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A little friendly help needed


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Hi All


I am new to this forum but have had a nose around and think that it will prove my saving grace.


My name is Ellie and I live in Bahrain, Middle East.


We have just got our first African Grey called Elvis. Before Elvis we had a few Mynah birds. He is about 8 - 9 months old.


We bought Elvis home 2 nights ago. At first he was rather noisy (making a growling/squawk when you are close to him) but yesterday he started biting a bit, he is not drawing blood but I started wearing an oven glove when picking him up. He is still squawking lots when you approach him, he is also trembling.


I am of course rather worried. I have him on top his cage in the study with me to get him used to me being around me. At present he seems happy, he is preening his feathers, stretching his wings and cleaning his claws.


The other problem I have is that he does not seem to be eating or drinking much. He has a bowl for fruit and another for his mix and one for his water. I have tried hand offering fruit but he squawks and shakes and I don't want to upset him.


We have two dogs but he does not seem fazed by them and they are actually out of the room anyway so don't bother him.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ellie and Elvis

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Hi Ellie,


I'd say this behaviour is somewhat normal for the first few days. I don't know when Talula started drinking water, but only after we got the new cage (which has been just over a week now) did I notice her drinking from the water dish. I've had her two months on the 8th. Food, she loves, and I"ve not had a hard time getting her to eat. Well, the first week seemed iffy since she changed to a new diet.


It takes time. I'd personally suggest not using the glove, as Talula is a great example of what happens post-glove wearing owner. She was taught to step up on a covered arm. Be it a towel or long sleeves. She's fallen off her play top perch twice now while I was wearing long sleeves and putting treats or pine cones in the play top dishes for her. SHe thought I was offering a perch, and blindly tried to step on my passing arm.


She also bit me (and drew a lot of blood) while we worked on proper step up to the hand. Since you have a baby bird it would be best to let him get used to a bare hand, and don't react hard to the bites. My first exposure to real bird folk was at a local Bird Society meeting. Someone came up and offered a hand to phoenix and he bit them, somewhat hard I'd say. The older man just laughed it off saying all Greys are the same, and then Phoenix put his head down and let him scratch him, finally he did step up onto the man's offered finger.


It isn't pleasant, but the biting does seem to help foster a bond. It will get worse before it gets better. Persistence, keeping a cool head, and always rewarding the good behaviours (talking, chirps, dancing, what have you) with a treat will help to minimize the negative reactions like biting.


Good luck! I love the name Elvis, I am from Memphis (the King's home)!

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Thank you so much for your kind words, advice and reassurance. I will put the oven glove back in its rightful place. He will step up on to my hand. He is currently asleep on his top perch whilst listening to Michael Jackson and seems happy enough.


I loved the name Elvis too. I think it really suits him.

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Hi Elle & Elvis!

Welcome to the forum!

SOrry to hear you're having trouble with your new baby, he does sound a little troubled with the trembling. If he's not eating tho, that sounds a little more serious. There are alot of very knowlegable members in this forum who will give you some excellent advice, just be patient for some replies - a lot of our members come from different contries! In the meantime, some more info would be helpful, ie, was he hand reared, did you get him direct from the breeder, or has he had another home inbetween? Is he pooping ok?

Getting him to a specialist vet to have him checked over (if you haven't already) is a must - if there is anything seriously wrong with him, the sooner you catch it the better. Do you have an avian vet where you live - we have to travel around and hour and a half to see ours.

It could be that he's just been upset by the move and that he'll come round, but better to be safe than sorry.

Anyway, it's nice to have you and Elvis here, this forum has been a great help to me and Alfie in the last year or so. I'm sure you'll find it helpful too!


BYe for now,


Lyn & Alfie



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Sorry I can't help since I'm just getting my bird later today but all I can say for now is welcome to the board. You'll definitely going to learn a lot from here. People here are very friendly and always shares their experiences.


I miss Bahrain, I worked at Bahrain Duty Free as showcase designer back in 1996.

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I think your new bird needs time to adjust to his new home and people. I would not try to have him step up yet if he is not ready the biting is his way of telling you to back off.take notice of his body language and volcal growls.For now I would just talk to him and if he will let you give him treats by hand. Dont rush him,the time you take now will be rewarded.

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Hi Ellie. Sounds like Elvis is afraid and unsecure of his new surroundings. He needs more time so just see that he has food and water and let him get use to his new home. Just talk to him and he will come around. Just be patient with your new companion. If you have any pictures, we would love to see Elvis. Congratulations on your new friend.

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Hi All


Well, the good news is that Elvis is now eating and drinking. He seems to be doing it in secret. Left him for a few hours last night (went to see my horse) and came into the room to find him eating. He stops when you come in, so left him to it. He did the same thing this morning. He even managed to climb from his top perch, down inside to eat, so I feel so much better.


We handled him a lot more yesterday and I told my husband just to talk to him or whistle lightly and he seems to feel comfortable with that - no growling/squawking.


He was hand-reared before we bought him. The man was his only owner, so I am sure there is an element of adjustment required and am sure Elvis is also upset about being taken from the man.


Bahrain is big in its birds and horses. Some of you may dislike me for this, but we didn't personally find Elvis, a friend did for us. He spent several weeks looking. There were some financial reasons for this - the price would double for an expat face, but also the friend has had African Grey's (or Classico's as they call them}) for a long time and he took a friend with similar experience, so that they found us the right bird. We visited several pet shops on the island who had parrots for sale, but they were vicious, would squawk and hide at the back of the cage.


We do have vets here but no specialist Avian vets. I do however have a close lady friend at the stables who has bred parrots and birds for many many years and that in fact is her occupation. I spoke to her last night and she offered me some very insightful advice and I am starting to feel much happier about Elvis.


I have attached a photo of him as requested and hope you like him.


Thank you once more for the friendly and helpful advice in a very nerve-racking time.


Raleej337 - Bahrain is wonderful, I moved here from UK over a year ago and will never leave. It holds a special place in lots of peoples hearts :)

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Hi Ellie,

So happy to hear Elvis is starting to settle in with you. The first few months of Parronthood is certainly a nerve wracking time. COme to think of it, I've had ALf a year and a half and I still fing it a little nerve wracking!

I don't think any less of you at all for enlisting the help of parrot experienced friends to find Elvis for you, in fact it was quite a sensible thing to do! And having the lady breeder friend that you talk of will be very helpful.

Thanks for the update.


Lyn & Alfie



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Hi Ellie, wonderful that Elvis is beginning to become comfortable.


I went through a harrowing experience in the past 4 days and have realized that an avian vet is a must. I had to go to Dubai from Muscat to take Rishi to one.


Bahrain has falconry doesn't it? I am sure if there is falconry, you will be able to find an avian vet.


One reason why avian facilties are required is that if for any reason a Grey falls sick, tests might need to be run.


Also a regular avian vet visit is necessary. Birds can conceal illness very well and by the time the symptoms present themselves, it might be too late to do anything.


I now have to live with this constant fear since there are no avian vets in Oman.

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Sorry that Rishi was so sick, I hope he is now on the mend.


To be honest I have never heard of any falconry here but that doesn't mean it doesn't take place.


I have a friend who is what I would call, an expert in birds, and will ask her about an Avian vet next time I am at the stables.


Evis is much much happier today, I wouldn't say friendlier but certainly settling into his home and new surroundings. He is eating and drinking a lot more now so feeling much better with him.


Thanks again

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