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Impulse Buying!


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I used to have spare money - until Harvey firmly established himself in the family! Actually - he didn't even have a talon across the threshold and he was costing me a fortune, already!! :laugh:


I now buy something EVERY week as a treat - he's costing me a fortune.


My latest, whilst browsing was his palm nuts (which he loves) but alongside these there was sugar cane - so that's my impulse buy this week - but what the heck do you do with it! Do you drill it and hang it or what!!


I'd be grateful for the answer - and also find out what you impulse bought and whether you found a use for it!

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I never have spare money, I just spend money that was supposed to go somewhere else but I do find myself looking for more things for my birds.


I wished we could get those palm nuts here but will just have to settle for palm oil.


I've never been able to find any sugar cane so wouldn't even know what it looked like but maybe someone has given it to their greys before and can help you with your "problem":whistle: :woohoo:

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Sugar Cane provides parrots, cockatoos and macaws with a natural treat; the sugar cane is available in two handy pack sizes that we despatch in a frozen state from our premises. Once the sugar cane arrives at your premises you can simply re-freeze it for up to 12 to 18 months (just like the frozen Palm Nuts) Once the sugar-cane has been completely de-frosted it is best stored our of the plastic packet in the fridge. Sugar cane treats will provide your parrots with hours of fun chewing it to bits.








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Oh Jill. Impulse buying is SUCH a problem for me! Honestly, I'm working while being in school for the purpose of making money for school! But I work at a breeders! How does that help? It doesn't! I come home with something new for either Darwin, Sprite or Luna at least twice a week.

It's brutal but I cannot help myself! At least I can say that as long as I work there, Darwin will never get bored! :blink:

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Jill, I don't call it impulse buying... I say I am planning ahead, economizing, nesting, LOL. This used to be a lovely armoire in my bedroom with books and cds and gift wrap. Juno isn't even home yet and I have been trying to "preplan" toy making supplies, first aid, cleaning aids... you know, you don't want to run out at the last minute and get overcharged... LOL. Now with all your great ideas, I need a whole freezer section for the sugar cane, palm nuts and other delicacies... toy_chest.jpg


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Jeez that is one big pantry of bird stuff Katana. It's like we are packing to move at the moment and my boyfriend said the birds have 6 boxes of stuff to move and I am like what the heck they have more boxes than me.


We also give them sugar cane and I just jam it in between the bars of the cage, or I cut it into bits that are easier for them to manage and then they just hold it and munch away.

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