chisel and made some improvements to the original perch and then wrapped it with a bandage (is that fine?).



Here's some pics and some question, again :-) !


I tried to lure him to my palm with some sunflower seeds and he was like : "I'm not interested at all ... but those seeds look delicious , and I haven't eat for seconds...no no no no... but maybe " :laugh: While he was thinking what to do I moved my fingers closer and for a few seconds he was standing on my palm , when he realized what was happening he scared, jumped away and started growling - but not loudly. He was funny !

The Q is , should I initiate contact or should i wait for him to touch me?

And the second one - when do i let him out of the cage ? When he's fully adapted and comfortable with me or earlier ?









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