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Macey died last night :(


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I am so very sorry and sad for you right now. Hugs and wing hugs to you and may Macy fly free over the rainbow bridge to wait for you on the other side. Do they know what went wrong to make her so sick? I know it is difficult to review but perhaps it may help save another bird if more of us knew what to look for or avoid. Thank you for letting us know what happened and eventually you will treasure the good memories to keep her always close to your heart.

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OH NO I'm so very sorry my heart is hurting for you as I also am grieving the loss of a beloved pet at this time so Know exactly what you are going through. I know the sadness of not knowing why in my case where. I will be thinking of you and Macey over the next while and praying that the pain subsides soon and you get the answers about what happened. In my case I will probubly never know where my beloved dog went to die. you can read it all in off topic discussions if you want to. Just Know I will be right there with you thinking about you and your loss and how sorry i trully am for you

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