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The Parrot "Bite Me!!!" Club


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:S Well originally my membership was won through my conure Jigme, but in the mean time Bella nailed me good :blink: We were playing tug-of-war with one of her ropes and she was really into it, I mean growling and spinning around. Then she reached out to grab the rope from me and got my thumb instead :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: That darn beak went right down to the bone I think!!!!


I started yelping and to put icing on the cake she started running around going 'ouch ouch ouch' :blink:

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Dear Sir,

I respectfully request your permission to join your exclusive Bite Me Club, as I believe I have sufficient experience to meet your entry requirements.


The perpetrator of said bite, was in fact my youngest grey Oisin, who decided earlier today, to refuse to re-enter his cage when required. My mother arrived to visit the domicile of the abuser unexpectedly, while both he, and his elder sister Liath were dining on some fruit.


The incident took place when Oisin decided to dine on a fresh meat salad comprising of my left index finger as a suitable alternative to the fresh fruit salad.


The onlookers, my mother, father, 3 children and husband found the incident highly amusing, damaging what was left of my pride along with my index finger.


Anticipating a favourable reply,

Yours sincerely,


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Siobha - Oh no, Oisin got your pride too? Now that is an act of such horrendous magnitude in showing lack of love for their Mother and respectfulness, that I can do nothing but grant your request.


Welcome as an officer ranking due to your meritorious performance before your family. B) :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there --- I'd like to join the club. I have many more posts on this thread yet to read and its getting late (early) here in Northern VA so I'll get back to it soon. In the meantime, is there a way to "watch" this thread? That is, can I be notified by email everytime someone posts here? Thanks everyone. More to come.

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Well wastrox, just share your "Bite" story and I'll be more than happy to welcome you as a full fledged member. :-)


To get emails when a new post is made to this topic, just scroll down to the bottom of the page when you reply and click on the ":: Subscribe to this topic ::" link.

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looking to join, recently been biten but Harry as he now knows to only grab the tinest bit of skin more like a pinch which is kinda painful. he has also got a massive fetish for my feet, toes and like judy he sits on my shoulder so he is nibbling on my ear :blush:

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As the proud owner of a former cage aggressive CAG I would like to join the parrot bite me club. I have been bitten so many times in the last two months that now he has given up on biting because it just gets him no where. My friends thought they would have to turn me in for abusing myself till I told them I recently got a new bird and then they looked even more horrified.


:) my wounds have healed and he is a great bird

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Guest Skuffy

B) I can Honestly say Max hasn't Bit me yet, a few warning nips isn't really a bite...lol...Lucky me..he just Lubbers me to much to bite me.....{Nature-00020095}


I must be doing something right..B)

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Zpyder wrote:

As the proud owner of a former cage aggressive CAG I would like to join the parrot bite me club. I have been bitten so many times in the last two months that now he has given up on biting because it just gets him no where. My friends thought they would have to turn me in for abusing myself till I told them I recently got a new bird and then they looked even more horrified.


:) my wounds have healed and he is a great bird


Welcome to both the Forum and a the "Bite Me Club" as a new member. I do believe this is a "First"


Considering your friends thinking it was self induced cuts and bruises. You have reached a level in this Club that sets a new standard for NO ONE to ever try to attain. :pinch: :-)


Again, Welcome to both the Forum and the "Bite Me Club"!!

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Finally - a club I can join! LOL I'm chomped on daily by all our birds.


Skyler - because he has to be medicated twice daily (and hates it.)


Sunny - because he hates hands, but I have to get him out of his bedtime cage somehow and I don't want him to get the idea that I'm afraid of his bites. He eventually will step up, once I've proved (yet again) that his bites won't stop me.


Kumiko - because he's a rough and tumble TAG that's really a devil in disguise (an awful cute disguise too :evil: )


I laughingly commented to my husband the other day that it's a good thing that I'm not a "hand model" (those ladies that all you see of them in a commercial is their beautiful hands, applying lotion of some such.) I'm also very happy that I'm not a hemophiliac or I would have died ages ago from all the bloodletting these little mischiefs do to me. I'm building up quite a collection of scars!


Kumiko latest ploy is to ask to be put up on his rope perch in the living room, and then only step off with one foot, hanging on tight to my or hubby's hand with the other foot, then reaching around to chomp us HARD. Then insult to injury - he cackles!! What a stinker.


He does this more with my husband, because he reacts, less with me because I just play along.... grabbing his toes, tail, beak, etc. I'm thinking of tweeking his tush for each chomp (not too hard of course - just enough to surprise him.) {Feel-good-0002006E}

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oh good a club i know i can fit into lol chloe has bit me alot and i had bruises to prove it to but they are gone but i know i will have a new bruise tomorrow she gave me a good bite today, she acted like she wanted me to pet her so i did big mistake she got me before i could realize she was going to bite :(

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Ahh... I have become wise to the Edison-wants-to-bite-me-despite-looking-like-he-wants-a-headrub game. It's comforting to find out he's not the only devilish mastermind.


I can usually tell when he's out for blood... but sometimes I fall for it anyway... Because maybe, just maybe, he actually wants to be petted. He's such a jerk :pinch:, but I love him anyways.


I have 12 years of CAG induced damage. Can I join the Parrot Bite Me club too?

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Count me and my wife in. We have 2 birds, An African Grey and a Jardines Parrot. The Jardine`s is only half the size but I`d much rather be bit by the Grey. The grey is a quick hit but the little one claps down then grinds.I`m glad most of the biting is ove at 3 and 4 yrs old.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! Long time no see! I am sorry to report this but I am still in the BMC. Boo still bites me. He will often holler "no bite!" on his mad rush across the perches to get to me while change his seed dish. I am the fastest seed dish changer in the world now.


A month ago Boo showed an interest in my grown nephew. He crawled up his leg to his lap where he listened and sat contentedly for 15 minutes. Then he got a look on his little head that I can't describe. He walked up the nephews arm with his little beady eyes fixed on his ear. yep, got there, latched on and didn't let go.


To my nephews GREAT credit, he didn't move a muscle while sister went to his rescue.


I offered him an earring. you know, to cover the wound.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have only had Mika for a month now (he is 4 months) but I have noticed that when I ask him to step up he will and no problems but when my husband tries this he gets bitten, I watched this a couple of time and found out he does not follow through and make Mika step up he just lets it go and leaves him where ever he is. Now Mika thinks this is fine if I bite I don't have to do whatever, I now have Wayne follow through with the step up even if he has to ask 3 or 4 times but makes him do it and now the biteing has stopped for him. My day will come I no that.

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Nimbus my rescued Grey has gotten me 3 times now. I've had him 3 weeks so that's averaging once a week! Not bad for a bird that's scared of everything. First time he got me in the nail and puctured the nail. OUCH! {Feel-bad-0002006A} My B&G Macaw has gotten me a couple times, but they've been pressure bites, but I've had him since he was a baby. He's going through his terrible twos now and LOVES to pinch. :angry: Last bite was when I picked him up after I left him with a friend for a long weekend. Guess he was telling me what he thought about me going on vacation without him. :unsure:

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You know this is a good topic. I myself have not yet been bitten, not by my previous CAG I owned for 3 years or my recent one Congo I've had for 3 weeks( it's 5 months old now). But my wife and daughter are constantly complaining that they're being bit by our recent grey. I look at their hands and I see the beak marks. Has Congo already chosen its favorite? CongoPic1.jpg


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As I stated under "Training" Precious started biting; one day it was three times. I was on the phone the first time She broke the skin. Now she says, "No biting!" I re-enforce "gentle" when she is nuzzeling and loving and give her much praise. I guess that makes me a member, also.:huh: :( :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I join my birds just love to take a chomp every time I try to stick a carrot or a peice of apple between the bars of their cage they bite me so they can get to it faster they think. Tyco loves to play a game called scritch my neck she puts her head down real low and puff up her feathers like she wants a scritch so I always fall for it then she turns her head real quick so she can get a bite in before I can get away she does this every night I fall for it she get me at least once a week

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nicky just about peeled my index finger this morning :blink:


Occasion: a step-up training session (so far all the sessions have been unsuccessful because he wants to play rough and pull my nails out!) He'd just had breakfast and he sat and blinked at my finger in a very sleepy way, so I thought it'd be safe to move a bit closer...next thing I know half the skin is flapping loose from the joint and Nicky's running up the side of the cage with a guilty look on his face: "Oops I didn't mean to bite that hard!"


I was so good about it. I even kept my hand there for a couple more seconds. Then I ran into the next room and danced around for a while...


How's that for initiation?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I have been bitten once! I went on vacation for a week and left my girl with a friend and when I came back home the first time of taking her out of her cage I asked her to step up and she did but as soon as she was on my hand she reached down and bit me. Then she was fine! I think she was telling me don't leave me again! I seriously thought she broke my thumb though!!{Feel-bad-00020072}

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