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This is awful


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Harley let me touch his chest for the first time a couple minutes ago.

I cannot believe how skinny he is his keel bone has no fat or muscle at all I'm really kinda worried now I've never felt anything like that before no wonder he was gobbling his food the poor boy was literally starving to death. Do you think I should give him a supplement I have some prime vitamins for birds and do you think red palm oil would help him? His keel bone is protruding so far out there is just nothing on either side. I feel sick how can some one do this to such a beautiful bird.OMG I want to cry

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That is unbelievable, no wonder he was gobbling his food, poor thing has been starved for so long. I would feed him all he will eat and by all means include some red palm oil in his food but this will take some time to get some meat on his bones. You may want to consult with your avian vet to see what he/she recommends, how some people can live with themselves is beyond me.

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Oh I just thought of something what about the 3 other birds she has. I know she has the M2 up for sale for 1000. but the other 2 she is keeping DYH and a IRN. these poor birds are dyeing a slow agonizing death giving them just barely enough food to keep them alive. Should I call the SPCA or the Humane Society. No wonder Harley would bite her I'd bite her too. The night I brought Harley home I let him out of the carrier on top of his cage. Then I wasn't sure how I was going to get him to go into it. I filled up his dishes with all kinds of food and that bird couldn't get into the cage fast enough he literally gobbled everything I gave him and continued to do that for the first 3or4 days it was like he was afraid he would never eat again. But now I understand this poor bird was starving. its just so awful. Talk about abuse to the max

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Pat, you owe it to these other little guys to report it, I'm sure you already know it in your heart.


As for Harley, I think he will be ok now, if he is able to gobble-up his food as you describe then he will be able to satisfy his hunger on his own, just ensure the food you are giving him is good quality food (which I'm sure it is anyway) and of a wide variety and yes I think suppliments would be a good idea until he builds his strength up.


God bless this little guy, he is adorable and he obviously sees you as his saviour - which you are Pat. Karma to you.

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Pat, RPO would certainly help. Macaws in the wild eat tons of Palm fruit including the nut inside.


As you have already described, I would just keep all the food in front of him you have. You know he won't over eat. It takes time to put weight on.


I don't remember if you have taken Harley to a vet yet or not. But, since you mention supplements, I would take him in for a full blood Panel. Starvation can cause several serious health issues that only your vet could diagnose and recommend the best treatment to get him back on track quickly.

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I made an appointment with the vet for this Friday as soon as I felt his keel protruding like that. I figure if I have a vet to back me when I report that woman I have a better chance of helping the other birds. the birds look healthy because they have feathers covering their bodys anyone that doesn't know about birds is going to walk in there and walk back out. I want something in writing from my vet so those birds will get the help they need. I don't think Harley is sick he's vocal and happy and active but he definatly eats he eats until his crop is full I've never seen that with my birds since they where babies I guess right now he just wants to make sure he's not going to be hungry. I feel so sorry for him. No wonder he has bonded to me so quickly I feed him all this wonderful food he's never had before. He lays on his back on my lap that's unheard of after only having a bird 10 days. I guess he sees me as his savior

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Well when you have been starved for so long having such a bountiful spread put before him no wonder he thinks you are his savior and you are and he is showing his gratitude, the lucky fella.


I hope you are able to help the other birds there where you got Harley for they are in the same shape and they deserve better treatment than what they are getting.

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OMG! I'm not worried about Harley, because I know that he'll be in prime, tip top condition with your care and attention - but those poor other birds. He bonded to you quickly because he knows where he's best off!!


I'd report her alright - what an evil, evil woman she is. She can't be allowed to treat the other birds in this way - they don't have a "Pat" to rescue them. :(

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I hope something can be done Pat.I looked at a photo you posted hear when Harley first came home and one you posted just the other day, I comented that Harley looked as if he has put weight on.How about taking the two photos to the vet as some evidence.I could see Harley looking better in such a short time.

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This is so sad Pat, it really upset me.

Who could starve any animal? I would rather go without than see my birds go hungry.


You do what you feel is needed, if you think you will get help and support then report her.


Keep us posted with the vets visit, I hope everything will be ok:)

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Oh Pat karma to you for such a fantastic, true rescue. You have done something amazing with saving poor Harley and I know he will flourish under your care.

As for the other birds, I know you'll do the right thing and well done for sticking up for them, they really need you. What a horrible woman, who could do something like that to such incredible creatures?

Keep us posted Pat.

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I phoned the Spca and the humane sociaty anyway even though I haven't seen my vet yet. I told them about Harley and I told them that the birds look healthy because she sprays them all the time because they spend alot of time outside so they get hot and need to cool down. I told them to check their keel bone and breasts of the bird and then they could tell how skinny they are. I also told them that I was taking Harley to the vet on Tue and would show the a vet report from my vet. They said that they could go check them out but as longs as the birds had food and water there is not much they could do. They did say that a letter from a Qualified Avian Vet would help to start an investigation into this. So I guess I'm going to have to wait until Tuesday.

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I don't if she did it intentionally and really hate to think that anyone would. I know that the family has fallen on hard times. her husband lost his job and the bills were mounting up pretty badly that's one of the reasons she was rehoming the birds apparently she owed the utility company 1700. dollars and they where going to cut it off if she didn't come up with the money quickly they are a family of 4 and they also have 12 horses and 4 dogs the doges and horses all look well fed and healthy so I really don't understand it maybe she just doesn't realize how much a bird needs to eat to be healthy and like I said she only fed Harley about a 1/4 maybe a 1/3 of a cup of seed twice a day and as soon as he stopped eating she would take his dish away so he wouldn't dump it. I have noticed he really doesn't eat much of his seeds I don't think he likes them much he eats the pellets out of them and leave pretty much everything else she bought Bulk parrot mix which has nothing in it except safflower sunflower and peanuts so who knows I guess she just couldn't afford to feed them high quality food she did say they where very expensive to feed and she was always looking for the cheapest food for them. I really hate to think anyone would do this to a bird on purpose.

I know she said she sold 3 of her horses too I guess they are just trying to some how make ends meet.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/16 22:57

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