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The Parrot "Bite Me!!!" Club


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Phenix has always hated having his cage cleaned. Some days he's better than others but there's never been anything I could do to change it. I needed to clean up what looked like the aftermath of a food fight & I had a kind of full day. Figured I could catch some of the game & multitask.


What was I thinking? I was excited because the Pats were having it their way. I wasn't in the Zen mode I need to calm Phenix, at all. When the commentator hollered that our guys made an interception, I popped up & swung around... right into Phenix. He flashed out & bit me just above my cheek at the eye socket where the skin is so, so delicate.


I'm very lucky he was too surprised to get a good grab or he would have done a lot more damage. It still bled & hurt pretty bad. But it's healing nicely & I think the vitamin e oil will keep the scar to a minimum. Hopefully just enough to keep me from making the same kind of stupid mistake for the next 20 odd years or so...? :o

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Well I think I can finally join the parrot bite me club.


I was in the shower with Murphy & I flipped him on his back to shower his breast & wings etc, something I've been getting him used to for a few weeks or so now but this time he wasn't so sure. I persisted even though I had a feeling he was going to bite me but I carried on & got what I deserved, a very hard bite, not once but twice. It was on the part of skin between the finger & thumb, he pierced the skin & made it bleed.......och! I totally ignored it though & carried on with the showering assuring him he was safe in that position, he then lay on his back while I finished showering him no problem. After we had done I inspected the wound, very red, swollen & sore.


To be fair Murphy never bites me under normal circumstances but if you try & force any parrot to do something they don't want to do or not sure of, they will naturally bite. I accept that & do still push the boundaries of how I handle him, I try & get him used to all manner of positions & holds with a near 100% success rate. As a result I can now hold him in any position, touch his wings, lift them up, touch his tail, flip him on his back, tickle his breast etc. Poor Kate on the other hand can't even get him to step up without fear of a bite. I think he does it to Kate purely for the reaction, which she gives him every time, with drama. :rolleyes:

Edited by reggieroo
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You are indeed a member!


That area of the hand is so sensitive and a bad bite when delivers can cause a lot of damage. You and Kate will soon learn to offer the back of the hand with your fist balled up and thumb in so a bite cannot do any damage. :)

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Another inconvenient bite site: the pad of the thumb. That's where Moussa drew blood from me this last week. To be fair, I think it was an accidental nip, as I was trying to clean his dirty beak off with a moistened paper towel, and he was biting at the towel and just grazed my thumb. But it scooped a little piece of flesh off and bled like crazy. My thumb has been sore ever since and really gets in the way when trying to work or manipulate things.


Of course we all know you can't really use a band-aid if you're going to be handling birds, as anything not part of the hand is going to come off and be flung across the room.

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Another member here. Axel buttered me up for the first two weeks after I brought him home and then decided he was staying after all and that it was time to show me how things were gonna operate.


DON'T walk up to him on his perch and stick your face in his. He had the decency to bite the side of my nostril where it doesn't show too much.


DO NOT touch his bells. No exceptions. They are his bells. If he drops on on the floor, distract him with a pecan and then replace the bell. Or else. We're gonna work on that one.


He has also bitten my pet goose Petey Peters (who comes in the house at night). Petey weighs 20 pounds, and could make thirteen Axels, but Petey doesn't tangle with Axel any more. The small hole in Petey's bill is responding very nicely to Bacitracin :P


Axel even has the dog on the defense. No, they have not tangled, it is a war of dirty looks at this point. The dog is fed up with dirty looks from Petey, and now Axel too? It's a lot for a dog to take.

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Lesson learned ~ do NOT stick my hand into Dorian's cage to give him a rub when there are 2 hospital bands around my L wrist! Unfortunately, they were put on Weds & must be worn for 2 scheduled surgeries on Tues. Rubs & scritches have been given with my R hand now as Dorian 'taught' me to be a quick learner. Using the L hand will make my finger bleed. :)

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[DON'T walk up to him on his perch and stick your face in his. He had the decency to bite the side of my nostril where it doesn't show too much.


DO NOT touch his bells. No exceptions. They are his bells. If he drops on on the floor, distract him with a pecan and then replace the bell. Or else. We're gonna work on that one.]


Yep, honeymoon is over! I never, ever try to go face to beak with Dorian. He has a very well defined personal space and MY beak is not welcome within it. I can kiss his wings, his tail (when I give him plenty of warning, and time to tell me whether kisses are welcome at the moment), but never his beak, not even when he's in a super-duper lovey mood. He's also very defensive of his bells. Almost all the greys here seem to love love love bells, the more noise they make the better!

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He's also very defensive of his bells. Almost all the greys here seem to love love love bells, the more noise they make the better!


ROTFL :D Yes, "defensive of his bells", that is exactly right!!


He frequently knocks his favorite bell to the floor and expects me to pick it up for him but when I try and secure it he forgets I'm helping him and is overcome with the fear that I am now playing with HIS bell.


Hey, I get a little testy about some of my favorite things too :D It's hard to stay logical when my son shows me how much my pet bantam chicken "loves" to play "dead chicken" by lying on her back in his hand. I actually feel like biting his hand too, so I get it, Axel :D

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Surgeries?- like BenzMama is performing or having!? :-S


Got 2 sched on me for early Tues, 1/25. My 3 Greys are gonna be a handful as their routines will be radically altered for a few weeks. Guess my Dearly Beloved will become eligible for 'Victim of the Month' during that time!

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Got 2 sched on me for early Tues, 1/25. My 3 Greys are gonna be a handful as their routines will be radically altered for a few weeks. Guess my Dearly Beloved will become eligible for 'Victim of the Month' during that time!



I hope everything goes perfectly and hope you'll feel fine in no time!:-D

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Well I've avoided this club since getting my first fid, and to this date am still not a member, however yesterday afternoon my son, LP, joined with full honors.


As we all know it's that time of year when our fids decide it's time to get their groove on, and Sterling (U2) is no exception to the rule. Of course I'm his favored person, so I do my level best to not exasperate the problem by being around him. LP, doing what LP does best, was showing attention to Sterling yesterday afternoon, but being respectful of the situation. Scratching only the top of his head, talking to him calmly and quietly and boom, out of now where, Sterling bit LP. Right on his lip. Personally, I think LP hit a blood feather.


Six stitches later, and one very upset Dr. (he's too cute to have a scar), the boy has a story to tell everyone at Scouts and school. He's figured it a great way to show off his manhood. His comment - "chicks dig scars." God help me.


I remain unable to join this prestigious club, thankfully, but will let my stand in my stead so to speak. Maybe he'll learn, when it's that time of year, keep your head out of the birds cage!

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Well I've avoided this club since getting my first fid, and to this date am still not a member, however yesterday afternoon my son, LP, joined with full honors.





I remain unable to join this prestigious club, thankfully, but will let my stand in my stead so to speak. Maybe he'll learn, when it's that time of year, keep your head out of the birds cage!


I am undecided if I can join this prestigious club too.


I have not remained chomped free as I had confessed in earlier emails.


But those had been I want your attention nips from Tinkerbell to her requests for water or other stuff. I was day dreaming and with her on my shoulder, I could hardly be in position to see her signals. My wife could and did. But she kept quiet out of her own puerile curiosity to see the outcome. And even when she already knew the outcome, she wanted to see encore repeats.


Riamfada chomped hard on me once , in Riamfada gave me her first painful bite .

But that was from mistaken identity in that she thought the finger she was chomping on belonged to my dear wife.


Maybe I can be considered as honorary member at the very least.

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Ahh, I've found a home. My 3 year old TAG, Yogi, is a bit of a brat. I usually come in from work, let him out, change my clothes and then sit and relax a bit. He'll survey his territory then fly over to sit with me. Well, the other day I had an urgent call and I came into the house, opened his door, went to my bedroom, changed clothes and came out to the kitchen. I was on my cell and preparing to heat some water for a cup of tea when he flew over and when he couldn't get to my shoulder he landed briefly on my back and bit my neck!!!!!!!! He then flew back to his cage. I let out a very loud "ouch" followed by a couple of things not to be repeated here. As I approached his cage (still with my cell) and gave him the "dirty look" and a stern "no bites!!!" he proceeded to puff up and give me the flashy eyes!! I went back to the sink and the little monster flew over and BIT ME AGAIN!!!! Not all the way through, but enough to leave a mark. I'm ferociously scolding the little bugger (all the while my friend is laughing hysterically on the phone) and dear Yogi just gives me the "who me? I'm a good birdie" look. He's nipped before, and sometimes "tests the perch" aka my finger a little hard, but never anything like this. He actually hovered for a bit above my head and then dove in for the bite. I gave him an in cage time out, along with some very severe mad faces, and when the pouting was done (mine) we made up. He's been fine since, but it reminds me of the angry toddler who kicks you in the leg when you're on the phone and not paying enough attention to him. I think I have created a monster, LOL!!!!!

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Welcome Yogi Birda!


I know those moves well and those hard pinches do indeed hurt and leave a red swollen mark. Our grey does the same when he gets a "Tude" and thinks we have somehow slighted him or taken a forbidden item away from him.


Your story paints a clear mental picture and does solicit a laugh. Welcome to the club! :)


Thanks for sharing this. Why don't you visit our introduction room and tell us a little about you and YOgi? WE love photos and videos as well. :)

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