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Darwin Update!


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Hello again everyone. I've got a little update on Darwin here and I'll try not to make it too long!


I know I tend to get mushy and say that I love her so much and I can't imagine life without her, but honestly - I have never loved a pet this much and have never felt such a connection to an animal. I adore all my pets but Darwin is more like a child to me and I would do anything for her.


Anyway, on to the update!

She is almost 10 months old now and I can't believe how time has flown. She is growing up into a very sweet, loving and intelligent Timneh and get more independent and confident each day. Since I've been bringing her to work and she's gotten lots of attention from many, many different bird-lovers, she is an absolute socialite and loves meeting new people. My boss has taught her to shake hands before stepping up onto someone and she does this every time - it's very funny.

She can now say "HI! How are you?", "Hello Darwin" and "Wookywooky". She can also make a duck's quack and a monkey noise, usually on cue. She mimics the phone and microwave beeps among many other sound effects - she seems to enjoy making up whistles and mimicking sounds more than saying words!

She'll step up onto anyone but loves my Mom and me the best. We're the only ones who can pet her, and I can touch her anywhere without so much as a peep. She loves head scratches and foraging and banging bells. She seems happy and is healthy - always making noises, swinging upside down, and her favourite thing about the morning is getting her veggies!

She also comes into the shower daily and lets me drench her whenever I want (usually 3x/week). She also adores taking baths on the kitchen table in a baking dish, and I have a video of this - it's hilarious - and will try to share it soon!


Anyway, I'll stop talking now :) and will get on with the photos!



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Thanks for the great update on Darwin, it looks like the two of you are having a blast and she is adorable from the pictures you shared. I love that playstand and I bet she enjoys playing on it.


It is wonderful when you can bring her with you to work, she gets so much more attention that way and she is loving it.


What a wonderful well rounded grey she is, thanks for sharing the pictures and letting us know how she is doing.

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