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Stories of Lost & Found Greys?


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I just posted a lost notice for a friend whose Grey has been missing for 2 weeks, not even a sighting. (Accidental fly off.)



If anyone has had a Grey lost for a week or more, and recovered it, she could sure used some inspirational stories. She has done just about everything imaginable, now it's just continue to look and wait...


If you've lost and recovered your Grey after a long wait, or know of someone who has, and can share the story about how/where it was found, please post.



thanks a bunch!


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Guest Lidia

I lost Joshua for just over a week back in 1995, when he was six years old. It was the worst week of my life. Just awful.


I was in the back of my brother's car, coming back from the vet where Joshua had had his nails clipped. He wasn't in his travel cage when I got out of the car, he was on my shoulder.


This was particularly stupid because I lived in the centre of the city at the time and I thought it would be okay because Joshua is such a calm bird. Anyway, he heard a noise that startled him, and took off up the street. I chased after him, shouting his name. I got up to the corner of the street where the buses park and found a freshly squished bird on the pavement, which I assumed was Joshua. I mean FRESHLY squished. I sat on the street in absolute hysterics over it and then went back down home, absolutely shattered. The next few days were just the worst, the absolute worst. Horror and guilt and grief all wrapped up together.


A really rotten week passed. My brother was having a drink in the pub across the road from the house and the barman mentioned to him that he had found a parrot at 2am in the morning when he had closed the pub on the night I lost Joshua. Rocco told him about me. Two and two made four. I got Joshua back.


What had happened was that Joshua must have flown back towards the sound of my voice and landed, lost and frightened. He remained there on the street waiting for me for HOURS. I had lost him around 8pm. The publican just happened to see him out of the corner of his eye because he noticed that he didn't look right for a pigeon, and took him home.


Just thinking about it makes my blood run cold. I have Joshua on my shoulder as I am typing this and I am nearly in tears thinking about it and about how frightened he must have been and how abandoned he must have felt.


I tell you, when we were reunited, it was just the happiest happiest time.

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Thanks for sharing that story. I'm SO glad it had a happy ending. I found my pet pigeon attacked and killed by a hawk a couple of years ago, so I know exactly how you felt. You must have been beside yourself with joy when you were reunited.



We're thinking someone must have Tonka. Even that is discouraging though because she has posters everywhere, and has been all over talking to people. If someone decided to keep her that would be really unfortunate.

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Lidia, that is the saddest story, but had such a happy ending. I'm glad for you. I only hope that this other person has the same good fortune as you. I'll be praying that there grey comes home quickly and safely.

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I've never lost a bird, but I did lose my cat once. He was a big, fluffy, silver mainecoon (definitely didn't look like a stray. :laugh: ) Anyway, he didn't have a collar on, and he escaped through a not-so-closed window in the basement. He'd been missing for over a month when my mother got a phone call from this lady who said she saw one of our posters when taking a different route on her morning walk. She had renamed our Mozart "Adonis" and he was living in his own room in her house. :blink:


Lost cats are probably easier to find than lost birds, but you never know. :side:

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there

Just wanted to wish you or your friend the best of luck recovering the bird

I lost my grey in the summer and have had to resign myself to thinking somebody out there has found him and took him in

bitter pill to swallow when you lose something so dear to your heart#

I would just encourage you to pursue every imaginable avenue..local radio, paper and of course posters..a reward offered is most likely to get a response

Theres lots of people prepared to help via the internet such as the various parrot groups

All the very best and I hope your friends bird is found

I kmow of a guy who gave up on finding his bird and it was recovered four months later.

Also Greys are much hardier than they seem..once again good luck to you

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I really feel for people who lost a parrot and thats why i always like to tell my story,to give out hope that your grey maybe alive. I lost Bongo Aug. of 2006 for over a week i chased after him and he always ran away from me. He spent most of his time on the ground i dont think he knew he could fly. I had walls of bushs and grapes and he would scurry under them and hide from me. I bought night vison binoculars and night monitors, i have cleared half of my woods.I see him and hear him but never been able to catch him. Hes smarter then i am. He only comes out at night now. He knows the hawks are flying all aroud all day thats why hes a night bird.He has survived 3 winters of frigid weather,needless to say he still lives in my yard. I suppose i never will catch him but i still protect and feed him. He was scared by two feral cats and woke me up at 5 am screaming under my bedroom window, i ran outside and both bird and cats ran and hid. It took me over a week to trap and relocate both cats.I do whatever it takes to ensure he survives.So if you lost your bird he could very well be alive. Bongo proves it can be done.:ohmy:

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I really feel for people who lost a parrot and thats why i always like to tell my story,to give out hope that your grey maybe alive. I lost Bongo Aug. of 2006 for over a week i chased after him and he always ran away from me. He spent most of his time on the ground i dont think he knew he could fly. I had walls of bushs and grapes and he would scurry under them and hide from me. I bought night vison binoculars and night monitors, i have cleared half of my woods.I see him and hear him but never been able to catch him. Hes smarter then i am. He only comes out at night now. He knows the hawks are flying all aroud all day thats why hes a night bird.He has survived 3 winters of frigid weather,needless to say he still lives in my yard. I suppose i never will catch him but i still protect and feed him. He was scared by two feral cats and woke me up at 5 am screaming under my bedroom window, i ran outside and both bird and cats ran and hid. It took me over a week to trap and relocate both cats.I do whatever it takes to ensure he survives.So if you lost your bird hewell be alive. Bongo proves it can be done.:ohmy: Aug will be 3 yrs he is gone.<br><br>Post edited by: nanmadpad, at: 2009/02/23 05:15

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