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Do your greys sleep during the day?


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I've recently wondered if Tobie is normal. Before Tobie I've noticed other parrots, amazons and others sitting in their cages in pet stores and other places and sleeping during the day. It just occured to me the other day that I've never seen Tobie sleep during the day. On days when I'm home with Tobie he is either in the cage with the door open or downstairs with me on the back of the couch. He NEVER sleeps. He is playing, chewing, preening, eating, talking, or sitting on one foot and just staring at nothing. Is this normal?

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Dayo does as others mentioned. Leg up, eye's blinking.


Once or twice we have watched him literally lay down and fall into a deep sleep. But, this was only when we were in the living, darkened, watching a movie and Dayo would lay down next to Kim on the couch and next thing we knew, he was laying down, feet sticking out the back and head nuzzled into Kim.

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Once in a while I see Josey sleeping on the weekend but I can't comment on whether she does during the week. She is usually in her cage playing or sitting on a playstand and she will sit there with one foot up just looking around or preening. I guess it depends on whether they get enough sleep at night.

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I saw Harvey sleep once during the day - that was the second day we brought him home. He "rests" like the others say, one foot up, but just stays nice and quiet (not very often!).


I don't think when we are out that he sleeps - the radio is on so he'll not get much peace. My tiel used to sleep all of the time - so I find it funny that Harvey doesn't either.

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All of mine sleep during the day - usually around the hottest part of the day here (about 3:00 pm). I call this general nap time for all...lol. I've noticed that around 2:30 the yawns start for Dixie and then she gets into her cage and gets very quiet and comfortable on her favorite perch, one leg up. I've caught her with her eyes closed a couple of times. When I was visitng Beau the other day about the same time of day I caught him napping. He'll fit in nicely when he comes home tomorrow!

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I've also never seen Tobie with his head under his wing as some of you have described. He just drops his chin to his chest and sleeps that way. I've seen that when I get up in the middle of the night for some reason. Maybe he sleeps if I'm at work, but when I'm home - nope - he doesn't sleep.

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