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Ten Interesting Facts


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Ok, as I love reading about others' fids on here, I'd like to open this thread for you to all post 10 interesting facts about your grey or other parroty type ;-) on here. Don't worry if you can't think of 10, 5 or more will do. I'll start this off with 5 facts about Beau and 5 about Argyle.



1.Hates being sprayed

2. Has started to "dance" by bobbing his head up & down :P

3. Says "hello" "lovely boy" and "kiss, kiss" amongst other things I can't make out as yet.

4. Adores hubby.

5. Adores palm nuts.



1. Loves being sprayed until he looks like a drowned rat - even opening his wings for you :laugh:

2. Hates hands but has stopped attacking the ones bringing food :P

3. Sits on his cage door but doesn't like leaving the safety of his own cage.

4. says "pretty boy" "hello" and other stuff I can't make out.

5. Sleeps with his head inside his bell, even when day-sleeping. :ohmy:

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Mmm, tricky - I must say, some of these we share!!! Here we go: Ten facts about Harvey:


1. Prefers to say things when you're not looking.

2. Prefers broccoli to green beans.

3. Prefers to make a mess, rather than stay tidy.

4. Prefers to chew anything other than his own toys.

5. Prefers to get his own way.

6. Prefers weekends to weekdays.

7. Prefers red pellets than yellow ones.

9. Prefers showers to misting with a bottle.

10. Prefers white wine to red wine (whoops, no - that

one is just related to me!!!) :laugh:

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JillyBeanz - LOL @ #10! But I must agree...I like white wine better as well!


Jasper (TAG)

1 - LOVES Hubby... he likes me and will let me do anything to him, but when hubby comes around... Jasper is all his!

2 - Not really into toys yet...

3 - I let him shower with me... first time he loved it... second time he was leaning away and giving me that, are you serious look.

4- hates squirrels!

5 - still pretty clumsy


Jax (Lorikeet)

1 - has conversations with the floor of his play area

2 - lays on his back and kicks his toys

3 - he sure gets squawky when playing with his toys

4 - does not like his back being touched

5 - he says my name and when someone else says him name he puffs up and looks around for me

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Ten things about Ana Grey:


1. Always gives me a kiss if I ask for one.

2. If I say want a nut she immediately hurries to me to get one.

3. When she hears me up in the AM she starts wolf whistle until I whistle back.

4. If she is out in the evening she will go back to her cage on her own at about 8:30 pm so she can have a snack before sleep time.

5. If I say "nite nite" she will run to her sleep perch before lights go out.

6. When I mist her with Aloe Vera and water she runs to the very top of her cage playtop and flaps her wings and turns round and round so she can be totally soaked.

7. Sits on her boing by my desk and always asks "What are you doing" while I type.

8. Loves to drive me crazy with her crow sounds.

9. Always tries to steal my pug Lily's food.

10. Loves to be cuddled and petted anytime.


That's ten, there are more . . .:lol: :silly:

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10 Things about Finnigan (TAG)

1. She loves a good scratch.

2. She loves the family to all be together in one room.

3. Her favorite foods are cantalope and watermelon.

4. Her favorite toys are foraging toys.

5. She loves to give kisses, putting her beak to your lips making a kissing noise.

6. She loves to have lip moisturizer rubbed into her beak, but you have to tell her beautiful her beak is after she lets you rub it.

7. When she is very energetic, she flies in circles as fast as she can screetching like a wild banshee.

8. Her favorite way to spend the morning is to sit outside on the lanai watching the wild birds going from place to place.

9. She does not like to put her harness on.

10. Her favorite way to bathe is to get into a palm tree or a plant when it's raining and flap around until she is soaked.<br><br>Post edited by: Christina, at: 2009/09/15 21:48

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Oh Ana sounds like such a doll and what a funny lorikeet you have Jingles!


Here are my 10 things about Darwin!


1. Her life appears to surround how many green beans she gets in a week

2. She'll wolf whistle at my pup until he runs into the room

3. She can mimic my parrotlet and lovebirds calls to absolute perfection

4. She has no interest in any kind of Nutriberry

5. She is the foraging queen of Canada, and will figure out anything I throw at her within 30 minutes

6. She is the most talkative when on the perch in the shower with me - lately she just has to hear water running and she starts to rant!

7. One foot toy will keep her occupied for an hour one day and she'll have no interest in it thereafter!

8. She pulled 4 buttons off my cell phone

9. She poops on command!

10. Regardless of where she is in her cage, when I come in to say goodnight she runs to the front, grabs my finger with her beak once, very gently, and then hurries off to her sleeping place!



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Thanks cf737! I love your number 10...how sweet!!!! But pulling buttons of your cell phone? oh no!


Christina - do you give her a head of lettuce leaf (wet)? I've heard some like that to roll around in and take a bath...


luvparrots - I would love to see the way you bathe your Ana Grey!


Joolesgreyuk - I have GOT to see a picture of Argyle sleeping with his head in the bell!

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I think I'd like to see pics of a couple of these things :) Now for Yoshi:


1. She prefers long neck scratching sessions with my husband, and will use her foot to show him where she wants him to scratch.


2. She has no worries about how much food she wastes and seems to enjoy the sound of corn hitting the wooden floor and the fuss we make picking it all up for her :P


3. She likes cheese and pistachios, and will try anything she sees us eating :)


4. She is almost never spooked, a brave baby to new things, yet still pretty clumsy.


5. She tries so hard to fly with clipped wings, she will flap and flap and then lunge off of something in an attempt to get to us. I can't wait until she has her feathers and can actually learn how to fly without it being hopeless for her. Too bad she was clipped before I got her...


6. She would rather eat outside of her cage with us, and unless she is starving and we have been gone all day (which is rarely) she will go hungry and then dig into her food bowl on her playstand next to the dining room table while my husband and I eat our dinner. She loves eating with the family... and has a separate food bowl on her playstand for pieces of our dinner :P


7. She is perfectly fine with the vacuum... just watches it like a hawk and calls to me occasionally for reasurance... but we have an automatic 'Roomba' small vacuum that runs around by itself and she hates it, can't be in the same room as this 'unattural creature' without freaking out.


8. She is usually a very quiet bird, much quieter than a Quaker parrot I once had... but hopefully she will learn to talk when she is older :)


9. She still likes her breeder Mommy a lot too. We visit her occasionally and Yoshi obviously hasn't forgotten her.


10. Yoshi will let anyone hold and touch her... very well socialized by the breeder... the only bites I've gotten from Yoshi is when she is on my shoulder... she has a thing for ears and doesn't understand that biting them hurts yet. My husband has had a couple ear bites too...


Well that was fun :)

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1. Dayo is Grey

2. He has a white face

3. His eyes are now silver, with a hint of yellow

he has a Red Tail.

4. He has two Talons.

5. His under belly is basic white.

6. His beak is Black

7. He has 8 total toes.

8. His Primary feathers are Black.

9. He has a Vent.

10.Stuff comes out of #9.:ohmy: Should I be concerned?


:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

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danmcq - I think you might have to be concerned about #9!!!



But only if it lands on you!!! (and of course the other reasons)


jessdecutie18 - that's funny about the roomba! But that's cool that she will show your dh where she wants to be scratched with her foot. My dh is my grey's favorite...but he only lets me really get a good head scratch in! (weird huh)

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1)Shares her cage top w/Fred (Elanora) 2)Loves to play roll the ball

3)Shares her food with my hand

4)Favorite food-everything

5)She can fly (not well)

6)She hates bath time

7)Says "come here" instead of step up

8)Says "Bed time for birdies) when tired

9)loves music & is facinated by my sons Guitar

10)Made our home more fun and so much more full

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Top ten interesting facts about Java

10. Java is a red bellied poicephalus hen

9. Her eyes are red, scary to see her pinning

8. She is three years old

7. She weighs 136 grams... about a quarter of a pound

6. Flying payload is twice her body weight, she dropped a thick glass shotglass on my head

5. She steals toys from puppies, carries them to a high spot and whistles to them to tease

4. In just two days with me, she learned to put her beak in the latch of my laptop to turn it off. Does this whenever I am looking at other birds, LOL

3. If she gets quiet, always look in the silk mango tree, she rips off fifty leaves in less than 2 minutes

2. Blows kisses, meows and purrs when she is begging for spicy foods she isn't allowed to share with us

1. Spoke only fifteen words in first three years, but talks now every day since we have been watching videos of African greys since we committed to Juno.

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danmcq wrote:

9. He has a Vent.

10.Stuff comes out of #9.:ohmy: Should I be concerned?


No Dan - not at all, please do not be concerned. This is your grey saving your youth. It's just for you. This is better than wrinkle cream - dab lightly around the eye area for that "just botoxed" look :laugh:

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1)Prefers blue toys

2)Will flip himself upside down on your fingers to get you to swing him back and forth

3)stalks my husband through the house to bite his toes

4)WILL NOT eat anything new unless I am eating it too

5)311 is his favorite band, and the only band he will dance to



1) Is a fatty, but still flies better than Schroeder

2) is the sluttiest bird I have ever known

3) Loves to roll in his food

4) always sleeps with a piece of food in his beak

5) Loves daddy most, but only gurges for mommy.

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JillyBeanz wrote:

No Dan - not at all, please do not be concerned. This is your grey saving your youth. It's just for you. This is better than wrinkle cream - dab lightly around the eye area for that "just botoxed" look :laugh:


Oh Cool, I can't wait to have KIM (My Wife) try it out. I'm emailing her this right away!! :P

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HAHA I love this thread! I'm going to do a top 10 for Mango, my moms Caique because she is such a character!!


1.) She always sleeps in/on her sleepy hut. (either on her back inside it or leans to the side on it)

2.) She LOVES to take baths, especially in the dog bowls.

3.) She always says Hi baby or Hi mango when someone walks by.

4.) She does the typical caique "surfing" -she rubs against her toys very fast.

5.) She is very playful and goes crazy with all the toys in her cage.

6.) She likes to play on her back on the bottom of her cage with her foot toys.

7.) She likes to jump on the dogs backs and ride them around the house, holding onto their hair very tight.

8.) She talks the most when she goes outside.

9.) She is 6 months old and STILL on 2 feedings a day.

10.) She is obsessed with her formula and refuses to give it up.

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1. Juji means "heap of love" in Swahili.

2. We don't know Juji's gender for sure, but I refer to her as "she".

3. Juj will be 2 years old on November 11th.

4. Juji loves low voices and imitates my husband and his best friend perfectly. I have yet to hear her say anything in my voice.

5. Juji's favorite noise is our rat terrier's bark...followed quickly by "Shut up, Nippy!"

6. Juji picks up new noises very quickly. Spore noises have become a regular part of her routine.

7. I will never let Juj hang out on our front porch again! Last time she learned our neighbor's chiuaua's bark and the backing up signal of a truck.

8. Juji's favorite foods are sun flower seeds and cheerios, followed closely by chicken, grapes, and whole grain bread.

9. We are pretty sure Juji is part bat as she spends much of her waking time upside down.

10. Juji is a cuddle bug and will sit and cuddle under my chin for hours at a time if allowed...and if she is in the mood, of coarse.





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