LindaMary Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 Maxi went one better, pippi - she GOT my nose stud (it's just a straight-in type, with a back) - just surgically snatched it right off my nose without even scratching me! :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: Of course I was panicking lest she swallow it - but fortunately I found it on the floor a minute or two later. Only after I'd found it and was breathing again, knowing she was safe, did I consider the lesson I'd learned about not having her that close to my face... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marauder Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 LindaMary wrote: Quote Only after I'd found it and was breathing again, knowing she was safe, did I consider the lesson I'd learned about not having her that close to my face... My lesson would have been to get rid of the nose stud. :-p Schrodinger spens much of her time hanging out on my shoulder. Granted she likes to try and chew on my glasses (and my watch when she's lower down). But a firm "NO" usually gets her to stop (at least for a few minutes). ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted September 30, 2009 Author Share Posted September 30, 2009 If a Parrot bites and it hurts, it a bite. However, a true bite that draws blood means they really mean business or they got a very soft area like you lip or soft flap of skin between your thumb and index finger. If you've been bit, your a member. Everyone has different methods of dealing with a bite. You just need to find the method that works for you, like placing in the cage immediately and walking away or even just sitting by the cage ignoring them. The best thing to do is learning their body language in and out to avoid a bite most the time. They are very good at fooling people to, like when your offering a treat, they calmly move towards it and right as the approach the hand BAM they nail you, you drop the treat etc. Thats when I pick the treat up and just walk away. Of course the first thing I do is say "No Bite!". I have done this since the first time he clamped down harder than just a little warning pressure that he didn't like something I was doing. But, you will never stop your Grey from biting completely and you know that they know you don't like it and they do it anyway. If I require a step-up and it's not negotiable, I go in with fist balled up, fist turned in strecthing the back of hand skin tight and point that at him as I move in. he knows he can not bite the hand then and steps up as I just push against his under belly until he does so. You just have to learn what works best for your Grey, Everyone is different in this department. But, as I said earlier, it's best to avoid one. :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joolesgreyuk Posted September 30, 2009 Share Posted September 30, 2009 Somewhat reluctantly I guess I am the newest recruit of this club it's double trouble in my house atm and I have found myself feeling very nervous of head scratcing Beau and offering treats to Argyle. Jill suggested earlier nights might do the trick as they may not be getting enough sleep - pah as if they need an excuse! I'll try anything though as my hands aren't a pretty sight atm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted September 30, 2009 Author Share Posted September 30, 2009 Jooles Wrote "I'll try anything though as my hands aren't a pretty sight atm." Well, you could do what I do, I no longer use my fingers to scratch Dayo's Head. I use my fist and back of it to rub his head when he puts his down for a scratch. Sure enough, once the first or second rub takes place he tries to bite but can't. :-) I accepted long ago, that my wife Kim is his love muffin and the only one he wants to spend night time hours getting scratches and cuddles from. Katana - That is a hilarious "Series of unfortunate events". Could help but laugh. It would make a great video hahahahahahahahaha. Oops, sorry, I mean i feel your pain and hope your toe is better. :-) The T-Shirt just never received that many ideas to go to market. The other issue was find a supplier that would do it for a reasonable price. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbpittman Posted September 30, 2009 Share Posted September 30, 2009 Well the only experience I have with a parrot bite is that of Sterling grabbing my wrist while I was trying to get him to step down onto his perch inside his cage. No blood, no visible bruises, but very tender for about a week. I don't really consider that a bite since he was "hanging on for dear life" in his eyes. He's not done it since and this was our first experience with step down into his cage. He now has it mastered on any surface. Will keep fingers (and toes) crossed that I never experience the bite! Unfortunately, mom, Paul, Sarah and LP have all experienced the bite of one or other of the fids and would qualify. As to the t-shirts - look at - we get our scout t-shirts there and they do custom work as well. We can get our shirts from them and offer them to the boys for a minimal costs (usually $10.00) for a quality t-shirt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myfidzmomi Posted October 14, 2009 Share Posted October 14, 2009 My son Danny has been christened into the bite club this past weekend. Thankfully it was not one of our fids that did it to him. We were at the bird store doing our weekly fid shopping spree and I had warned him several time not to try to pet any of the birds. Well he did not listen to me and tried to pet an older cockatoo who was sweetly sitting on his perch saying "hello, I love you" to everyone who would pass. He bent his head for a scratch and Danny reached in before I could stop him and...... Got him good too, lost a chunk of skin from his finger tip. He learned the hard way that mom meant it when she said to keep his fingers out of cages or he would get bit. For the rest of the time we were there, the bird was imitating Danny's scream. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pga7602 Posted October 14, 2009 Share Posted October 14, 2009 Someone please help me with the definition of a Bite. I'm having trouble deciding if I've been bitten by Coral yet, because she uses her beak as a third arm. I would say on a pain scale of 1-10, i got a bite of 3. So the definition is: 1. It breaks skin. 2. You bleed. 3. You scream. 4. It's like a play pinch 5. It feels like a hard hold. 6. If you have to ask, then you can't join this club yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted October 14, 2009 Author Share Posted October 14, 2009 PGA7602 wrote: Someone please help me with the definition of a Bite. I'm having trouble deciding if I've been bitten by Coral yet, because she uses her beak as a third arm. I would say on a pain scale of 1-10, i got a bite of 3. A - Thats not a bite, thats just a balance correction or attention getter. So the definition is: 1. It breaks skin. A- YES 2. You bleed. A- YES 3. You scream. A- Well, some people scream at everything, so it depends... ;-) 4. It's like a play pinch A - Oh hell no 5. It feels like a hard hold. A- Are you freaking kidding me? Hope the above helped. :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RhonnieS Posted October 14, 2009 Share Posted October 14, 2009 Well you ARE lucky aren'tcha! My hands wish they could be like yours! Ceasar nailed me the other day on a vien Blood all over the place from my finger! Wowzer!! Rhonnie N Ceasar (I told you I was sorry!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
judygram Posted October 15, 2009 Share Posted October 15, 2009 Josey has a "soft mouth" as it would be called in a labrador retriever that duck hunters use to retrieve their game from the pond or river. You don't want them to clamp down very hard on the bird, just enough pressure to hold it without further damaging the downed bird, thats how Josey has beaked me, never any blood and very little pressure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RhonnieS Posted October 15, 2009 Share Posted October 15, 2009 Bellino sounds like Ceasar. He has figured out if he bites me he'll stay on my hand a while. Not today tho. He's only done this for about 3 or 4 days now. and trying to cover his head up really torques him. But today he went to bite and I withdrew my hand real fast. He was startled he didn't get to nail me. It threw him for a loop and later when I got him out, when I went to put him up he didn't bother me. :woohoo: Rhonnie N Ceasar (what the heck was that!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JillyBeanz Posted October 16, 2009 Share Posted October 16, 2009 Before I had Harvey I would have said a bite is anything that involved a beak and any part of my body - not any more! I quickly learned that his beak is his "third hand" and that he needs it to steady himself etc. I've only had one bite (so far) and it was my own fault - I tried to put on his aviator, in training, without his consent! He cried, I cried (not with pain, just because I knew I'd driven him to it) but all ends in a happy story!! So, as of today, 16 October 2009 (two days before Harvey's 10 month birthday) - I can't join either! Fingers crossed I never need to join!!! :ohmy: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Journeyman Posted October 18, 2009 Share Posted October 18, 2009 I thank God Cosmo (my male CAG) has never bitten me, (he's my baby) however my Conure (Astro), bit the hell out of my hand the other day. He's a yellow-sided conure and crazy! Small, yet powerfull! Ouch!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dimigrey Posted October 20, 2009 Share Posted October 20, 2009 This is a Great name for a Forums You want to say "BITE-ME well look at this one! OUCH! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pearllyn Posted October 20, 2009 Share Posted October 20, 2009 Yeeouch! That did look a sore one! Alfie pierced my bottom lip the other night! Didn't think to photograph it minute she was snuggling up, the next, I guess she'd had enough! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dimigrey Posted October 20, 2009 Share Posted October 20, 2009 Well Maybe my post was a little to intense for some AFTERALL THIS IS THE BITE ME CLUB! I am sorry for that BUT as grey Attendtants we know how hard and painfull some bites get DONT WE, LOL I was putting my other grey Back in his cage, And he didnt like the fact that i was giving mrs Kenya all my attension. He didnt want to go into his cage last, He wanted to be first! He made his point very well noted by grabing my finger and crushing my finger nail. that ouch hurt for a month! All better Now! watch those beaks. Dimitri Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fendana Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 Squonk found an earring yesterday and flew off with it before I could stop him, it was in pieces in the blink of an eye! He also pulled my mobile phone to bits when I thought he was only chewing the newspaper! Demolition expert, he exhausts my vigilance! The naughty but adorable boy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiderbabe Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 Wow! I need to be in this club but some people have it worse than I had thought I have it. Malibu is biting me on a daily basis whenever he does not want to do something. He bites me if I want him to step up, step off, if he climbs to the floor and I try to put him back on his cage...It just seems as though he is not a sweet little boy anymore. I had asked on the forum about this and found out he is basically not a baby anymore and is almost like a teenager. I am trying to deal with this on a daily basis but taking some advice from others on the forum. My finger never looked like that picture though so I guess I can consider myself lucky! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dimigrey Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 Yes Bird bites can go from mild to wild in a matter of seconds I have received Both kind of Bites it doesnt mater it just all depends on what mood my greys are in. P.S. I guess I am a little Numb when it comes to blood and guts. Remember Being a Paramedic I see it all. Sometimes it is hard for me to Understand that Grapic Photos Gross out people. What is the norm for me is a "bit over the top" for others to view and understand LOL Dimi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Codys Mom Posted November 19, 2009 Share Posted November 19, 2009 ok sign me up for the club lol I got my first bite today,I was trying to remove Rudy my Tag from her buddy Opey"s(thats my Quaker) cage, she hangs with Opey all the time they have gotten to be best buds and she decided it wasn't time for her to leave I guess, it was my fault because I did ignore her body language , I was trying to get her off Opey's cage to put her back in her cage for a few minutes and she wasn't to happy about it so she got me ,only a small amount of blood but wow does she have a sharp beak, lesson learned lol and she is only 6 and half months old Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jules1962 Posted November 19, 2009 Share Posted November 19, 2009 Yes, sign me up also lol. Casper is at the terrible 2s stage and has turned from cuddly baby to a proper little grouch at times, especially at bed time. If he is on his play perch and i tell him it's bedtime, he will lull me into a false sense of security by putting one foot on my finger as though he is going to step up, and then he will tighten his grip and bite the hell out of me, and he has drew blood on quite a few occasions, but i still love him to bits no matter what he does to me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pearllyn Posted November 28, 2009 Share Posted November 28, 2009 Just thought I'd share this with fellow club members - I wear it with pride!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lambert58 Posted January 16, 2010 Share Posted January 16, 2010 Sign me up. lol. My right thumb, index and middle fingers look like I'm a professional razor blade catcher. Willow never bites (she wubs me!) Cleo only bites when I'm putting her in her cage and she doesn't want to go. Yes, I've tried every bribery method I know of, sometimes it works, sometimes it's blood! Maddox never bites (he wubs everyone!) Merlin bites, he's a baby (6 months) and unfortunately he learned to get his way by biting before we got him. We'll fix it. Dusty and Rusty are vicious little demons. They never bite my wife, but will fly over to me, look lovingly in my eyes, then send me to the first aid kit, dripping blood.:evil: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GorgASS Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 i think i'm already a member of this club (it's been a very long time since i've been bitten) but i most certainly belong here now! the past week or so willis hasn't been very cooperative wehn it's time to go back to his cage at night...ONLY at night! i have 15 or so little bite marks on my hand/arms now after last night. i just don't understand what's going on. i can put him in his cage a million times a day without incident, but as soon as it's bedtime he attacks if you try to get him to step up last night i could tell he didn't WANT to bite me, he just wasn't ready to go to bed...any suggestions on what to do? we go to the vet tomorrow for his yearly, so i'm going to ask her, but my arm really hurts! and i'm getting sick of this-i don't want it to become habit!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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