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What a sweet little baby I love that little mouth and look at all the sweet baby down fluff what a cutie I look forward to seeing pictures and video's as he grows I bet he's going to be one very handsome fid. I don't know much about these birds are the mostly fruit eaters like the Tocan or do they eat the same things parrots eat? how big will he get? Sorry for all the questions Ijust love learning about different species of birds and how they are different from parrots. How old are they when the wean on average?

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Hill Mynahs are the most beautiful birds in the mynah family. They wean at 3-4 months on the average and start talking between ages of 2 and 4 months. They are soft bill and they do not have a crop like parrot. Seeds and nuts are not suitable for them. Their diet consists of small insects and fruits. Average life span is short at an average of 10 years. Some could live up to 20 years but this is very rare.


They are good at mimicking sounds like Grey, their clarity of speech is very human like, far better than any species of parrots.


These birds are very common in my country. They are much cheaper than parrots and thus making them more popular among bird lovers.


Our local species is protected by law. The export of this bird is prohibited.

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luvparrots wrote:

Sanggay, what was the sound on the last video?? Can you tell us a little more about this breed of bird?? How large will Mocha grow?


That was his chirping sound asking for food. The sound recorded on the vid doesn't sound original. The Malaysian species grows up to 12".

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What a beautiful and interesting little one you have there. I have looked at some photos of them when fully grown, how amazing! I am fascinated to see how this little one grows!

Just out of curiosity, what are the Hill Mynah's personalities like? Are they very friendly, do they bond to just one person?


:) Karma to you for taking on this little one.

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This is my 1st mynah. From what I found out from other owners, they do bond with their owner/ owners. They talk at will regardless you are strangers or not. They are quite intelligent. They know how to use the right words to communicate like Greys.


Like parrot, Hill Mynah needs to interact with all the family members otherwise he will bond to the caretaker only.


Mocha was getting some Vit D from the sun this morning.





DSC_0064-1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: dhorje, at: 2009/08/16 03:49

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What a cute baby Mynah, congratulations!!


Mynahs are wonderful birds. We had a Greater Indian Hill Mynah from the time it was weaned until it's death at 11 years old. We purchased it right after we were married and I must say it kept us and our children laughing constantly.


Although, when our first son was born, the competition between the our son crying and "Jack" imitating him kept us on our toes.....never knew which one it was, if in the same room. :P


You are in for a huge treat, as I'm sure you already know. :-)

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danmcq wrote:

What a cute baby Mynah, congratulations!!


Mynahs are wonderful birds. We had a Greater Indian Hill Mynah from the time it was weaned until it's death at 11 years old. We purchased it right after we were married and I must say it kept us and our children laughing constantly.


Although, when our first son was born, the competition between the our son crying and "Jack" imitating him kept us on our toes.....never knew which one it was, if in the same room. :P


You are in for a huge treat, as I'm sure you already know. :-)


Did your mynah keeps on learning after 2 years of age? I heard most would stop learning new vocabs after 2.



Char wrote:

Mocha is so cute ugly. As all birds are at that age. I love the name.


He's kind of ugly. His head looks like some kind of pre-historic lizard.:lol:

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I know Jack did pick up new words and sounds well after 2 years of age. However, that was 20 years ago and I can not be certain when or if he seemed to ever stop picking up new ones.


I can say however, the sometimes fire hose type poops squirting out from the soft diet, left a long lasting memory as they hit walls and stained the carpet. :pinch: :P

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danmcq wrote:


I can say however, the sometimes fire hose type poops squirting out from the soft diet, left a long lasting memory as they hit walls and stained the carpet. :pinch: :P


Years ago I looked into getting a Mynah and when the pet shop owner told me the poop sprays everywhere I reconsidered.;)

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It will be so interesting to follow the growth of a mynah bird. I can remember as a young child a mynah called Laura who lived in a local shop.Its funny how some things stick in your mind.Please keep us informed of developments.

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I was feeding Mocha some powdery stuff yesterday. Koko was watching on my shoulder. After feeding, Koko kept on saying "milk". "Milk" means wanna eat. So I made her Kaytee Handfeeding Formula. Normally I add Kaytee to her oatmeal because she doesn't want to be handfed anymore. She won't take Kaytee by hand feeding.

But yesterday Koko enjoyed her Kaytee by hand feeding.

She wanna be a baby again like Mocha.:laugh:

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