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Harley doesn't feel like weaning


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I am so happy the aviary does abundance weaning, it really is the best for them, however my Harley just doesn't feel like weaning. Tomorrow he will be 14 weeks old, and he's still on 2 feedings a day. Even the CAGs that are almost 2 weeks younger than him are on 1 feeding a day!

I really want my baby to come home!

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Feel very happy that it's still going on. abundance feeding can last for quite a while but will eventually decrease. Chicks who are abundance fed turn out to be very healthy well adjusted birds. Basically, they're calmer afterward. Believe me, don't worry about and only cut down on the next feeding when he refuses to accept it at all.


Correction---let them abundance feed until the bird stops. I thought you had the bird.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/16 03:46

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I am so happy someone else is patiently waiting with me. Our CAG's hatch date is 5/18/09 and the breeder told us ahead of time that until the entire clutch is weaned and independent she won't let any go because it makes the baby left behind regress and that one would be the least ready to handle the trauma of separation from siblings. With that kind of caring attitude toward my baby, I know waiting is good. Well, for the bird, not so fun for us, LOL. It will be worth it!

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Good comments from everyone. :-)


Our Grey did not come home until 16 weeks and still required a hand feeding at night, probably just because he liked it. The only reason we were able to bring him home, is we were good friends with the breeders, only lived 5 minutes away and took him back to visit at least 2x a week, which he enjoyed. The other Greys in the 2 clutches did not leave until 19 weeks.

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I know I will love the bird he has become. I visit him every day :) Very cool and well adjusted. I guess this post is more of a vent, as I am in the countdown phase till he comes home. The last Timnehs at the aviary weaned at 13 weeks, so I guess thats why I imagined him coming home about now.

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My little Timneh is now 9 months old and wonderful, and she was abundance weaned from the breeder I work at and came home at 16 weeks - healthy and with no regression. It was a long wait (especially since I was there so frequently!)....but perfection takes time!


Sounds like you'll have a very well adjusted Grey when he comes home. :)

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I'm also awaiting my Grey. His hatch date was 7/10, and he's currently on 2 partial feedings a day, and likely to be on one soon. This may really only serve as entertainment for your Grey, but one thing I do every day, is go in before his evening meal and sit there with him and play with the food in his dish. I pick up pieces and act excited, break them apart, hold them up to my face and pretend to be eating behind my hand(not sure if he actually falls for this ;P ). anyway, usually after a few minutes of my little show Earl will come over and start picking things out of his dish to chew on. Maybe it has no impact, but I don't see how it an hurt to try to get him excited about real food :).

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