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My new family member


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Your new baby is getting cuter everyday I just love all the photo's like Dan said it's a real treat to watch this little guy grow we are so used to seeing parrots grow up and all though they are all so beautiful its really nice to see a different kind of baby grow. Thank you for sharing an keeping us updated

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It is exactly 1 week since we have had Mocha. Pics taken 1/2 hour ago.




Look at those feathers. They are growing every seconds.






Do I look like a toad?




Mocha is getting stronger. He was perching on the plastic aquarium for a few minutes until he lost his balance.

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What a great photo of Mocha, wow looks like bombs away, I hadn't realized he grows so fast, that is a lot of growth in one week.


Please continue to post pictures here every day if you like for it seems he does change quickly, you are so lucky to have him.

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I'll take two - never know when I need to send them off in different directions to handle situations...lol.


I've never seen a mynah before, but remember my dad's favorite story about one he encountered. Seems it was at a friends house they visited and the first time there the bird scared dad half to death. Dad was from West Virginia (remember mid 1950's) and had never heard of this type of bird. His curiosity about the "thing" in the cage got the best of him and he had to see what was under the cover. So he peeked in, and the bird responded "Oh he## you scared the sh*t out of me". Of course everyone got a great laugh, and we know why the bird was covered when company came over.


Mocha is quite beautiful even for being in the "ugly duckling" stage. Watching his growth is quite amazing. Thank you so much for the updates and sharing this beautiful baby with us.





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Tycos_mom wrote:

He's growing quickly he's starting to get Quite good looking. has he started trying to talk or mimic anything yet? I won't be long now he will have all his feathers and look just like a grown up bird. He getting very pretty. How old is he now?


He has yet to talk. Just chirping for food when he's hungry. Koko has added a new word to his vocabs. She knows how to say Mocha.


Mocha is approx 5 months old. He has been seen preening quite often. And yesterday, I saw him doing some wings flapping exercise. His head is growing more "hair". He looks handsomer now. Koko dares to go near him. Koko no longer see him as a little monster from Hell.

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Oh wow he's coming into himself beautifully what a pretty bird he is getting to be. He still has a few paint brushes on his tail but by the looks of things in another couple days they will be gone. his wings are beautiful I love how shiny and black they are so is s/he male or female I sure love that face he looks so different from when he was just a little tiny guy wow just really pretty thank you so much for sharing all the pictures with us its been a real treat to watch this little guy grow and develop into a gorgeous Big bird.

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