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What I wish I'd known.......!


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Each day I learn something new about Harvey. Each piece of information is invaluable.


I'm sure all of us (masters and novices - myself most definitely the latter!!) have a piece of information they'd like to share (I dearly hope) - and then others new to the forum can compile their "checklist".


I'll start with Number 1:


# 1. A hand held hoover is a necessity! :laugh:


Go on, add one - be it comedic or practical!

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#13 The depth of love, responsibility and fretting as you would over one of your own children. I nor my Wife, have never felt this deeply and intensely over any other pet, that you know you will out live, can actually have a conversation with and must plan for a future owner upon your death perhaps decades later.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/17 15:15

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Great question and great replies!


Having a portable bird stand can be helpful depending on the personality of your bird. My Timneh, Nelson loved to just hang out with me where ever I was, and would sit on his stand very content to be close by. He was a very low key, mellow bird that didn't play with toys very much. Being with the flock was his favority past time - oh yeah... and EATING!


Now Sam is a different story. The stand works well for bringing him into the kitchen so he can help fix dinner - and be a taste tester, but for just hanging out? NO WAY! He's got too many things to do and not enough time to do them in. For him, the big thing on the checklist is TOYS TOYS TOYS and more TOYS. Every time I go to the pet store or even the grocery store I'm looking for play things. Play things that will last more than 5 minutes before being destroyed is a plus. If your bird is active, an important accessory is a fist full of cash and/or the time to build your own toys. And don't ever, ever, ever, throw away those cardboard toilet paper rolls, or paper towel rolls. Man are they fun to shred.


Oh, yeah... earplugs. If you like to sleep in on weekends. The sound of every electronic device and phone in the house going off over and over again just at sunrise can be tough to sleep through. Not to mention all those darned converstaions and in Sam's case - coughing mixed in doesn't help either. ;)



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