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State Of The Forum Address


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Well I did not laugh at his accent, because you must hear mine, it's just awfull, but I think it was actually a good speech and I think CD has done an awesome job with this forum so far, I really fell like we are all family here, and everybody here help each other. We must try to get the members who did not post anything yet to become active as well.

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HeatherStrella wrote:

Holy cow, I didn't realize that you're an Administrator...I thought you were a moderator. How did you get that job?? Congrats and good job on the video :) Nice looking fids.


Thanks Heather. I appreciate your kind words. About the Admin job.. Well, if you knew me better you would know that when I want something I usually get it.. :P :P

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Bekkie wrote:

Good job CD,pity it was cut short. (You can be a politician anyday, perhaps teaming up with Hillary?)


:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P


I'm working on getting the video hosted by a different server.. Then I will repost and there won't be the cut or the voice sync problems..


Thanks Bekkie

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Lidia wrote:


Yeah, I laughed at the accent too!

Very good State of the Forum Address, and well done Ceasar and Sonny, who are very cute together, that was nice to see.

Well done on creating a family-feeling site, I think you've achieved this already, keep up the good work.

And well done the new mods!



Well Lidia.. did you laugh or was it more like a giggle.. You know there is a difference... :P

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Bekkie wrote:

Well I did not laugh at his accent, because you must hear mine, it's just awfull, but I think it was actually a good speech and I think CD has done an awesome job with this forum so far, I really fell like we are all family here, and everybody here help each other. We must try to get the members who did not post anything yet to become active as well.


Bekkie, the point you mention about us being a "Family" is the only thing that matters to me here.. Anyone can put up forum software, pick a subject and start a group but create a "family" now that's the trick.. It's not me that did that.. It's not our Moderators or other admins.. It's you guys.. I only try to foster the spirit of family and you guys allow me to.. So hats off to EVERYONE here for wanting to be part of this wonderful "Thing Of Ours" :P;)

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judygram wrote:

We're working on it Bekkie.

He did do a good job didn't he, I am proud of him and so should all of you, we are truly lucky to have him here, and I love coming to this forum because of people like him.{Love-000200BF}


Well Judy.. I think I should first tell you "thank you" Not for the compliments you give me on almost a daily basis.. Don't get me wrong, I could hear them all this time... What I want to thank you for is the time you spend here in this "family of ours" It's people like you that create this family feelings.. Not me.. It's everyone here that creates this place. I am lucky that I get to steer it but in reality we all steer it and we all benefit from the direction we do steer it..


Remember, Greys live a long long time.. We will be with eachother for a long long time.. and it this place ever closes.. we will find another or create one ourselfs because as a group we always stay together.. No matter what...

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I've contacted the hosting company that hosts us requesting an FTP account so I can post this video in it's entirety and for other videos I want to do. I think we should get it. I'll repost the video complete and you won't have to deal with the voice sync problems either.

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CD - That was a great State of the Forum! The first I have ever seen on any forum....your taking this to a higher level. I like it!


As for the comments on your accent FERGETTABOUTIT :-)


Looking forward to hearing, as Paul Harvey would say "the rest of the Story".....:woohoo:



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Guest Lidia

CeasarsDad wrote:

Well Lidia.. did you laugh or was it more like a giggle.. You know there is a difference... :P


I sort of snorted a giggle through my nose. Very attractive!

Seriously, I thought it was very good and you're very personable yourself, as you probably know. You seem very confident and relaxed in front of a camera.

The birds were adorable and I loved it when Ceasar was annoying Sonny and moving over to his shoulder and you moved Sonny to the other side. He looked very disgruntled. That made me laugh, too! Joshua was sitting on my shoulder as I was watching the video and my shoulders were going up and down when I laughed, so Joshua laughed too!


Oh, and the content of the SFA was quite correct too! Spot on, well done you!<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/16 23:38

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Judy - Congrat's on your accomplishments and especially for all the self sacrificing of your time to help all of us on this Forum with your great personality and extreme experience with Greys!!


And to All others on this Forum, Thank You!!!



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Guest briansmum

excellent address CD, i dont know of any other forum that gets such a treat! kudos to ceasar and sonny too for being so well behaved ;)


by the way, i LOVE your accent!! being a brit it's really cool to listen to real life american's talk, way cooler than the accents over here :P<br><br>Post edited by: xxbeccyxx, at: 2007/07/17 00:43

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very informative video I will have to take that idea to the table at my other forum! I know how you mentioned about how you want a family feel, and I know on my other board we are very strict about posting there. It is blocked so we don't allow lurking, you have to be a member to read anything, which some people might not like, but it really does help with those who sign up and never post. Our rules are that you have to post at least once within the time you sign up, and at least once a week after that in order to stay an active member. This keeps the turnover pretty low in my opinion. Most everyone can take the time to post one post a week. Just a suggestion as it might be helpful. As a moderator on the other board I have to go through and check on those things, and I definitely have a family connection on the other board!

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Hi everyone.. So much has happened around here since the last State Of The Forum Address that I see a need to do an update for you.. So some time this weekend Im gonna do another address outlining the changes that have happened. Stay tuned right here.. ;)

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