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The Parrot "Bite Me!!!" Club


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Guest Lidia

DayosMom wrote:

I tried to talk Dan into getting "Killer" but he wouldn't even discuss it with me.


LOL. I like your evil instincts!


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Shawzy4 - Welcome to becoming an "experienced" member :-)


Wife - Not funny, I believe Killer is possessed and will take the proper items next visit to perform an exorcism. :angry:


Judy - I am not fearful of the "Grey from Hell" and certainly not Dayo. I am more afraid of how I might instinctively smack him to the ground the next time he flies at me. Which I know would not be the right thing to do, but you know reflexes :whistle: ..... Oops, sorry, didn't mean to knock out your "Grey from hell" :evil: ...as they look on on horror :woohoo:


Lidia - Please do not encourage my Wife :laugh:

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Guest Lidia

danmcq wrote:

Lidia - Please do not encourage my Wife :laugh:


I can only observe, Dan, that Kim does not appear to need encouragement!


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Well, I can join the club now also. Her first night at home, last Friday, Toki was on the back of the sofa. She was walking back and forth looking at all the new sights. On one pass she decided to step off the sofa onto my shoulder. She missed a step got off balance and started to fall. She reached out with her beak for the nearest object to stop her fall, grabbed on to it and fell anyway. It was my Left Ear. Next thing I know, I’m wearing a Parrot Ear Ring. OOOOOOOUCH!!! Five days ago, and my Ear is still sore. :blink:

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LOL - Ice - Yes, you can enter them by "Proxy" ;-)


Hey, you may have just started another Topic "How many unsuspecting guests has your Grey Nailed" :woohoo:


I think some Grey's must Bite notches in their Perches for each good Bite, much like the Gunslingers of old notching their Guns ;)

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Mr.Boo bites me. He didn't tho, the first couple of days. He liked me! Then he bonded with my sister and I developed little targets on all my fingers, up and down my arms and on my hands. He has bitten me several times while trying to remove and replace his food dishes. He has drawn blood a few times and left snake like puncture wounds, one of which swelled up and was painful for several days.


He is not allowed to shoulder sit. He tried at first but soon learned not to because he knows what "no" means. Our conures were not allowed to when we raised them either. They seemed to think that everytime they were high up that they were the boss! I don't want Boo to fall into this.


anyway... he does not bite my sister, ever! Nor does he bite Tucke or Elvis the dogs.. he LIKES them a lot! So how do I teach him not to bite me?


When I change his feed... he tells me "noooo" and tries hard to get me. If I walk too close to him while he is out, he tries to nail me... if I walk by his cage while he is in it... he reaches out to snag me...


It's ok, that he didn't bond to me.. I can live with rejection... but why does he seem to dislike me so much?


When his body fluffs up...he's happy.. When his head and body fluff up... he's fixing to inflict some real damage. So I have learned the signs. lol!



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Guest Lidia

Poor Snow. All you can do is try to be nice to him despite his terrible manners. You could bring him treats and ask your sister not to until he bonds a little bit with you. Bribery can work.

I feel the pain of your bites, especially the one that was swollen for days. Parrot bites can be quite toxic, you need to make sure you clean them thoroughly. Also, because of the way they bite, a lot of the bleeding can be under the skin, which adds to the swelling. Been there, don't have the T-shirt (yet)!<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/25 19:39

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Snow - Those Bites all sound horrific. Especially the number.


I just want to commend you on enduring them and continuing to take care of Boo regardless. Not many people would do so.


Maybe try a couple of things. This may sound like a stupid question, but can you replenish the food and water from outside the Cage?


If not, then perhaps instead of doing the food while Boo is in the Cage, wait until he comes out. Then go change it.


If he is in the cage he knows you are coming to change his food. So beat him at his own game....If he says "No", turn around and walk away. If he does not say no, but gives you the body language or Growl alerting you to the fact that he is going to Bite. Walk away.


Stay away until he realizes his fresh food is not coming until he lets you in without harm.


If the time period extends beyond what you are comfortable with, try coaxing him out with a snack or something you know he likes. Then make sure he See's you replenishing his food.


Just some idea's, I hope may work for you. :-)


Keep us posted.


There are many people here with Years of experience, that I am sure one will have the right fix for Boo.

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I have the reflexes of a cat Dan LOL Now I've been bit, but it's always my Sun whos doing it, she does like water bottles or spray bottles of any nature, screw drivers I learned that last week while putting together the new birds cage...she actually climbed down her caged, marched to where I was, and chomped on me little brat.

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Snow, I know how that feels... my CAG Jacques is bonded to my mother. He always tries to get to her and cuddle her, and I have to be very careful about not getting bitten as well. Jacques will also attack me if I go for anything in his cage while I'm in there. I've found that if I leave Jacques on a perch in the room, give him a treat, and go off on the computer or something, eventually he'll get bored of his toys and ask me for a head scratch. I'm still not his favorite, but it helps.

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Thank you for the advice! I am persevering in my attempts to get him to at least like me again.


I'll try the walking away thing. He tells me emphatically... "NOoooo" when I try to feed or water him unless it's hand fed. Then he daintely takes it from me and says .. "ooooooommmmm" But mess with his dishes and he's mad right now.


The bites hurt. he bit me again this evening while I was walking by. This morning he snagged a strand of my long hair. That hurt too.


But I keep talking sweet to him and he listens but so far... "snap".


Growl? They growl? Mr.Boo barks at me like a dog! So far though, no growls. Maybe he doesn't quite hate me then?


Thanks folks for the help!



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loviechick wrote:

I have the reflexes of a cat Dan LOL Now I've been bit, but it's always my Sun who's doing it, last week while putting together the new birds cage...she actually climbed down her caged, marched to where I was, and chomped on me little brat.


LOL Loviechick - Now that's a Sun with attitude and determination! :woohoo:


It sounds like you have a lot of experience with the many different Parrots you own.


I will look forward to your posts on how you overcome these attitudes :lol:

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I tried the walk away advice today! And guess what?? Mr Boo said 'no" when I tried to feed him... so I said "OK" and walked away. He said "No Boo". So I decided he was talking to himself and decided to try again and he walked across to the other side of the cage and just let me do my business!


No bites today! Thank you!

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Snow, you should talk to my husband, danmcq. LOL, its a big joke. At the breeders house, "KILLER" just hates my husband. I try not to laugh "inside" not out loud. But its a real mystery as to why Killer seems to dislike Dan.

I commend you for not giving up. You must have a soft spot somewhere to endure these bites. You have gotten some good ideas, so lets see if it helps you.

Keep us posted on any improvement.


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Hi Snow,


How interesting. First he tells you NO, then he seems to be letting you know, that NO BOO means he is indicating HE will leave to the other side.


God, the intelligence and reasoning of these Grey's just amazes me everyday.


I will be interested in seeing if he continues this behaviour and I am certainly glad you averted a bit this time :-)

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