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My macey is sick :(


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Hi Guys


I got up this morning to macey who is sick, she is really off it and keeps throwing up. She hasnt eaten today and is just drinking loads but throwing it straight back up. She hasnt eaten anything different.

I have taken her to the vet this morning but he cant help. I have since spoken with Matt Brash and he can see me today with macey.

Im so desperately upset as she is my soul mate and companion and i love her to peices. Do you think she will be ok? She has never been ill before and i am frantic with worry


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I have no idea what may be wrong with your Grey. It's surprising the vet had no clue, but seems you have another vet you are taking her to.


I hope all works out well and quickly. y thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.


Please keep us posted.

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That doesn't sound right, you have taken Macey to the vet and he can't help, what kind of vet is he, must not be an avian vet but this bird needs to be seen ASAP. Birds being small creatures are usually sick a while before they show it and time is of the essence here, get help now before you lose her. I will keep you and Macey in my thoughts and prayers that she will be ok.

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I don't understand why the vet couldn't help her please explain?? If you don't get her to a avian vet as soon as possible I'd hate to think what might happen birds hide their illnesses until they are very ill thats why its important to weigh them at least once a weel to make sure they aren't losing weight because thats the first sign that something is wrong Please get her to the vet as quickly as possible I will be praying that she will be alright.

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hey guys i took macey to the avian he was an hour and a half from where i live.....i cant believe there isnt one in the area, he is keeping her for a few days. he was really nice and he is going to help her ...im heart broken i want her well again. my poor little grey xx

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It's good to hear you got her in and the Avian Vet is on top of it. One thing is for certain, your Grey could not be at a better place right now.


I hope and pray it all works out well. I know how waiting is miserable, worrisome and well just troubling. Hang in there.


If the vet said what they suspect, please let us know.

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I'm so glad she is with a good vet hopfully he can figure out whats wrong and make her well again please keep us up to date. we would all like to here what has made her so sick. I will be sending healing thought out to Macey and prayers please try not to worry she in the best possible place right now. Big hugs for you I know what its like when one of your baby's is sick you feel so helpless. please please Keep us updated because we worry about every Grey on this forum just as if it was our own sweet Grey

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Hey all,

Matt called not long since, he says that he has put macey on a drip of glucose cose she was drinking put throwing it back up.....he has given her pain killers for her tummy and antibiotics just incase....he says she hasnt eaten but he as put her to bed and she seemed a little better. He is the most caring vet i have ever met.....I will post his details on this forum for future because he took my baby in ASAP he never hesitated one bit. i owe him for saving my babies life xxxxx Thanks you all for your kind words not sure when she will come home he is going to call me in the morning ...i miss her so badley xx

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