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Where does your parrot sleep?


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It'd be interesting to hear where everyone's parrot sleeps.


It is really strange but I have never seen Beau sleeping as he is covered and once I've gone to bed I don't like to come back downstairs incase I disturb him but I have noticed that in the last few weeks he has changed from going to the bottom grate as soon as he is covered and peeking out to staying higher in the cage unseen. It seems strange to me (as we have had since April and from a baby) that he has suddenly changed now.


Argyle sleeps high in his cage with his head inside his bell - yes really! Well I guess it's dark and blocks everything else out. :laugh:

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I'm really not sure where Josey sleeps as she is covered at night but I am pretty sure it is on her boing, right at the top, it is the highest point she can get inside her cage.


Sunny, my sun conure sleeps in a tent like hut, she goes inside usually as I am covering her, once she started using it she has used it ever since. I don't have one for Josey as I doubt she would use it.

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Ana Grey has always slept on her cement perch, the highest place in her cage. When she is tired she zips up there. If she is still up when I decide she should be sleeping, I just tell her nite, nite and she goes to her sleep perch no problem. I don't cover her cage I just turn off the lights and shut the door. I would love to see Argyle sleeping, that must be such a cute/funny sight!!!

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Rikki's top half of her cage is covered, but she sleeps at the top of her boing.


Talon is also covered and has her own sleep cage, she sleeps crouched on the top of her happy hut. She used to sleep inside of it, but now that she is older, she likes the top. :S

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Jasper sleeps on his cement perch OR on his place where the food bowls go...


I don't cover him...


I think one of things with covering them is the darkness factor and helps them sleep and not be so cranky. I however don't. Jasper has a bed time and sleeps in our room. But comes out on his t-stand during the day.

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Schroeder squeezes himself on the top of one of his toys that is mounted to the side of his cage about 3 inches from the top and sleeps sandwiched between that and the top of his cage. I tried moving the toy lower, but he threw a fit....... I do not cover the cages. They are too big and my birds are my alarm clock....w/o them throwing a tantrum for breakfast every morning, I wouldn't get up in time for work. That said, they know I like to sleep in on Sundays and typically let me have a few extra hours.

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Rose still sleeps kind of curled up in the bottom corner of her cage. At first this concerned me, but after watching her doze off one afternoon on her perch and she almost fell off, I realized that for now sleeping on the floor of her cage was more stable for her.


Skittles sleeps high up on his tree branch perch. I still want to get him one of those cozy tent things. How hard are they to keep clean?

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Harvey sleeps on his cement perch - which is at the highest point in his cage. I used to cover him when he went back up there, of his own accord, but now he's stubborn and would stay down with his toys forever, so I cover him wherever he may be and I hear him clawing his way back up to the perch ;)

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Misty no longer sleeps in his cage. He decided a few months ago that he preferred his perch. He has tree perch in the living room made from branches of apple wood and from a lilac tree. He tells me when he thinks it is bed time by saying either or combinations of "Bed time" "Bed time baby" , "Bed time, By by " "By by baby"

This happens at any time from eleven pm on. He wont let me ignore him. It is my cue to turn off the TV, turn out the lights and leave him in peace!

In the mornings he calls out to me with his signature call which I repeat back to him. After a few back and forth returns he calls out "Hi Babe". I come in with my morning coffee and his glass of hot water. He will say "water" and comes to drink from the tumbler as i hold it. If it is not hot he wont drink it but nips my fingers instead! Interestingly in the late evening he will now ask for "Cold water" but he expects an ice cube in it or else ! :ohmy:


I some times wonder who is boss around here!:lol:


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/09/25 12:26

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LOL what a character Misty is, that's too funny.

Darwin prefers to sleep on her favourite foraging toy :blink: Its a square horizontal ferris wheel with 4 flaps that all open different ways. Sometimes she decides she wants to be facing the other way so she'll grab onto the cage bars and swing the wheel around, at which point she'll curl up and fall asleep. :)

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Judy of course Misty is spoilt rotten. But he is a very affectionate little fellow and I just cant resist him.

I am sure I could not handle several birds living out of their cages all the time but Misty is as good as gold as long as I don't put to much temptation in his way:laugh:


Steve n Misty

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Talula slept in the middle of her small cage due to where we placed her pink perch (Its gritty but I don't quite know what it's made of).


When we got the new cage, taking a cue from Phoenix's cage setup, I put the pink perch up high.


She sleeps on it every night.

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This is a really interesting thread Julie - it's great to hear where everyones birds sleep. I would love to see a pic of Argyle with his head in the bell too!


Alfie loves loves loves her birdie bunk. It's homemade and a little bigger than the bought ones - she grew out of her first fairly quickly. She goes to bed at 10pm most nights, I sometimes let her stay up a wee bit longer if we've been away for the day.

Her bunk isn't the highest point in the cage, there is a swing higher up, and sometime during the day, she will sit on top of the bunk, but come bed time she just climbs straight into her bunk and snuggles in! She's usually still in it when we take the cover off in the morning!


As far as cleaning goes, I just hoover it when required, and have re-covered it a couple of times.



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