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"Tick tick tick tick!"


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Hello! I hope everyone is doing well!


I have sort of a bizarre question. Darwin's cage is in my room, and she gets put to sleep usually around 8-8:30. She always goes to sleep like an angel and I never have trouble putting her to bed.

I usually go to bed around 9:30-11, depending on the day. She always wakes up when I come into the room and does a small squak, her way of saying hello. I tell her to go back to sleep and she quiets down.

However, the past 3-4 days she has been making a very strange sound after this happens. I lie down to go to sleep, Darwin will be totally quiet and then about a minute later I'll hear a very faint "ticktick...tickticktick....ticktickticktick...." a minute will go by and she'll repeat the sound. It almost sounds like its her beak rubbing together or something. The first time she did it I got paranoid and turned the light on, but everything was fine..and she's been doing it a few times each night over the past few days.

It's probably just me being totally paranoid but I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard their Grey do this?



(And I'm in the middle of taking new pictures of her and Luna for updates! Will be up soon!)

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LOL Judy the funny thing is I have heard that noise thousands of times just never so quietly! Also I've been going to bed very early lately and perhaps she does it when shes about to go to sleep and I've always missed it! Way to not make that connection eh lol.


Thanks again Judy ;)

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