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The Darwinator Strikes Again


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Talk about trouble!

Darwin has a few funny habits that I thought I'd share with you - and one new one she's started today that is just too funny.


One of her very favourite things in life seems to be my pup, Apollo. They have become very good friends....and gee, I wonder why...

Almost every dinner Darwin has goes something like this:

It's 5:30. I make Darwin some sort of dinner or give her whatever we're making. She goes up on her t-perch and begins to eat. Apollo is asleep in his bed, and as Darwin eats and makes happy Darwin noises (eg. "weeeee!") Apollo wakes up and comes into the kitchen. As soon as Darwin sees him, what does Darwin do? Picks up a beakful of food and runs to the edge of the table. She looks all over the place for Apollo and he sees her poke her beak over the edge. Apollo sits down, tail wagging, and Darwin chucks the beakful of food onto the floor. Apollo scoops it up and waits patiently for the next treat! LOL! This will sometimes go on repeatedly until myself or my mum interject!!!!


And today she did something very funny. She has this little giggle, like a "hehe", and she always has good timing with it. I have a little jar of pellets on top of her cage I sometimes use for foraging toys. She was on her playtop as I was cleaning up and she wanted my attention. At first she just went "arrrreba! Weeeee!" etc....and I made some noises back but continued cleaning. I left the room for a moment, came back in and she was looking at me sideways. She clomps to the edge of the playtop, whacks the jar with the tip of her beak and I hear a "thud" as it hits the floor. Then Darwin, looking mischevious, turns around, looks at me and goes "hehehehehe", very quietly. I walked towards her, said "Oh really?!" And she goes "hehehehehehe!" even louder, running towards me and looking very silly.


What a character! :)

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