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new to the site!! hello everyone!

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hello all! my name is jess. my hubby, 2 boys and i are anxiously awaiting news to hear if the new clutch that was laid recently will give us our baby!! the breeder we chose will call when he knows for sure if we have a winner!!!

we live in southern louisiana. we speak some cajun french and are looking forward to teaching our grey how to speak it.lol

we were told by our breeder that we will be bringing her/him home at about 2 months..depending how the breeder feels. so i am looking forward to handfeeding. hopefully i can turn to yall in times of need. lol

i am trying to teach myself everything i possibly can before hand so that i dont just jump in to this blindly. so im sure i will be bugging yall with tons of questions lol.

currently i do have a lutino cockatiel named tweety! who is a doll and my little buddy. lol we are looking forward to him having a friend around.

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Hi Jess. Welcome to this great family !!! You will get all the help and advice that you need from searching the posts in this forum and from most members who are more than willing to share their knowledge and expertise.


Please do read the "Parrots Bill of Rights" by clicking on this link:




It is an excellent place to start for any prospective grey owner and a must read.<br><br>Post edited by: ramsabi, at: 2009/10/04 06:16

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Hi Jess - Welcome to the forum. It's great that you are researching greys before taking the leap. I too had a cockatiel - but I can tell you - the cockatiel is a walk in the park compared to a grey! I could have 10 cockatiels and they wouldn't be as hard to look after as my Harvey!


I would think about asking your breeder to keep your bird until it is fully weaned - I feel that you have to have experience to handfeed and wean birds, and as a novice myself I certainly wouldn't have wanted the responsibility of hand feeding - but I know you might feel differently.


Good luck with your purchase - your new baby will change your life DRAMATICALLY!! :)

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Hello Jess and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey baby.


I too would like to recommend you leave the baby with the breeder until it is fully weaned, you do not have to handfeed it to bond with with your baby, I didn't handfeed mine and we bonded nicely. So much can go wrong.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I have my fingers crossed that this clutch is fertile and hatches out you a wonderful baby.

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thank you all for the warm welcome!! i will talk more with my breeder to see if he will wean the baby for me. he also is going to give me some lessons in hand feeding and caring for a grey. he used to speak all over the south about breeding and raising greys. especially at the local schools. he is very recomended by people and i was even recomended to him by another breeder.

i am not only excited about getting our new baby, but i am also a little apprehensive. i dont want to make any bad moves in bonding with it. i just want to do everything right and have a happy healthy grey. so thats why i turned to yall for support lol.

i want my bird to love being with me and my family.

thank you all so much again! i feel completly welcome!

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Hi Jess welcome to the forum! I know how does it feel being a first time owner of the beautiful grey parrot. I've only have my grey for almost a week now. One thing I can tell you is please make sure that the bird is fully weaned when you bring him/her home. Leave the handfeeding to the experts.


I too have a cockatiel, a male WF Cinnamon Pearl Pied, very sweet. Not as messy as the grey. Well I both love my birds, they're not just a pet instead a member of our family.

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ok so i got bad news today. :( the clutch i was waiting on isnt any good. i just about cried when they told me. so it means i might have to wait till after christmas to possibally get my baby.

the breeder told me that all the breeders he knows have been having trouble getting good eggs this season. oh well the time will come when i can get one. :( :(

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well i havent really had trouble with any site...but i have been scammed out of alot of money from an online company before so i am a bit leery of buying online now. i was looking at birdcagesgalore.com, i looked it up on the bbb website and i couldnt find anything. the prices seemed too good to be true so i dont know what to think. but if you say this site is fine then i trust you. the pet shop that i have been going too doesnt have that many to choose from and their prices are HIGH!

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As I have said I have never had any trouble with them and I like their prices compared to others. But only you can be the judge of a good merchant. My tastes might be different than yours. Many like craigslist for cages also. Good luck!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/10/12 23:38

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