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Help Please new african grey baby


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Hope some one can help


I have just bought an african grey baby he/she is about 12 week old i have had her for 2 days.


The breeder brought her and i was able to have her on my arm and was able to tickle her neck, the breeder put her in her new cage and left, and i went back in to see if she was ok and she started growling real loud so i left her alone to settle in then went back in and opend the cage to see if she would step up but she just kept growling and hissing,


i rang the breeder up and she sad ignore the growling and flapping around just pick her up and put her on your knee so she gets used to u.


so i did the growling and flapping got worse and shes biting i couldent get hold of her.


so i sat next to the cage and talked to her and she quitend down but every time i move even a little bit she starts growling and flapping around, she seems realy scared of me.


the breeder was able to do anything with her she picked her up and kissed her and turned her over on her back.


How can i earn this birds trust and build a relationship i need help

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Welcome tigger271!! It's GreYt having you here. :-)


In regards your new baby. She was fine when your Breeder brought her, because she was in the company of her Flock and "Mommy". So when the Breeder walked out the door, all familiarity left and so did her security.


Back off with trying to get her out of the cage for now. Sit next to her cage and read, watch TV and talk to her. Her fluffing means she is afraid and to back off. Trying to force her to come closer than her comfort zone allows will just make things worse.


The first thing you must build id her trust. This only comes with time and patience. Just take it slowly with her as she adjusts to her new home, surroundings and flock.


She's a baby and will adapt quickly compared to a mature Grey. :-)


Watch her body language for fluffing and eyes pinning. The growls mean you are already too close and you should not go past that zone unless it's to feed her or work on the cage cleaning etc.

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2 days? It's gonna take her a lot longer than that to get used to new things. Your bird is in a strange place. You're not the only thing she has to get used to and the best place for that to happen is when the bird is inside the cage where it feels safest. No, you shouldn't leave the door open because if she tries to climb out and you try to put her back, she may just try to fly away and at 12 weeks, they don't know how to fly yet.

Just like others have said, talk to her, do your daily chores around her, make sure she's in an area where she can see everything that's going on. It takes a while before a new baby bird will get used to new things so quickly.

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Dan and Dave have given you some excellent advice but it seems you need to find out more about greys so you will know what to expect, please browse thru this forum for it is loaded with useful information that will be of help to you.


Also why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and this new grey.

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thanks for the advice

just so you no before i posted the message she has been out of her cage and she does go back in on her own, she has a massive cage in my spare room next to my living room so even if she is out of cage if the door is closed to spare room theres nothing to hurt her while she is out


ive spent the last day catching up on some work on the table in the spare room where she can see me. she is building some courage up to come closer and keeps whistling and i whistle back,


If she goes back in on her own, isnt it better to let her have that freedom if theres nothing to hurt her, she seems more comfortable when shes out of her cage than in, i can walk past her withought been growled at, but when in cage she will growl at every move i make

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oh thought i should add you say they arnt to good at flying at twelve week, the bredder said she clipped her wings before she brought her to mine is this the wrong thing to do? i dont know when the right time to do this is.


but she has been flying prety good a little clumsy at times but seems to land well most of the time

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Your little one will come around I'm sure with time and patience, they all have individual personalities and it will take her some time to get used to everything.

It sounds like she is coming around, keep up the good work and I'm sure you two will be best friends in no time.

Just another thought I know you've been trying to work close to her and Dan mentioned talking to her - I think talking to her is a very good idea as it will get her used to the sound of your voice, a sound of comfort. Try talking happily and telling her she is a pretty bird, etc.

As for wing clipping it's everyone's personal choice, whatever you decide to be in the best interest of your little one is up to you.


Congratulations on entering the wonderful world of having a Grey, and please keep us posted!

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well i wasnt sure of wing clipping whether good or bad i was thinking it maybee safer if they were clipped but the breeder did it anyway so no choice.


thanks for the advice anymore welcome ive been sat in the room with her all day on my computer and shes been out of her cage and shes getting closer and closer to me ive not tried going to her or anything i whistle to her when she whistles to me and im talking to her softley

ill keep going and hope she comes around

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Hi Tigger congratulations on your new baby. Just give your new baby a little time to get use to you and her new surrounding. Talk to her calmly and offer her treats. There is a lot of information in the Nursery Room about baby greys. Can't wait to see some pictures when you get a chance. What is your new baby's name?

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well im not sure what sex my grey is so i thought id call her charlie which is a good name for ither boy or girl,


I got up this morning and she didnt growl at me when i came into her room which is good, i came and sat down at my computer and she started whisling at me, so i think staying with her all day yesterday and not going near her has made her feel more comfortable with me.


ill keep everyone updated on our progress and ill post some pics soon

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Update on charlie


Not to much change can get a little closer to her without her growling at me, she wont take any food of me yet but im working on it, thought i might try giving her some fruit with a spoon so i dont have to get to close and see if she will take it.


she is very interested in my laptop every time i go out of the room and come back in shes sat on my keybourd and pressing buttons with her beak its very funny


was also thinking about putting her in my smaller cage so she can come into the living room and she can see and hear everything thats going on and hopefully get used to us quicker, cause at the moment she is in the spare room and only sees me on my computer.

any ideas on this

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Yes her cage needs to be in the room where you spend most of your waking time, she needs to feel she is part of the family and she wants to be where all the action is taking place, my bird's cages are in the family room where we spend most of the time when at home. She just wants to be a part of the "flock" and you are that for her.

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I have perches and boings all over my house so I can take my fids into all the rooms. They enjoy being where the "action" is. If they want they hop down and return to their cages for water or a snack. If they want back up on their perches or boings they stand on my feet or nip at my toes until I pick them up. This works for us as they are out of their cages whenever I am home and not sleeping.

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It sounds like you are making good progress. It may seem like its going slowly but its the right thing to do and well worth it in the end.

Try and have your grey Charlie in the family room if possible, they love to be involved and see everything thats going on. This will get Charlie familiar with your daily routine and household noises etc.

Keep taking things slowly, babies do adapt quite easily, I hope everything continues to go well.


Great name choice, my eldest grey is also a Charlie and he loves to tell me his name constantly lol.


Keep us all updated and would love to see some pictures.

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