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my parrot has a bent feather on her tail


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hi i have a 12 week old african grey parrot. her names kiki and the night befor i guess she must of fell off her perch at night or flew in her cage i dont really know but the next morring wewoke up nd went to her to take her out and we saw that her tail was like that we touched it and she screamed like i hurts and when she goes to fly or wiggle or groom her self and she touches it she makes noices. can somebody help me out with this problum plz thanks.

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She cracked the feather and that's what is causing the pain. Unless you have intentions of taking the feather out ( which you can't do cause you're new to this).

For the next few days, she's gonna try to put the feather in it's normal place and if that can't happen, she'll try to remove the feather herself.( that may take a few days for her to do it) In the meantie, don't mess around with that area and let her take care of the problem herself. These types of things do happen periodically. Don't try to pull or cut the feather off.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/13 03:24

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My opinion is that the bird will take care of the problem. It's obviously cracked but there is no bleeding which means that the crack is slight. If the feather was extremely painful, the bird would be trying to take it out immediately. I've seen other birds here that have had the same problems on the flight and tail feathers and eventually, the bird puts the feather back in place or pulls it out. It's only been one day since the problem happened and I told you through PM that it would take a few days for the bird to take care of the problem but if you feel that going to the vet is better for your peace of mind, then do that. There's nothing wrong with going to the vet. Maybe what the feather looks like bothers you which is understandable. Since it has happened have you seen the bird going nuts trying to fix it? If not, then it isn't bothering him and he'll get to it when he wants to but do what you think will make you feel better.

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This has happened to my baby, Darwin, twice since bringing her home and both times she pulled the feather out within about a week. It didn't seem to cause her much pain but like Dave said, she took her time and dealt with it as she saw fit. Greys are very intelligent and know how to handle things that affect them - they've been doing it for millions of years.

And soon after Darwin pulled the broken feathers out they were replaced by even more beautiful maroon coloured ones :) I wouldn't worry too much.

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  • 11 months later...

Hello my 4 month old Grey has just had the same problem. I noticed she had a couple bent tail feathers probably due to a fall off the cage. Well I went to work today and when I came back I noticed that both feathers were at the bottom of the cage. From the other comments I have read this seems normal.


If she is plucking how do the feathers normally look? The ones I found on the bottom of the cage were still pretty smooth and didn't seem to have chew marks on them, I hope that is a good thing.


Also I try to spend as much time as I can with my grey but sometimes my work schedule gets hectic. I usually spend an hour with Hayley before work and 2-3 hours after work. On my days off I'm around for at least 6 hours a day. Is this good or should I try to find more time?

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