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My sad loss.


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Ive not felt ready to post really till now but Ive had a very sad week this week.

I lost my Grandma on Saturday, she had been poorly for a few months and although it was in some way expected it has hit me really hard.

I have been in close contact with my close forum friends and I want to thnk them for all their Love and support they have been a god send but I obviously havn't been on the forum as much as you can understand.

Theres so much to sort out this week, I hope to go visit the Chapel of rest to visit some time tomorrow.


R.I.P Grandma,my thoughts and love will always be with you:kiss:

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Caroline I know this has hit you hard but as I told you before, the pain of your loss will pass as death is an inevitable part of living, its a fate we all must face sooner or later.


You have your memories of her to cherish now but your friends here are ready to help you if you need it, all you have to do is ask but you have my condolenses on your loss and I am thinking of you as you go thru the next couple of days.

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So sorry to hear that your grandma has passed away Caroline, it's a hard time for you and this woman who has been present all of your life is all of a sudden is gone - it's a shock even though she has been poorly for a time.


She'll have moulded your ideals, and taught you right for wrong, and now you have these thoughts to look back on. She's gone, but will never be forgotten.


Look back with happiness the times you've shared and the laughs you've had - and think about her faults too - they'll make you laugh when you think of them in the future - I know I think of my grandmother this way after her passing. My thoughts are with you tomorrow when you go to visit her. Jill xx

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Caroline, I've been thinking about you since hearing your sad news. I know this is a tough time for you but you will get through it and as someone else said, you will think of your grandmother in the future and smile as I do mine. As my grandmother got older she became unafraid to speak her mind often to our embarrassement but of course we look back now and laugh about it, happy memories. We miss her but we have that and you will too although you are probably too upset to think about that now.

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